Milan's memories part 4

Kaala was meditating at the entrance of the cave, night became even more cold by each passing moment.

The crescent moon hides behind some clouds, it feels like it is hiding. As the moon hid and the moonlight became dull a pair of red eyes appeared behind a tree.

That thing walked towards kaala, he opened his eyes and saw a black panther standing in front of him. Kaala looked at that wolf and then took his wooden cane and stood up.

That black panther jumped at kaala while holding its mouth wide open, kaala gripped the cane tightly and said

" Kallu! Stop. "

Suddenly that black panther stopped and started to purr like a house cat, it came close to kaala and licked on his face.


" Stop kallu, stop! You're tickling me. "

Kaala put down the wooden cane that he was holding and started to pet kallu, the moon once again came out from the shadows of the clouds and started to look at them.