Her memories

Priya looked at the side where she heard footsteps. It was faint because of the snow but still they heard it clearly because there were no other sounds. Nat said,

"Don't worry. It's Veronica."

Within seconds Priya saw the figure coming towards her. She saw its sister Veronica and she waited for her to get closer. Veronica reached in front of Priya and asked,

"What happened? Why did you suddenly say that and come all this way? Who was that lady?"

Priya said,

"She's inside that small house. I think she made it herself. I don't know who she is or what happened to her. All I know is that she's me without grandma Soya."

Sister Veronica looked at Priya. She understood that the feelings inside Priya were too deep for that lady. That time a huge Bird flew away making a loud noise. Nat becomes scared and she falls on top of sister Veronica.