Chapter 123: Model Student Fang Yuan_1

Eevee didn't want to eat it, nor did the Little Magnetic Monster. Although the Energy Blocks were produced, the result was no different from failure.


Fang Yuan couldn't care less about it at that time. He wrote down the key points of making the Energy Blocks overnight to prevent forgetting them.

"Production Key Points of Energy Block 1.0".

Key point one: The aggregation of energy and nutrients is related to the rotational speed of blending Tree Fruit. Theoretically, different types and amounts of Tree Fruit require different rotational speeds, in order to perfectly condense the nutrients, eliminate impurities, and specific rotational speeds need to be explored by the maker. No matter what kind of Energy Block, there is a minimum speed requirement.

Key point two: After the initial mixing of the nutrients in the Tree Fruit, it is necessary to separate the central nutrients of the mixture in an extremely short time. The faster the separation, the less nutrient loss, and the fewer impurities contained in the separated components.

Key point three: After separation, it is necessary to use a cube shape as the carrier to compress the separated substances. After compressing it into a properly sized cube shape and solidifying it, the energy will no longer continue to dissipate.

Key point four: The semi-finished cube is finally purified with an electric current. The current will refine the remaining impurities inside the Energy Block, and the heat generated by the current will promote the solidification of the Energy Block.

The quality, effect, and taste of the Energy Blocks are closely related to the freshness of the Tree Fruit, rotational speed, formula, separation, compression speed, smoothness of the shape, intensity of the electric current, and the amount of heat generated. If mishandled, you can only create the lowest quality, nutritionally worthless, or even burnt Black Energy Blocks.

Fang Yuan looked at the key points he had summarized, scratching his head in frustration.

"Even though I know how to make Energy Blocks, without precise machinery, it's very hard to produce high-quality Energy Blocks by hand," he mused.

"This is tough..."

"As for the formula, I can only experiment on my own, and there's no doubt that it's an exhausting and financially draining endeavor."

"I just don't know if those recipes from the Grand Contest can be successful in reality?" Fang Yuan had played the Grand Contest for a while, and since there were only a few types of Tree Fruit in the game, not as many as the subspecies cultivated in reality, he still remembered several recipes.

After some thought, Fang Yuan realized that the difficult part would now be controlling the rotational speed; home blenders had too many limitations. Considering this, he decided to purchase a more advanced machine to try. Furthermore, the process of separation, compression, and purification required the Little Magnetic Monster to control its Superpower and Electric Shock abilities, which aligned with Fang Yuan's training plan for his Magnemite, so there was no need to invest extra effort into targeted training.

"I'll tinker with it when I have time. After making high-quality Energy Blocks, it will not only solve the resource issues for Eevee and the others, but also be an important path to wealth," he pondered.

With their current production level, the taste and nutritional value of the finished Energy Blocks were not enough to satisfy Eevee and the Little Magnetic Monster, so Fang Yuan had to halt the progress once again. After all, haste makes waste.


"What's the tactical significance of the Dangerous Premonition ability? Are there other Pokémon that have this ability?"

------ Sprite Features Network

"Comprehensive education that has never been abandoned. Interpreting the educational philosophy of Pingcheng First Middle School."

------ Student Daily

"Shocking! The discoverer of a new ability is actually a New Trainer?!"

------ Dawn News

Even the most insignificant things can turn into an extensive article at the hands of journalists.

Not to mention, this was a topic that had some discussion value and could attract public attention.

Fang Yuan's name once again caught attention on a small scale.

During this period, faced with interviews from journalists, the school leaders and Fang Yuan's homeroom teacher at Pingcheng No.1 Middle School were utterly embarrassed.

"Fang Yuan, ah... He has always been an excellent student, enthusiastically serving the community, actively participating in labor, respecting teachers and elders, uniting with classmates, with a correct attitude towards learning, developing morally, intellectually, and physically..."

While Pingcheng No.1 Middle School praised Fang Yuan to the skies, they did not forget to mention the thorough nurturing the school had provided him, achieving a win-win situation.

At the Pingcheng Trainer Association, two Professional Trainers, Zhuang Xin and Yang Han, had complicated feelings upon learning of Fang Yuan's affair.

Reading the report on the Dangerous Premonition ability, they began to understand why Fang Yuan was able to progress so quickly even with just an Eevee.

"With this in mind, I start to understand. A New Trainer who thinks actively, discovers keenly, and studies diligently has transformed an ability that even some Senior Trainers might not touch into part of a Pokémon's strength, thus getting ahead of others. The reality is simpler than we imagined. He's simply a natural Trainer," one remarked.

"Although it's a small matter, as a new Pingcheng Trainer, we also received a lot of positive reviews for this. The Provincial capital has already commended us," said the other.

"As for the rewards, they definitely should be given to Fang Yuan appropriately. Also, with this incident as leverage, Fang Yuan's request is likely to be approved soon," Yang Han said.

"That's right. For a Trainer from an ordinary family like Fang Yuan, it's not easy to qualify for capturing more Pokémon in their rookie year before being admitted to key prestigious schools, even with recommendations from Professional Trainers. It requires clearing many hurdles, but now with this article, it should be no problem," Zhuang Xin nodded.

"But have you figured out why he made that request?"

"Yes, he's been raising a Magnemite from a power plant at home. The data shows that the Magnemite has a physical defect, and the power plant was going to release it, but it was then taken in by Fang Yuan's father. However, given Fang Yuan's motives now, that Magnemite probably has some unknown talents. It's his opportunity, and he should understand what's more important. If it really is a Magnemite with defects, capturing it would undoubtedly be an unwise choice," Yang Han explained.

"I see," Zhuang Xin nodded. "That's good. He has a lot of potential. Capturing a second Pokémon ahead of time would benefit his development, allowing him to get a better start in college. Once the approval comes through, I'll handle it for him. By the way, what are we going to arrange for those three during winter break? Shouldn't we decide on the remaining two places for the New Star plan?"

Yang Han fell into thought: "Fang Yuan's abilities have already exceeded Lin Jing's and Liu Le's by too much. They aren't suitable for training together anymore... Before Ping Middle School breaks for holiday, let's select another two New Trainers worthy of cultivation. As for Fang Yuan, we'll make separate plans at that time."

Fang Yuan was unaware of just how much benefit this paper had brought him. Apart from the manuscript fee, he not only received rewards from the school, but the Pingcheng Trainer Association also decided to increase their support for him.