Is it the same curse

Father Jacob and Father Paulson decided to go on and talk to the house's of people who went missing and came back. Sister Veronica and Priya along with the town's men walked towards the outskirts of the town. When they reached there Priya noticed a woman in the woods. She decided to follow her. Priya said,

"Sister Veronica, you talk to the town's men, I'll be right back."

Sister Veronica didn't ask her where she's going, because she saw the woman in the woods. The woman realized that Priya saw her and she started to walk away.

Sister Veronica looked at Nat and showed her a sign to go with Priya. Nat understood that and flew towards her.The woman seemed like she was scared. She ran too deep into the forest. Priya and Nat also followed.

Sister Veronica asked the town's men,