Chapter 124 Winter Break Arrives_1


Two and a half months later.

The cold wind was howling.

Fang Yuan stepped onto the snowy ground and entered the school gate.

On his shoulder, Eevee was wrapped in a scarf, yawning. With the advent of winter, Eevee had become much lazier.

Besides that, Fang Yuan's waist now sported an additional Poké Ball.

A month ago, Fang Yuan's request to Yang Han finally received a response.

After numerous approvals, Fang Yuan had earned the qualification to capture a second Pokémon. Generally, Trainers who obtain the qualification to capture a second Pokémon in their rookie year are either direct relatives of Professional Trainers or have achieved outstanding results in some official competitions.

Fang Yuan met none of these conditions, but thanks to the recommendation by the Trainer Association of Pingcheng, he finally got the opportunity.

However, the chance to obtain the qualification to capture a third Pokémon within the rookie year seemed unlikely.

The transfer process of Little Magnetic Monster's breeding rights went very smoothly.

Once Electric Elves at Father Fang's power plant grew to a certain extent, they would be transported to other posts within the company to contribute to the work. Meanwhile, if any employee's child was a university Trainer in need of Electric Elves, the power plant was more than happy to offer them as a gift, considering it an investment.

Since Father Fang's company was a state enterprise and also governed by the Trainer Association, a simple application from Father Fang was all it took to successfully transfer the breeding rights.

The Little Magnetic Monster was originally prepared for release back into the wild, and even with some changes now, Father Fang's superiors had no intention of probing further, seeing as the Pingcheng Trainer Association's emphasis on Fang Yuan was obvious to all. Father Fang's superiors directly did him the favor.

Thus, Fang Yuan captured his second Pokémon, the Little Magnetic Monster.


As the Spring Festival approached and the final exams had concluded, most of the local high schools in Pingcheng had already started their winter holiday—all except the twelfth graders.

"This is the contract for holiday supplementary classes; attendance is completely voluntary, and we won't charge extra for either academic or training classes,"

"So, I advise you all to participate. It's very hard to catch up once you lag behind in your studies and training. You need to discuss this with your parents within this week."

Today, Teacher Zhang brought out a stack of contracts and, under the painful expressions of the students, had the class monitor distribute them.

Regarding this non-mandatory supplementary class agreement, the students were extremely resentful. Although it was said to be voluntary, in the end, you would find it was more or less coercive…

Thus, most students could only sign their names in silence, sacrificing their holidays for better grades.

"I won't be participating..."

Fang Yuan didn't need to discuss with his parents; he simply tossed the contract aside. Attending the school's training classes was not particularly meaningful to him, and for the academic classes, it was just about doing practice papers, which he could also do at home.

He planned to arrange other training with the extra time he freed up.

More importantly, this winter holiday, the New Star Program had kicked him out, meaning Fang Yuan could arrange his own training. Sister Zhuang was preparing to give Lin Jing and Liu Le some targeted supplementary lessons.

Whether in school or in the New Star Program, Fang Yuan had gained a great deal of autonomy.


Fang Yuan's deskmate saw him so cavalierly throw away the agreement and was green with envy. Only privileged individuals like Fang Yuan and Lin Jing had the qualifications to effortlessly refuse to attend remedial classes without their parents being called…

Several days passed, and the school made a dual arrangement: regular students attended classes as usual, with a break approaching for the Spring Festival, and after the Spring Festival, remedial classes would continue.

Out of the original twenty-five members of the school team candidates, only twelve remained after the selections during this holiday; in the end, ten would be chosen.

Among them, seven would be the main team, and three would be substitutes.

The three individuals of the Rising Star program were definitely already among the main team. In April, high schools from various cities within the province would start competing, so time was becoming increasingly urgent.

After the holidays, Fang Yuan anticipated that he would join the school's team battles for training and start preparing in earnest for the provincial high school Pokemon combat league.

On the night before the holidays, Fang Yuan secretly messaged Zhuang Xin, "Sister Zhuang, do I really not have to attend the Rising Star program's training this winter break?"

Zhuang Xin replied, "There are still two months left. The main thing is to get Eevee to learn Shadow Ball, hasn't it grasped it yet?"

Fang Yuan responded, "...Yeah, I understand. I'll make the most of the time."

Since obtaining the resources to practice Reflect Wall and Shadow Ball, Eevee had been using various resources to learn moves, but just as Zhuang Xin said, the difficulty of mastering Reflect Wall and Shadow Ball was too high. Whether it was Reflect Wall or Shadow Ball, Eevee hadn't successfully learned either in these two months.

This was still... the result of Eevee sacrificing its basic training time to fully focus on learning Reflect Wall and Shadow Ball.

"During the winter break, I have to get Eevee to master these two moves, at least before the competition. It must become very skilled in using Shadow Ball."

"This point... is not without hope!" Fang Yuan was fairly certain.

In the past two months, apart from learning Shadow Ball, Eevee had also been consolidating its previous moves and practicing its spiritual power. Aside from a boost in spiritual power, there were no other major gains.

As for the Little Magnetic Monster, it continued to practice Awakened Power, Electromagnetic Wave, and Electric Shock, showing overall greater improvement than Eevee.

After the 149,000-yuan royalty payment for his paper hit his account, Fang Yuan became wealthier. Coupled with the school's scholarship and the Pingcheng Trainer Association's reward, Fang Yuan temporarily had the means to cultivate the Little Magnetic Monster.

The 300,000 yuan prepared by Father Fang and Mother Fang for Fang Yuan's Pokemon cultivation was also handed over to him, and with so much money in his pocket, it would be hard for the Little Magnetic Monster, whose foundation was much weaker than Eevee's, not to improve.

The upgrade in combat strength resulting from the Little Magnetic Monster's increased mastery of moves was secondary... The main point was that, over the past two months, with its improved grasp on moves, Fang Yuan finally managed to create the first batch of Light Blue Energy Blocks of relatively good quality, taste, and nutritional value.

These Light Blue Energy Blocks, made using Moberries, Zero Balance Fruits, and Orange Fruits, were the first type of Energy Block that Fang Yuan and the Little Magnetic Monster mastered in terms of the specific recipe and production techniques.

In the game, blue Energy Blocks corresponded to increasing Beauty Degree, which could be used to evolve Feebas into Milotic. After consumption by Eevee and the Little Magnetic Monster, Eevee's fur and the Little Magnetic Monster's body sheen greatly improved.

This was clearly not Fang Yuan's focus.

The focus was...

After they consumed these Light Blue Energy Blocks, there was a considerable improvement in their spiritual power; this was where Fang Yuan's confidence lay.

The enhancement effect was definitely not comparable to the spiritual power nutrients given by Yang Han. It was equivalent to the result of the two Pokemon undergoing long-term training with their current method, yet the cost of a Light Blue Energy Block was only that of three types of Tree Fruits easily purchasable on the market...

What this implied was crystal clear to Fang Yuan.