The harsh process

Delilah took a deep breath before supporting herself on her fists as she bent her knees. 

Her honey-red eyes turned golden, and she looked up. Blood still dripped from the corner of her mouth as her nails turned into claws. A white furry tail appeared behind her while her body remained human. 

A demonic smile appeared on her face. 

"Continue," Delilah said, her voice a tone deeper. 

Everyone watched her in surprise when she walked to the middle of the star again. 

According to what they knew, the pain of the transformation, as late as what Delilah went through, was equal to breaking 15 bones simultaneously while the spine transforms for real. 

And since she didn't transform completely, it was no rocket science that she stopped her transformation midway. 

The sheer determination and control needed over yourself to do so was complimentary. They held respect in their hearts for her.