Milan part 5

Milan saw Gilbert was going down. His struggle made it too fast for him to be consumed by the sands. Milan looked around and found a strong vine. He threw it to Gilbert and Gilbert caught it. Milan pulled the vine and Gilbert got out of it. Gilbert said,

"Tha… thanks. You saved my life."

Milan didn't say anything, he just smiled. They started walking again. But for Gilbert it was a big thing. Not just because Milan saved his life but also he's one of the few people who cares about Gilbert.

On the way they saw a monkey, they felt it was mocking them. They didn't mind it and moved forward. The forest was full of amazing things, but they concentrated on their goal. That time it started raining. Milan looked at the raindrops falling from the plant's leaves. Milan started remembering again,

It was raining and Kaala was walking outside. He moved into the rain and walked away.