Chapter 127 Visiting People's University_1

"Pursue the victory, continue using Electric Shock Suppression."

Seeing that the Vine Monster was already in a paralyzed state, Fang Yuan ordered the Little Magnetic Monster.

"Magnemite! Magne-magne-mite—"

Golden electricity diffused across the Little Magnetic Monster's gray body. With a bang, electric arcs burst forth, striking towards the Vine Monster.

Li Lu's right hand subconsciously tensed up, then she swung it down hard and said, "Root right there."

At that instant, the theoretical knowledge she had learned allowed her to make the corresponding judgment.

After being paralyzed, the Vine Monster's reaction and movement speed would be limited; under normal circumstances, it would be very difficult to dodge the incoming Electric Shock.

Since Electric Moves were less effective against the Vine Monster, Li Lu chose to have it take the hit and root itself to the ground.

That way, maybe the current could be conducted into the ground.

And... it could also restore Physical Strength by using the Rooting move.

It must be said that this was a fine judgment, but the battle-hardened Fang Yuan wouldn't give her that opportunity.

Trying to root itself in a paralyzed state made the Vine Monster's movements sluggish. Seizing this moment, the Little Magnetic Monster had already gathered its strength and charged forward.

Collision move!

The Electric Shock didn't inflict any damage on the Vine Monster, but the Tackle followed immediately after.

Under the panicked expressions of Li Lu and the Vine Monster, the rooting Vine Monster was directly knocked over; the next instant, the Little Magnetic Monster, now at a very close distance, used another Electric Shock.


The Vine Monster was sizzled and stunned, dizzying for a few rotations before collapsing.

"I lost..." Li Lu exhaled, her heart still beating rapidly.



While the opponent was disheartened, the Little Magnetic Monster, on the contrary, was thrilled with the victory, and it happily flew to Fang Yuan's side.

The magnetic poles released a slight current, caught by Fang Yuan's fingertips, transmitting a tingling sensation to his fingers. Fang Yuan felt the Little Magnetic Monster's joy.

"Well done."

Fang Yuan smiled. For a first battle, he was already content with how the Little Magnetic Monster had performed.

At the same time.

Fang Yuan looked toward his previous opponent, walked over to exchange a few words, and showed friendliness.

Perhaps attracted by the recent battle, while the two were praising each other, a New Trainer walked over and issued a challenge to Fang Yuan.

Fang Yuan was taken aback but didn't refuse.

After a battle, the Little Magnetic Monster's combat awareness must have improved; now was the time to strike while the iron was hot.

Next, let more battles deepen its impression!

Half an hour later.

The Little Magnetic Monster stood panting in front of the little elephant on the ground.

Ground series spirit... it made the Little Magnetic Monster's Electric Moves nearly ineffective, causing no damage at all.

Using Tackle, its strength couldn't match the little elephant either.

Although the little elephant was small in size, it was full of strength, able to effortlessly carry an adult on its back and walk; the power of its swinging trunk was incredibly strong—after one collision, it had already caused a lot of trouble for the Little Magnetic Monster.

"Using a Ground type Pokemon to challenge the Little Magnetic Monster is shameless."

Fang Yuan muttered.

"After four battles, although it absorbed energy from an Orange Fruit to restore its Physical Strength halfway, the Little Magnetic Monster is still inevitably fatigued."

"Let's stop here."

The Trainer opposite Fang Yuan was still commanding the little elephant to attack with a serious expression, whereas Fang Yuan had already abandoned the idea of continuing the battle.

He intended to end the battle with Magnemite...

Regular attacks definitely wouldn't work... to end the battle quickly, he could only rely on Awakened power.

As the little Phanpy rolled towards him again, it used the recoil to bounce and tackle Magnemite, Fang Yuan directly said, "Awakened power."

"Magnemite!" Magnemite's eyes lit up.

It had finally waited for this command!

Previously, Fang Yuan had restricted it from using this move to help it adapt to battling... but now...

Magnemite's single eye filled with blue light as the immense Mental power transformed into Psychokinesis, releasing its Awakened power directly towards the approaching Phanpy.


Under the influence of Magnemite's Awakened power, Phanpy was smashed back, landing on the field, limbs in the air and a dazed expression filled with stars.


The sudden turn of events left Phanpy's Trainer wide-eyed...

"This— this—"

"You've never seen a Pokemon with Awakened power before, have you?" Fang Yuan replied cheerfully, recalling his Magnemite and leaving only the disheveled opponent standing there.

Fang Yuan also experienced the thrill Xu Jing felt when commanding Casey, realizing that if the opponent didn't have the reaction speed of an Eevee, they simply couldn't dodge.


After the battle, Fang Yuan first took Magnemite to the nearest Spirit Center to recover, then headed to the vicinity of Renmin University.

In fact, there were quite a few New Trainers who came to visit the university during the winter break, some coming in groups, others accompanied by their parents, and then there were those like Fang Yuan, who came alone... not to say there were none, but they were rare.

"Are those... volunteers?"

Fang Yuan arrived at the entrance of the university and looked at the young men and women who resembled volunteers with a puzzled expression.

It was only winter break... not the start of a new semester. Was there any need to go to such lengths to deploy students as guides for visitors?

"Fellow student, are you here to visit?"

As Fang Yuan pondered, a spectacled senior from Renmin University came up and inquired.

"Yes... yes, I am," Fang Yuan responded, surprised.

Where is your smile?

"How about I show you around then?"

"Really? Thank you very much."

And so, Fang Yuan was led into the campus in a daze by the spectacled senior.

"Senior, is it allowed to let Pokemon out here?" Fang Yuan asked.

"Yes, but only for small-sized Pokemon, and you still have to register them," the Renmin University senior said.

Fang Yuan nodded.

This was similar to many other places' regulations; large Pokemon and some Special Pokémon must be kept in Poké Balls, and only small Pokemons could be carried around like pets.

"Having to register is so troublesome..." Fang Yuan sighed.

Then he asked, "Senior, why are you volunteering here during winter break? Is the compensation really good?"

The spectacled senior glanced at Fang Yuan and explained, "Of course, who would want to stand here without going home if they're full and bored? During the winter break, volunteering for one day can earn several credits, and for Renmin University Trainers, credits are almost the most important resource. Without enough credits, it's not possible to use some of the school's training facilities and equipment."

"I see." Fang Yuan understood.

"Next, I suggest you take a look around nearby."

"Okay, thank you. I'd like to let my Pokemon get a look around here too. Where can I register?"

"It's on the way, come with me."

The spectacled senior said dejectedly. If it wasn't for losing a bet, who would want to accompany a boy?