Milan part 6

Milan's eyes shine brightly, it was his first time seeing a yogi that only heard from the stories.

Milan said,

" It's my first time seeing a yogi, I always wanted to meet one so I could ask their help to remove my curse. "

Kaala said,

"Milan, you don't have any curse. It's your mind that makes you believe it. Once you are healed, I will teach you something and I'm sure it will help you reach your destiny."

Milan smiled brightly after hearing Kaala's words. Kaala resumed his meditation, and Milan slowly drifted off to sleep.

It had been a week since Kaala began treating Milan's vasoori, the once untreatable disease that had plagued Milan. But with Kaala's expertise and dedication, the vasoori had knelt down before him. His medicine proved to be the antidote, defeating the vasoori, and now Milan was in excellent health.