
As they reached the next underground shelter, John's frustration reached a boiling point. Unable to contain the pent-up emotions any longer, he lashed out, his fist colliding with the unforgiving concrete wall with a resounding thud. The sharp pain that shot through his hand paled in comparison to the ache in his heart, the weight of his perceived failure bearing down on him like a crushing weight.

Sister Veronica rushed to his side, her heart breaking at the sight of her son's anguish. Wrapping her arms around him, she tried to offer words of comfort, her voice a soothing balm amidst the storm of emotions raging within him. But John's facade crumbled, his tears flowing freely as he allowed himself to finally release the torrent of emotions he had been holding back for so long.

"I'm sorry, Mom,"

John choked out between sobs, his voice raw with pain and self-recrimination.