Chapter 111 Inter-school Exchange_1

"I'm certain,"

Fang Yuan nodded.

He had several reasons for choosing Reflect Wall.

Reflect Wall was a Super power set move, and Superpower involved the use of mental power.

Just as Sand Splash, Bite, Gratitude, and Quick Attack are applications of Ground, Dark, Emotion, and General Series energies respectively.

Most Pokemon have mental power, but only Psychic System Elves and a few others capable of learning Super power set moves can proficiently use mental power against enemies.

Therefore, it was very difficult for Eevee to train its mental power.

Mental power, or intention, is a special kind of energy released by the consciousness of life, an energy Fang Yuan had tried many methods to train effectively, without knowing exactly how.

But now, there was an opportunity.

With the Super power set move secret book, he could at least gain some inspiration for training mental power, right?

Although Eevee couldn't learn moves like Confusion or Psyshock, its Substitute Technique was closely related to mental power, which Fang Yuan could not overlook.

The degree of Eevee's proficiency with the Substitute Technique, which Fang Yuan considered to have much greater strategic importance than Shadow Clone, depended on its mental power.

Without daring to directly develop Eevee's brain domain with the Payback Technique, training mental power to develop the brain domain was Fang Yuan's only choice.

Besides, what Little Magnetic Monster currently needed to train the most was mental power as well.

With its Awakened power being of the Psychic attribute, a stronger mental power would undoubtedly elevate its mastery of that power. Thus, perhaps Fang Yuan could apply the Reflect Wall moves secret book to both Pokemon!


After seeing Fang Yuan make his decision, Zhuang Xin wanted to say something else but eventually gave up.

She was particularly worried that Eevee wouldn't have enough energy to learn both Shadow Ball and Reflect Wall at the same time.

If Eevee could master Shadow Ball, a Ghost Type move, combined with its current basic qualities, it would undoubtedly be amongst the top tier in the upcoming provincial high school Pokemon battle competition.

But now, Eevee would have to also focus on learning Reflect Wall, a move no less difficult than Shadow Ball, and Zhuang Xin feared that Eevee would not have enough energy and end up mastering neither.

"Since you've already decided, let's go with that,"

"Trainers should trust their first instinct."

At this moment, Yang Han approached and said to Fang Yuan.

"Hmm..." Fang Yuan didn't explain why he had chosen the two moves with the highest learning difficulty. He couldn't very well say that with the Retribution Training Method, Eevee hardly needed to spend time on basic training!

For Eevee, the time and energy spent on the most time-consuming basic training could be completely invested in studying moves, ensuring progress on both fronts.

"Right, why don't you take a look at the teaching method for Shadow Ball first?"

Yang Han came over, smiling, and handed Fang Yuan a notebook.

"Shadow Ball is something I exchanged from a Professional Trainer in the provincial city, at a considerable cost."

"The Reflect Wall cheat book is something left here by an old predecessor of the Pingcheng Trainer Association. Although it's not some profound cheat book, its Psychic attribute makes it quite valuable, so you got quite the bargain,"

Yang Han said slowly.


Fang Yuan became alert.

This development... Why did it feel like the prelude he used when he fooled Eevee?

Forget it, never mind.

Afterward, Fang Yuan opened the Shadow Ball's Moves Secret book and briefly scanned it... and suddenly, everything went dark before his eyes.

It was supposed to be a learning method, but more than half of the content was about how to grasp Ghost Energy through various resources.

The whole thing was about two big words — Pay to Win.

Truly creating joy with a salary.

"The Association should provide resources for learning Shadow Ball, right...?" Fang Yuan blinked and asked.

He looked at Zhuang Xin, every time he performed exceptionally well in practical training, surpassing Lin Jing and Liu Le, it was Zhuang Xin who gave Fang Yuan rewards and grants.

"Hehe..." Zhuang Xin did not respond, instead looking towards Yang Han.

This look made Fang Yuan understand that he could get his hands on the Moves Secret books for Shadow Ball and Reflect Wall so early mostly thanks to Yang Han.

"Even if you join the New Star Program, it doesn't mean you can have unlimited resources. The New Star Program aims to cultivate... Hence, only after promising newcomers show good training results will they be favored with more resources," said Yang Han.

"I can do that," Fang Yuan said with a serious expression.

You can distrust me, but you cannot distrust Eevee.

"What you say doesn't count, but hey, there's an opportunity coming up for you to show off," Yang Han finally showed his 'fox tail'.

Is that so...I anticipated this...

Master Fang Yuan, adept at seeing through bluffs, did not call it out but instead asked, "What opportunity?"

"A few days ago in the provincial city, I encountered an old friend of mine who is also a Professional Trainer, from the Wuzhou City Trainer Association. After catching up... we've decided on something."

"Seeing that the provincial high school Pokemon battle league is around the corner, in order to get the students from both cities warmed up and assess their strength, we decided... let's have a friendly exchange, mainly to foster amicable interactions," explained Yang Han with a smile.

He emphasized "friendly."

An old friend?

More like an old rival.

Fang Yuan could tell something was off just by Yang Han's tone; the competitive tone was very strong, this didn't sound like the usual Yang Han, very childish...

He glanced at Zhuang Xin, who appeared indifferent to the whole matter.

In fact, Fang Yuan had already guessed the truth... this wasn't a friendly exchange at all, but a clash of pride between two old rivals.

"I understand," Fang Yuan said with a double meaning, being a Trainer... having a few frenemies when you're young is quite normal.

Just look at those rivals Xiaozhi's got like Xiao Mao, Shinji...

"The number of participants is to be determined, but it won't exceed ten people. They will be selected from your school team, and the exchange will occur after you start school. Aside from me, there will be teachers from the school accompanying you," Yang Han continued.

"This exchange is important, and there will inevitably be battles during the process. Are you confident?"

"Wuzhou City is richer than Pingcheng, has more geniuses than Pingcheng, and there, they have three key high schools. The one we will be visiting is the strongest in terms of teaching power — Wuzhou City First Middle School."

Wuzhou City First Middle School... from the name alone, it doesn't seem to be much more prestigious than Pingcheng No.1 Middle School.

Fang Yuan was slightly taken aback and then said, "If I beat them, can I then get the resources for Shadow Ball and Reflect Wall..."

As soon as Fang Yuan finished speaking, Yang Han and Zhuang Xin were immediately shocked — this kid...

Sure, what you're saying is correct, but is it really okay to be so blunt?