Chapter 126 Little Magnetic Monster's First Battle_1

The next day.

In a public battle arena in the Imperial Capital.

Fang Yuan, wearing a red and white jacket, arrived here.

He was going to visit People's University today, but before that, he planned to find a suitable opponent for his Little Magnetic Monster to battle.

Since raising the Magnemite, it had only been practicing moves and hadn't experienced real combat.

Producing Energy Blocks...could only count as practice, and the concept was far from actual combat.

Of course, this was also because at that time, Magnemite's mastery of flying was not yet skilled.

Now, having become quite proficient with Electromagnetic Waves, the Magnemite's flying ability had greatly improved, and Fang Yuan believed that his Little Magnetic Monster was no different from a normal Magnemite.

Moreover, Fang Yuan's Magnemite possessed a BUG ability like Superpower.

So it was more than capable of facing most moderately skilled new trainers.

"However, I should still look for a weaker-looking New Trainer first..."

To find an opponent for his Magnemite, Fang Yuan intended to pick on the weaker ones, as it wasn't Cloth God who would be battling.

If he picked an opponent like Lin Jing, with Growlithe's Flamethrower attack, Magnemite would be in a great deal of discomfort...

With skilled use of Superpower, Electric Shock, and Electromagnetic Wave, it should currently rank at a medium level among the Beginner Elf's power level of New Trainers.

After walking around the public battle arena, Fang Yuan looked towards a girl with acne with a smile.

"A beginner's Pokemon is Vine Monster, huh... That's a nostalgic Pokemon; I still have a set of methods for training one."

"It's strange for a girl to pick a Vine Monster as her beginner Pokemon; I choose you as my battle opponent."

At this time, the girl was looking around with her Pokemon, perhaps also in search of an opponent.

"Classmate, would you like to have a Pokemon battle?"

Fang Yuan approached the girl and greeted her.

"Me?" Li Lu turned around, surprised.

"Sure." She nodded her head, not refusing Fang Yuan's request for a battle.

Seeing how smoothly it went, Fang Yuan immediately showed a smile.

"I'm a New Trainer, Fang Yuan."

"I'm also a New Trainer; my name is Li Lu."

After introducing themselves, they headed toward an unoccupied area of the arena.

After a short chat, Fang Yuan learned that the girl was a local from the Imperial Capital and attended a nearby key high school.

"Don't you have to take extra classes?" Fang Yuan asked curiously.

At this time of the year... there was still a while until the Spring Festival; at least Pingcheng No.1 Middle School was still holding extra classes.

"Our school doesn't offer extra classes. Mostly, students get private tutors during the holidays," said Li Lu, her eyes wide.

"" Fang Yuan fell silent at the mention of what kind of families they were.

After arriving at the battle arena, Li Lu's Vine Monster slowly walked onto the field, followed by her saying, "It's your turn to release your Pokemon."

"Yes." Fang Yuan took out his Magnemite's Poké Ball.

Before entering the public battle arena, it was necessary to recall Pokemon into their balls for registration. After coming in, Fang Yuan didn't rush to let his Eevee out.

The main purpose of this was to train the Magnemite; if he had Eevee perched on his shoulder and then took out Magnemite for battle, it was bound to lead to misunderstandings... To avoid unnecessary explanations, Fang Yuan simply decided to let Eevee stay in the Poké Ball a little longer.

"Go, Magnemite,"

Fang Yuan threw out Magnemite's Poké Ball, and the magnet-like Magnemite appeared on the field.

Li Lu: "Eh?"

If she hadn't misjudged, Electric Moves wouldn't be very effective against Vine Monster, and Grass-type Technique wouldn't be very effective against the Steel Series Magnemite either.

It was a battle of equals.

She looked at Fang Yuan, realizing that his plan for challenging her to a battle was this: no one had an advantage in terms of Pokemon attributes; it would all come down to cultivation and performance.

"Ladies first."

Fang Yuan was unusually gentlemanly for once, completely forgetting how he had used trash talk against other girls in the Little Phoenix King Cup.

After all, the situation was different...

Back then, victory was of great significance, while now it was just a sparring session, and there was no need for Fang Yuan to be so shameless.

"Alright!" Li Lu became serious and instructed, "Vine Monster, use Vine Whip!"


The round-bodied Vine Monster, its face obscured by thick blue vines, lashed out with two Vine Whips directly at the floating Magnemite.

As a "New Trainer with rich battle experience," Fang Yuan assessed the strength of the Vine Monster instantly through the speed of its moves.

Not bad... If it were at Pingcheng No.1 Middle School, while it wouldn't make the school team, it would rank in the upper middle-class of any class.

Such strength was ideal for getting Magnemite accustomed to battling.

"Use Electric Shock against the Vine Whip," Fang Yuan said.

Magnemite hadn't undergone the same basic physical training as Eevee, only having practiced moves, so its responsiveness might be a bit lacking. Fang Yuan, worried that Magnemite wouldn't react in time, gave up on the God-level skill "Dodge" and chose for Magnemite to directly confront the attack.

As the Vine Whip cut through the air, Magnemite concentrated its spirit, watching the Vine Whip while releasing an Electric Shock.


The electricity accurately entwined the Vine Whip, traveling up the Whip to strike the Vine Monster itself, while the Vine Monster's Whip also hit Magnemite.

They exchanged moves, but neither sustained any serious damage.

This tactic of trading hits, common in high-end battles, seemed somewhat childish as demonstrated by the Vine Monster and Magnemite, reminiscent of a kindergarten fight, revealing the true nature of battles between New Trainers.

Matches like the one where Eevee knocked out Magmar in one hit were not typical of New Trainer battles...

"Vine Monster, another Vine Whip!"

"Try dodging and use Electric Shock."

The same command was given, and Fang Yuan didn't want to repeat it a second time. He started trying to have Magnemite evade; however, lacking the necessary battle awareness from training, Magnemite struggled to keep up with the Vine Monster's direction-changing Vine Whip and was quickly wrapped up by the advancing Vine.

Fang Yuan held his forehead; at this point, Magnemite's mastery of moves was excellent, but its basics were too weak. It seemed he would need to find an opportunity to put Magnemite through the same comprehensive training that Eevee had undergone.

"Magnemite!" Wrapped by the Vine Whip, Vine Monster began to use its energy-draining move against Magnemite. Fang Yuan didn't plan to let Magnemite use its Awakened Power because the Superpower Psychic attribute moves were too potent. With the Vine Monster's strength, it would be impossible to dodge and would result in a one-hit KO, which would deviate from Fang Yuan's original intention of acclimating Magnemite to battle.

"Endure the pressure, focus your spirit, use Electromagnetic Wave," Fang Yuan continued to command.

During the draining process, Magnemite felt weakened and struggled to resist, which was why Fang Yuan asked it to concentrate. Willpower is crucial during a battle; strong willpower can mitigate many negative effects of moves. Under Fang Yuan's command, Magnemite used its exceptional spiritual power to regain some consciousness and cleverly controlled a special current to strike the Vine Whip.

This was its only advantage, control over moves... or in other words, outstanding Coordination Ability!

Unlike the current of Electric Shock, the Electromagnetic Wave's current, though weak, caused a tingling that couldn't be matched by an Electric Shock. Instantly, Vine Monster felt its entire body paralyzed, and under the numbing jolt, the Vine Whip spasmed and then retracted.

Li Lu watched Fang Yuan and Magnemite with a serious expression.

The opponent... didn't seem easy to deal with.