The cruelest man

With the hope of John taking care of everything Fr. Paulson's face changed. He said,

-"Thank you John. Just your words about coming over to help, gives me the hope of winning against this evil spirit."

John smiled and said,

-"Hey father, thank me after I do something about it."

Fr. Paulson breathed heavily and said,

-"No John. You don't understand the releaf I got after hearing your words. It's really reassuring."

John holded Fr. Paulson's hand and said,

-"Lets just hope Fr. Sebastian will succeed this without any problems."

-"I will succeed. There is no need for a child like you to worry about my victory."

John and Fr. Paulson looked back. It was Fr. Sebastian. He overheard the last words they said. He was all ready to go. Fr. Michael was with him. He had an evil grin on his face. He said,

-"Looks like someone's having a secret meeting."

Fr. Paulson and John looked at Fr. Michael.

Fr. Sebastian smirked and said,

-"John. Just forget it. Filling his mind with your ideals won't work here. I already got the senior's permission to do the exorcism and you can't do anything about it."

John realized that Fr. Sebastian misunderstood and he knew saying something back to him won't work. Fr. Sebastian is so stubborn and he won't listen. Fr. Paulson came forward and said,

-"We were not saying anything wrong about you. We were just worried about the family."

Fr. Sebastian walked forward and stopped after a few steps. He said without looking back,

-"I'm not expecting this kid to say any truth about me. But I don't care about it. After this exorcism my name is going to be well-known to the entire world."

John started thinking what the hell is he saying. He assumed that Fr. Sebastian is planning something big.

Fr. Paulson also realized talking with Fr. Sebastian is a waste of time. He said,

-"John, I'll see you later. Let me take them to the needed ones."

Fr. Paulson took Fr. Sebastian and Fr. Michael left with him. John quickly went to his room and swiftly got ready to follow them.

Fr. Paulson and others reached Peter's house. They parked the vehicle in front of another house and started walking because Peter's front road was filled with police cars. The police already managed to get rid of the media.

Fr. Sebastian was analyzing the place while they were walking towards the house. Fr. Michael and Fr. Paulson was holding the equipment for the exorcism.

Fr. Sebastian noticed that there was only one house that completely looked like it's night time. There were black clouds and lightning coming out of it. It was Peter's house.

Fr. Sebastian walked towards the house without any guidance because it was obvious that it's the place.

Fr. Sebastian stopped in front of the house and looked at it from the road. He turned around and started looking at the opposite side.

There was a lot of crowd including the police and the family of the kid who's been abducted.

The police chief came forward and he saluted Fr. Sebastian to show respect. He said,

-"Father, the situation is crucial. Please do something quickly before something bad happens. The kid is an asthma patient. And if the hypertension gives her an asthma attack the kid's life will be in danger even without the crazy woman doing something to the kid."

Fr. Sebastian didn't show any signs of hearing those words from the chief. He avoided every single word the chief said.

Fr. Michael cleared his voice to get the chief's attention and then he said,

-"Do not worry, officer.

Fr. Sebastian is the best exorcist in the world. He will only act when the time is right. With his presence the evil spirit will be already scared and it won't do anything reckless."

The chief looked at Fr. Michael. He understood he cannot do anything about it. Wasting every second is dangerous for the kid.

The kid's mother and father were desperately trying to push their way into the house. But the police stopped them.

The mother pushed her way in and came near Fr. Sebastian and started begging to him,

-"Father please do something. Please help my child. She's only six years old. She is an asthma patient. She cannot handle this kind of pressure. Please father, I beg you to help us. She's my only child."

Fr. Sebastian looked at her. But his eyes didn't contact her's, instead it was scanning her whole body. He smiled and put his hand on her shoulder. He said,

-"Oh I'll do anything for you, my child. We are here to serve you all. Don't worry about your girl, I'll take care of her. And you said that she's your only child right? After all this you should come to my prayer hall. We will do a special prayer just for you."

The mother realized that this guy is just a devil in disguise. She felt disgust and shame on him.

She looked at Fr. Michael and saw the same look on him. At the same time Fr. Paulson said,

-"Please don't worry. Just go back to your husband, everything will be taken care of."

She pushed Fr. Sebastians hand and walked back.

On the way she looked back at Fr. Paulson.

He showed her a sign that he will take care of her daughter.

But the little show he did made some murmuring inside the crowd. The people understand the real face of Fr. Sebastian.

While they were waiting, a vehicle came so fast. It stopped and a woman with a mike and a man with a camera came running out of it. The police stopped them.

Fr. Sebastian looked at the police and said,

-"Let them through. They are with me."

The chief said they have strict instructions not to let the media in. But Fr. Sebastian insisted on taking them with him.

They walked towards the house. Inside the house there was Peter waiting for them. He was too afraid to get out because the crowd might hurt him for his wife abducting a child.

Peter praised the god when he saw Father Sebastian. But Fr. Sebastian walked towards the room where Fr. Paulson told. Fr. Paulson was coming right behind him and he also praised the god as a respect. He promised that he will take care of Sera.

They walked towards the room. It was on the top floor and it was locked from outside. Peter opened the door. Fr. Sebastian and Fr. Michael walked into it. Fr Paulson followed them and he put down everything he was carrying.

They looked inside the room but it was a little messy and empty. Fr. Paulson noticed the noise coming out of the closet.

He walked towards the closet but Fr. Sebastian stopped him. He said,

-"Fr. Paulson, do not do anything without my permission from here on. First set these light's on every corner. Set up everything we brought here. And Peter, sir you might be safe outside. Just trust us and give us the room."

Peter slowly walked outside. At the same time Julia the reporter and her cameraman came inside.

The black and white fur cat was sitting on the window and watching everything foolish they were doing.

After setting everything, Fr. Sebastian told Fr. Paulson to open the closet. He didn't know why but suddenly he felt a heavy weight on his chest.

Slowly he walked towards the closet and opened it. Suddenly he fell back like he saw something really scary.

It was Sera, she was covered in blood and the kid wasn't anywhere to be seen.

Suddenly something came out of the closet, rolling towards Fr. Paulson like some thrown it.

It was a head…