Chapter 112: Challenge!_1

"You're getting ahead of yourself."

Yang Han said, a vein popping on his forehead.

Although he was pleased with Fang Yuan's confidence, he was also well aware that the opponent this time was not easy.

It's true that Pingcheng is a small place... but that doesn't mean other cities in the province are small too.

Some high schools in the province have educational resources that are by no means inferior to those in Magic City and the Imperial Capital; it's the universities in Magic City and the Imperial Capital that are most famous, not the high schools.

"It's not like I had a choice... You guys tempted me with resources..."

Fang Yuan said, speechless.

But... he really was confident.

With the ointment provided by Yang Han, in the days from helping Wen Siyu collect Eevee's test data until the National Day holiday, Eevee had successfully mastered Iron Tail.

Moreover, it had almost completely mastered the Payback Technique for its current stage.

In just half a month, Eevee's physical abilities had improved rapidly, and apart from Fang Yuan, probably no one else knew Eevee's full strength.

Fang Yuan looked at Zhuang Xin with a smile... and then was met with a glare.

Zhuang Xin both resented and admired Fang Yuan, because ever since that field training where they collected Beedrill Poison Liquid, Fang Yuan—along with Lin Jing and Liu Le—had easily completed another mission with Eevee.

Although Lin Jing and Liu Le had also performed very well that time, which pleased her, Zhuang Xin felt... it was mainly due to Eevee's role.

If Zhuang Xin knew... that at the time Eevee had only shown a part of its strength, it would be interesting to know what she would have thought.

Now, aside from its spiritual power, Eevee's basic physical attributes were nearly outstanding. Compared to the Little Phoenix King Cup, its physical capabilities had jumped a notch, all thanks to the benefits of the Retribution Training Method!

In addition to that, the newly mastered Substitute Technique and Iron Tail Tricks were quite useful for Eevee, but the main thing was still the Payback Technique...

The offensive use of Payback Technique was currently Eevee's biggest trump card.

Fang Yuan's expectations had not been wrong, after a period of training, Eevee's Payback had successfully entered the Third Stage.

First Stage: Able to exert the force of a Tackle with its body.

Second Stage: Able to exert the force of a Wild Charge with its body.

Third Stage: Able to exert the force of a Wild Charge and the speed of a Quick Attack with its body.

This was the improvement brought to Eevee after tapping into its leg potential.

Payback, which now combined both speed and power, could replace Quick Attack.

In fact, ever since Eevee had begun to comprehend Payback, its power had never increased by much.

This improvement was actually on a technical level. After its legs adjusted to the strain brought by unlocking its potential, Eevee successfully integrated the propulsion technique of Quick Attack into Payback, greatly enhancing the technique's skillfulness.

Fang Yuan didn't believe... that New Trainers at this stage could withstand Eevee's Payback Moves.

With Payback combined with Counter Shield, Fang Yuan felt that Eevee's strength had already surpassed the realm of New Trainers.

No matter how strong those students were... could they be stronger than Xu Jing, the Psychic from the Heavenly Heart Dojo?

Besides... both he and Eevee were no longer in the same situation as before.

Yang Han watched Fang Yuan for a long time.

Seeing that Fang Yuan's expression hadn't changed, he shook his head with a smile.

"This is what you said, as long as your performance satisfies me, I can help you apply for all the resources for learning Shadow Ball and Reflect Wall!"

Yang Han saw how readily Fang Yuan agreed and laughed heartily.

In his eyes, Fang Yuan was still the same as when he first saw him, talented, confident, and diligent, certainly the New Trainer he had high hopes for.


Fang Yuan went home.

After arriving home, he did not rush to study Shadow Ball and Reflect Wall.

Instead, he focused all his thoughts on the interschool exchange between Pingcheng No.1 Middle School and Wuzhou City First Middle School that Yang Han mentioned!

Although Fang Yuan was very confident, confidence was not baseless arrogance. He still needed to seriously prepare with Eevee... In short, he was determined to obtain the matching resources for Shadow Ball and Reflect Wall.

"The publication date of the paper is after the exchange..."

"There are two days left before school starts. In these two days, let Eevee practice more on Counter Shield, Quick Attack, Shadow Clone, and Substitute."

Fang Yuan pondered that Counter Shield would surely be splendid in actual combat.

As for Quick Attack and Shadow Clone, one was Eevee's most commonly used movement move, and the other was the most commonly used interference move. Their combined use created a very strong sense of confusion. Now with the addition of the genuine and the fake Substitute into Shadow Clone, the tactical significance had become even more special. If the opponent was not clear about his details, they would certainly be hoodwinked to death by Eevee!

"Iron Tail, Bite, both are moves learned to enrich the attack options. They should be used flexibly in actual combat. As for Payback..." Fang Yuan smiled faintly.

The power of Tackle combined with the speed of Quick Attack is not simply the Wild Charge Technique.

After all... speed is power, and the combination of the two would surely make the destructive force of Payback extremely exaggerated.

While Fang Yuan was preparing for battle, Lin Jing and Liu Le also received notifications from Yang Han.

The two of them were also actively preparing for the upcoming interschool exchange, not wanting to let Pingcheng No.1 Middle School lose face by losing the match.

"These past two days, I've been letting Growlithe practice the Flamethrower attack. Although it has learned the move, it's still not skilled in using it, and I'm worried that a flaw might appear during a battle..."

"Ah, my Little Kabigon still hasn't grasped Sleep Talk... My dad gave that Breeder more money again, hoping it can learn it before we go to Wuzhou City."

In addition to the group chat of the five from the new star plan, Fang Yuan, Lin Jing, and Liu Le had another group chat, one without Yang Han and Zhuang Xin, where the three could speak freely.

Every time Fang Yuan opened the group chat, he would see Lin Jing and Liu Le there, full of worries.

"What do you have to be nervous about..."

Fang Yuan shook his head. If anyone should be nervous, it should be him...


Three days later, Wuzhou City.

Wuzhou Number One High School.

That Wuzhou Number One High School had maintained its top position amidst the intense competition among schools was beyond doubt in terms of teaching strength.

Facing the notice of the provincial high school Pokemon battle competition issued by the provincial capital, the Wuzhou City Trainer Association made a bet on Number One High School, putting in a considerable amount of resources, hoping that Wuzhou Number One High School could achieve good results, showing its educational status in Wuzhou City.

However, before the provincial high school Pokemon battle competition, neither Wuzhou City First Middle School nor the local Trainer Association expected... two Professional Trainers would, due to a dispute of spirit, bring Wuzhou City First Middle School into an early match with a key high school from outside the city...

On the surface, it was a friendly exchange, a friendly sparring, but in fact, everyone understood.

As Pingcheng No.1 Middle School's bus slowly entered the gates of Wuzhou Number One High School, the New Trainers of Wuzhou City First Middle School knew...

The challengers had arrived!