
A few days ago…

Fr. Paulson came to the church. He seemed very desperate. He asked to see the senior for some reason. He was in a hurry. On the way he saw John and said,

-"John. I need your help. First let me talk to the senior. Please get ready, we need to go somewhere."

John didn't understand what he was saying or why he was so desperate.

He followed Fr. Paulson.

In the office the head of the priests were sitting. His name was Fr. Andrewson. He was busy with his work. Fr. Paulson charged into the office, he even forgot to ask permission.

With a desperate face Fr. Paulson said,

-"Father. I need your help. It is a matter of urgency. I can't wait, not even a second."

Fr. Sebastian was standing beside Fr. Andrewson. He became angry because he felt it was rude for Fr. Paulson came in without asking permission. He said in a strong voice,

-"It's inappropriate for you to charge in like this Father Paulson. You are supposed to ask permission before entering a room of higher officials. Where are your manners?"

Fr. Paulson's face changed. He said,

-"I apologize for my inappropriate approach

Fr. Sebastian, Fr. Andrewson. But it was a matter of great urgency. Someone's life is on the line."

Fr. Sebastian wasn't planning on forgiving. He said with an angry face,

-"Whatever the matter is you should…"

Before he could finish Fr. Andrewson showed his hand to Fr. Sebastian to stop.

Fr. Andrewson smiled at Fr. Paulson and said,

-"No need to apologize Fr. Paulson. I can see your desperate face. Without any more intrusion just tell me the matter. Why have you come here in such a great urgency?"

Fr. Paulson used his hands to clear his face. After that he said,

-"Father, there is an evil spirit. It has possessed a woman. It uses her body to kidnap an innocent child and the evil spirit threatens to kill the kid."

Fr. Andrewson thought about it for a second and said,

-"Even if it's a possessed woman. This is a matter for the police to handle. They must do the negotiation.There is nothing we can do until she lets go of that kid. So why have you come here?"

Fr. Paulson came forward and said,

-"It's all already happened, father. The evil spirit says it wants to prove its power. It says it wants the strongest priest there is to do an exorcism on it. The evil spirit wants to challenge us. It says no one is strong enough."

Fr. Andrewson started thinking. He realized the situation is crucial. He started thinking about whom to send.

Fr. Paulson said,

-"Father, we don't have time to ask permission from higher officials. Please we need someone who doesn't have to ask permission for an exorcism."

Fr. Andrewson looked at Fr. Paulson. That time Fr. Sebastian came forward and said,

-"I'll go father. Let me take care of this?"

Fr. Paulson looked at Fr. Sebastian. It was clear that Fr. Paulson didn't want Fr. Sebastian to go with him. Fr. Sebastian was a cruel man. He will do anything to succeed but in exorcism he was like a devil. He never cared about the possessed victims or their family. All he care was his own victory and glory.

Fr. Andrewson looked at Fr. Sebastian and asked,

-"Are you sure you can handle this?"

Fr. Sebastian smirked and said,

-" I can handle anything, father."

Suddenly Fr. Paulson intervened and said,

-"No father. Please. Just let me take John. He's best for the situation. And I have experience in working with him. His ways are more gentle than others."

John was standing outside hearing everything they were talking. Fr. Sebastian became more angry and barked at Fr. Paulson,

-"Are you saying that a child such as John is better than me? Are you saying that my ways are wrong? I have been doing this job even before John was born in this world."

Fr. Andrewson tried to calm him down. He said,

-"He didn't mean anything like that Fr. Sebastian. He just made a suggestion."

Fr. Paulson looked down and said,

-"I didn't mean to offend you Fr. Sebastian. Forgive me. It's just my personal opinion. Final decision will be taken by Fr. Andrewson."

Fr. Andrewson started thinking again. He looked at the rooftop and stayed like that for a moment. After that he looked at Fr. Paulson and said,

-"John is gifted, that's for sure. But he's still a child. But Fr. Sebastian is also an exorcist with the permission to do exorcism. And as he said he has more experience which John lacks. I think it's better we let Fr. Sebastian handles this. I'll also send Fr. Michael to assist him. You also help them in it, Fr Paulson.

Let's trust Fr. Sebastian to succeed in this quest."

Fr. Sebastian kept a smirking on his face.

Fr. Paulson became disappointed. He walked outside after asking permission. He saw John standing outside. They both went to another corner of the church to talk.

Fr. Paulson started talking with a frustrated face,

-" John. I came here with a hope in my mind. Now I lost it. I was hoping to convince the senior to take you along with me. But instead they convinced me that Fr. Sebastian is better for handling this problem."

John looked at Fr. Paulson and said,

-"Do not worry about it. Fr. Sebastian is a skilled priest who has the permission to do exorcism. He will do it for sure. Just have faith in God. He will always help us."

Fr. Paulson exhaled heavily and said,

-"it's not like I lost faith in God John. It's just sometimes the evil will overpower everything and we will lose too much before we succeed. Fr. Sebastian is good at his work but when it comes to human lives he's like he's enjoying punishing those victims. Sera is a good woman. Peter and Sera have lost so much. They can't lose each other too. It's too soon for them."

John was shocked and looking at Fr. Paulson from the moment he heard their names. He asked,

-"Sera and Peter? You mean uncle Peter and aunt Sera that live in the farm house? On the outskirts of Amon town?"

Fr. Paulson became curious. He asked,

-"Do you know them?"

John's face become wider and said,

-"Yes I know them. I even visited their house a couple of times. I knew them since I used to come to your church. They are very nice people."

Fr. Paulson looked down with a desperate face. He said,

-"That's what I said. They are good people. Now they have a problem, and they are at the mercy of the cruelest man in our church."

John put his hand on Fr. Paulson's shoulder and said,

-" Hey… don't say that. Fr. Sebastian is a good man. He will save them."

Fr. Paulson's face didn't change. He was thinking that his hopes were doomed.

John understood that. He read Fr. Paulson's face is like an open book. John said,

-"Just go with him and don't worry. I'll be right behind you. If something happens I'll take care of it. Even if it is Fr. Sebastian doing something wrong I'll stop him from hurting anyone."

Fr. Paulson's face became wider in happiness. He felt that the hope isn't completely lost yet.