Her mother face looked puzzled at the question. "Goblin?" Pausing to look up at the air as if trying to recall a lost thought. Only to answer with. "No, can not say that I have? Why?"
This couldn't be correct, could it? And not like her mother did not know of the world. She had traveled in her younger years. "What about Xp? Or stats? " Alo voice started to Crack. She had been so hopeful to gain new powers and abilities but could feel her hopes shatter as her mother answered.
"Xp? Stats? Eh I don't think so my child.. are you feeling OK? Did you hit your head or something?" Her mother placing a paw on her nose to see if she was coming down with something. Mean while Alos mind races with questions.
'How can this be?'
'Have I been completing quests for nothing?'
'If I knew I would have done it differently..'
Her mind flying though thousands of other ways to have Improved herself. She thought she had levels to make up for some of her poor stats. She could feel the tiers of her face. She had always assumed goblins where in the world. How could she been so foolish?
She would hang her head looking at her stats and the impossible quest that locked her growth. 'How can this be? Is this thing broken? How am I going to kill something that doesn't exist!!!!'
[Attention Impossible Quest Detected]
[Assigning New Quest]
Kill an Oread
[Attention Impossible..]
[Assigning New..]
Kill an..
Message after message filled her head. Spamming it with notifications so much so her brain felt like it was going to break. Now joined with a new spray of information.
[Attention you taken 1 damage from the System.]
[Attention System Error System]
[Attention you been given Psychic Immunity to compensate for this Error]
[Attention you taken 1 damage from the System.]
[Attention you been given Fire Immunity to compensate for this Error]
[Attention you taken 1 damage from the System.]
[Attention you been given Fire Immunity to compensate for this Error]Attention you been given Fire Immunity to compensate for this Error]
She grabbed her head in pain as the very system she had been using had started an all out assault on her brain. Each message so close together had become her own personal hell. Her mother is shock unknowing what came over her child. One moment she had been fine. Now thrashing on the ground.
[Attention you taken 1 damage from the System.]
[Attention you have dropped to 0 health do to this Error]
[Attention you been given immortality to compensate for this Error]
[Attention you taken 1 damage from the System.]
One after another more and more updates came more quests updates to fix the issue. And more and more immunitys where given. It was until at last. One last notification rang out.
[Attention you been given System Immunity to compensate for this Error]
Her head still pounding in her skull with her mother arms wrapped around her. Rocking slowly as her soft crys reached Alos ears at last. "Please save her. I don't know what to do.." Her mother voice Crack and broken as if she had been yelling this over and over again the moment it started.
Alo lifted her head weakly and just looked into her mother eyes. "I am ok now.... I think it's over" She was still weak from the experience as the system didn't heal her just prevented her from dieing from its own Error.
She would would rest her head on her mother lap. No longer hearing the updates from, The system. Alo asn't sure what that would mean. But it would have to wait for now. For now she was too tired to sort it out.
Her mother's face looked puzzled at the question. "Goblin?" Pausing to look up at the air as if trying to recall a lost thought, only to answer with, "No, cannot say that I have. Why?"
This couldn't be correct, could it? And it's not like her mother didn't know the world; she had traveled in her younger years. "What about XP? Or stats?" Alo's voice started to crack. She had been so hopeful to gain new powers and abilities but could feel her hopes shatter as her mother answered.
"XP? Stats? Eh, I don't think so, my child. Are you feeling okay? Did you hit your head or something?" Her mother placed a paw on her nose to see if she was coming down with something. Meanwhile, Alo's mind raced with questions.
'How can this be?'
'Have I been completing quests for nothing?'
'If I knew, I would have done it differently...'
Her mind flew through thousands of other ways to have improved herself. She thought she had levels to make up for some of her poor stats. She could feel the tears on her face. She had always assumed goblins were in the world. How could she have been so foolish?
She would hang her head, looking at her stats and the impossible quest that locked her growth. 'How can this be? Is this thing broken? How am I going to kill something that doesn't exist!!!!'
[Attention Impossible Quest Detected]
[Assigning New Quest]
Kill an Oread
[Attention Impossible...]
[Assigning New...]
Kill an...
Message after message filled her head, spamming it with notifications so much that her brain felt like it was going to break. Now joined with a new spray of information.
[Attention you took 1 damage from the System.]
[Attention System Error System]
[Attention you've been given Psychic Immunity to compensate for this Error]
[Attention you took 1 damage from the System.]
[Attention you've been given Fire Immunity to compensate for this Error]
[Attention you took 1 damage from the System.]
[Attention you've been given Fire Immunity to compensate for this Error]
She grabbed her head in pain as the very system she had been using had started an all-out assault on her brain. Each message so close together had become her own personal hell. Her mother, in shock, unknowing what came over her child. One moment she had been fine, now thrashing on the ground.
[Attention you took 1 damage from the System.]
[Attention you have dropped to 0 health due to this Error]
[Attention you've been given immortality to compensate for this Error]
[Attention you took 1 damage from the System.]
One after another, more and more updates came, more quest updates to fix the issue. And more and more immunities were given. It wasn't until at last. One last notification rang out.
[Attention you've been given System Immunity to compensate for this Error]
Her head still pounding in her skull, with her mother's arms wrapped around her, rocking slowly as her soft cries reached Alo's ears at last. "Please save her. I don't know what to do..." Her mother's voice cracked and broken as if she had been yelling this over and over again the moment it started.
Alo lifted her head weakly and just looked into her mother's eyes. "I am okay now.... I think it's over." She was still weak from the experience as the system didn't heal her, just prevented her from dying from its own error.
She would rest her head on her mother's lap. No longer hearing the updates from the system. Alo wasn't sure what that would mean. But it would have to wait for now. For now, she was too tired to sort it out.