Chapter 125: First Stop: Imperial Capital_1

For this month's winter break, Fang Yuan already had plans.

They included suggestions from Yang Han and Zhuang Xin.

They thought... Fang Yuan and Eevee were too hardworking and should strike a balance between work and relaxation. Learning new moves wasn't just about putting in time; they also required the right "opportunity."

About this, Fang Yuan was somewhat embarrassed.

He couldn't very well say that Eevee was improving while playing around, could he?

But the two made sense, and after getting the consent of Father Fang and Mother Fang, Fang Yuan decided to go on a trip for special training.

He planned to visit some of the top-ranked universities in Hua Nation in Magic City and the Imperial Capital right before or after the Spring Festival. During the winter break, these universities opened their doors to outsiders, which was a great opportunity for high school seniors to broaden their horizons.

By then, those places would likely gather many new trainers like Fang Yuan who came for their reputation, making them ideal for battle exchange.

"When it comes to the average level of new trainers nationwide, the developed first-tier cities are the highest."

"Having participated in Magic City's Little Phoenix King Cup, taking the opportunity to meet the new trainers of the Imperial Capital would be good too."

In the field of trainers, although talent and effort were important, resources were even more crucial. New trainers from developed cities had a natural advantage due to their generally better family backgrounds. This was harsh, but compared to academic studies, cultivating Pokemon purely through effort was hard to catch up.

Now, Fang Yuan's first stop was preparing to visit Emperor Capital University to open his eyes and strive to complete his final special training.

And, to have a few battles with the local new trainers...

It didn't matter whether Eevee fought or not; among the new trainers, Eevee would have a hard time finding an opponent for a one-on-one match. Fang Yuan primarily wanted Magnemite to experience some battles.


Liu Le: Boss, are you really going to the Imperial Capital alone? Ah, I really want to go with you, but Lin Jing and I still have to attend the New Star Program training.

Lin Jing: This is the first time I've envied the accursed "Study Tyrant."

Because Fang Yuan's strength far surpassed the other two in the New Star Program, he was granted special privileges... Liu Le and Lin Jing were beyond distressed. They had finally reached the holidays; everyone hoped to travel around or at least stay home and relax.

Fang Yuan: Work hard, guys. Although it's a trip, I won't relax my training. When I return, if you can't even beat Magnemite, that would be really embarrassing...

Faced with Fang Yuan's mocking, motivational method, Liu Le and Lin Jing were suddenly shock.

It was one thing not to beat Eevee, but Fang Yuan also wanted to use Magnemite to thrash them?

Fang Yuan, please be human.

As Fang Yuan packed his bags, he chuckled. It wasn't out of the realm of possibility; Magnemite clearly had a better spiritual power talent than Eevee, and the light blue energy block seemed tailor-made for it. With targeted training, even Fang Yuan didn't know how much Magnemite could grow in a few months.

Never underestimate a Pokemon that has awakened its Awakened power on its own.

"Bwoo! Bwoo!!"

While Fang Yuan was packing, Eevee was telling Magnemite to train hard. Only through rigorous training could one become a strong Pokemon and change their destiny.

It was fortunate that Fang Yuan didn't know exactly what Eevee was saying; otherwise, he would have rolled his eyes and been rendered utterly speechless.

Eevee wasn't genuinely interested in making the Magnemite stronger; it just found the novelty of Energy Blocks intriguing. Although the first batch of the light blue Energy Blocks wasn't remarkably amazing in terms of taste, it was after all Eevee's first time indulging, so it felt quite fresh and exciting.

Having learned from Fang Yuan that the quality of this Energy Block might not be high and that there were even tastier ones available, Eevee's attitude towards Magnemite kept getting better… to the point that even Fang Yuan almost thought Eevee was Magnemite's Trainer.

In the past few days, Eevee would supervise Magnemite's training on time, specifically focusing on perfecting its moves… Eevee believed that only in this way could Magnemite produce higher quality Energy Blocks.

Eevee: (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧, Bwoo Bwoo!!

Magnemite: 。゚(⊙)゚。

Magnemite, sweating profusely, still wasn't used to Eevee's enthusiasm and couldn't help but give Fang Yuan a pleading look.

"Your relationship is getting better, huh…" Fang Yuan laughed.

Indeed, aside from mobile phones, only gourmet food could conquer Eevee…

Truly an internet-addicted Eevee girl.

For this trip to the Imperial Capital, besides the essentials, Fang Yuan also brought a letter of introduction.

With this letter from the Pingcheng Trainer Association, Fang Yuan could not only explore some external sights of Imperial City University but also visit areas normally inaccessible to regular tourists.

As Hua Nation's capital, the Imperial Capital was the national center of politics, culture, and international exchanges, and when compared to the all-encompassing Magic City, a center for economy, finance, and trade, the atmosphere between the two was markedly different.

As a Trainer, Fang Yuan was now considered an adult, on his own and having to adapt to everything by himself.

When Fang Yuan arrived here via high-speed rail, it was already approaching evening. He first checked into a room, just as he did when he participated in the Little Phoenix King Cup, and then called Father Fang and Mother Fang to let them know he was safe.

"There's an exchange match at Emperor Capital University tomorrow, so the campus will resume open visits the day after."

Reading the news posted on the university's official website a few days ago, Fang Yuan calculated his itinerary; if tomorrow, then he might as well visit other universities first.

After all, he would be in the Imperial Capital for more than one day, so a delayed visit wouldn't matter.

Having decided, Fang Yuan yawned, and before going to rest, he called Eevee and Magnemite together to talk about their training plan for this holiday.

"Eevee, with the Energy Blocks, your spiritual power is likely to make a breakthrough soon, reaching the level where you can use Reflect Wall. Starting tomorrow, try practicing the last step from the Reflect Wall Moves Secret book."

"Once your spiritual power is up to the mark, you'll also become more sensitive to Ghost Energy. Perhaps you could master Shadow Ball in one go."

"And Magnemite, you've already reached the standard for spiritual power. Now that your practice of Awakened power has hit a bottleneck, it wouldn't hurt to learn Reflect Wall as a side skill, then circle back to practicing Awakened power."

"Of course, training for Electric Shock and Electromagnetic Wave mustn't fall behind either…"

If Eevee's spiritual power level was considered ordinary, then Magnemite's was outstanding. Spiritual power, a deep-rooted foundational quality, is much harder to train than Physical Strength. If it weren't for the timely arrival of Energy Blocks, Fang Yuan would certainly have had a headache.

As for Magnemite's Electric Shock and Electromagnetic Wave, after two months of Flying training and Energy Block crafting, it was already quite skilled with them, so Fang Yuan was considering whether it was time for a major training initiative for Magnemite.

Finding a professional training facility to conduct Charge training for Magnemite could, with some luck, lead to it mastering an even stronger Electric Move like Thunderbolt, eventually phasing out Electric Shock. Or, if less fortunate, strengthen the power of Magnemite's Electric Shock as a foundation for learning Thunderbolt.