First round

Veronica: "There is no other way Natasha you have to possess me."

Natasha: "Veronica, I know you already told me to possess you, but I don't think it's the best idea. I don't like to possess you or anyone else. If I possess Priya instead, there's a risk I might get stuck inside her. I don't want to put anyone in danger."

Veronica: "But Natasha, we need your help in this battle. If you possess me, we can use our combined powers to fight off the Carvinines more effectively. We can't afford to hold back now."

Natasha: "I understand, but I don't want to take that risk. What if something goes wrong and I can't get out of your body? I can't bear the thought of being trapped like that."

Veronica: "I see your concern, Natasha, but we're running out of options here. We need your strength to defeat the Carvinines and protect our village. We'll do everything we can to ensure your safety. Besides you remember I can pull you out of my body whenever I want to."