Milan's memories part 3

The thing kaala gave to Milan was Thaliyola* ( palm-leaf manuscript ), Milan didn't know what to do with this he looked at kaala.

Kaala smiled and explained to him what it is,

"Milan, the thing I gave you is known as Thaliyola. It is a traditional palm-leaf manuscript, a tangible piece of our cultural heritage. Do you know how to read and write?"

Milan said to kaala while looking down

" Yes, I know how to read and write. My father and mother taught me that. My father was a merchant."

Milan continued to say

"When that disaster occurred I lost everything, father...mother and the friends in the village everything. In the first few years I had my father's small shop, but when an astrologer came to our village and predicted that I'm the cursed child, everyone in the village destroyed my father's shop.....That was the only thing I have left from my parents."