Chapter 186 Fairy King (Alliance Leader "CzLB" Extra)_1

Demon Capital City.

Spirit Center.

After Fang Yuan arrived in Magic City, he immediately rushed here.

It was the end of May, just over a week away from the college entrance exams.

All students of the college entrance examination had entered the busiest time.

However, Fang Yuan had come to Magic City University to deal with some matters related to his admission.

Although Fang Yuan had a guaranteed spot at Demon Capital University, the major he was guaranteed was Pokemon Battle...

What Fang Yuan wanted to enter was the Elves Research major, which would be of great help to his path as a researcher.

Therefore, this matter needed some attention. Initially, School sister Xie Qingyi had assured Fang Yuan that he could be admitted into the Elves Research major with his thesis on the Dangerous Premonition ability. Now, Fang Yuan was at Magic City University to handle some transfer procedures.


At the Spirit Center in Puyang District, a number of Trainers had gathered.

These people were all watching the large screen hung on the wall of the Spirit Center, arguing and discussing heatedly at times.

The screen was showing a match, the very last battle of the first half of the King tournament!

"Look! It's Su Shu!"

As a few trainers emerged and walked towards the podium, the Trainers inside the Spirit Center shouted in surprise.

The Psychic Type Heavenly King, Su Shu, was also a Psychic himself, inheriting the most advanced Meditation Method of Hua Nation, and a disciple of the 'Pig' of the Trainer Association's Twelve Earthly Branches. Because of his mysterious and noble psychic identity, he had many fans.

"The two trainers competing this time are both very young. I hope they can shoulder the responsibility and not drag us down in this World Sprite Alliance conference."

On the podium, Dragon King Yun Kui, who had arrived early, spoke arrogantly.

"One of them is the successor of the Evergreen Dojo, which has been known as the Ground Attribute Spirits' stronghold. Ever since the Sect Leader of the Evergreen Dojo passed away, no decent Trainer has emerged from there. Can the Evergreen Successor's appearance here signal the dojo's return to glory?"

The burly young man who followed spoke calmly.

He was dressed in a Fighting Suit, his fists wrapped in bandages, his muscles on full display, seemingly containing endless strength within him.

The Fighting Type King, Xu Haoran.

"And his opponent is a student who has just become a Professional Trainer this year and hasn't yet graduated from university."

"Rumored to be a Trainer skilled in Fairy Type, she's also a girl."

"It doesn't matter who it is, as long as they have strength," Yun Kai said.

At that moment, a deep laughter sounded: "Yun Kai, that girl is Magic City's Dragon Slayer, you're not getting cold feet, are you?"

It was well-known that Fairy Type had a strong advantage against Dragon Type...

If this Fairy Type Trainer broke through the first half of the tournament and challenged the throne of King, Yun Kai, the Dragon King, might indeed suffer a setback.

"Get lost," Yun Kai snapped at Jiang Li dismissively.

The Champion of the Four Heavenly Kings, Jiang Li, had arrived.


"Looks like I didn't miss the broadcast. It's more exciting to watch on a big screen," Fang Yuan thought to himself as he reached the Spirit Center; the match hadn't started yet.

Ever since the King tournament began, he had been following it closely, just like his classmates in the group.

"Who do you guys think will break through??"

"I support Xie Qingyi. Miss is so cool, and she is the first Fairy Type Trainer to become a Professional Trainer. The biggest dark horse in this competition, she has been very strong throughout all her battles, maintaining a perfect record, just like a War Goddess!"

In the Spirit Center, Fang Yuan heard many conversations; there were many supporters of Xie Qingyi, but the key point was that Xie Qingyi was very powerful in her own right. She had the capital to back it up.

To not have suffered a single defeat in the King tournament so far as a rookie was truly incredible.

Fang Yuan watched enviously at the battling trainers on the screen, wondering when he would be able to stand on that stage himself.

"Their battle has started—"

"The first Pokemon sent out by both sides are Confusion and Gardevoir—besides Ground against Fairy, it's a Psychic against Psychic showdown!"

After the battle.

This 3vs3 match.

The successor to the Evergreen Dojo, harnessing the power of two Pokémon, only managed to defeat Xie Qingyi's Gardevoir, and the last one was easily defeated by her Alolan Ninetales.

The difference in strength was very clear.

Xie Qingyi advanced, earning the right to challenge the Four Heavenly Kings and begin the second half of the championship.

"Is it over?" Fang Yuan left the Spirit Center after seeing Xie Qingyi's victory, reflecting on the recent battle.

The latter stage of the championship wouldn't start immediately.

Plus, he had no interest in discussing with other Trainers at the Spirit Center whether Xie Qingyi could really replace one of the Four Heavenly Kings, so he went to attend to his own matters.


Inside Magic City University.

The teacher handling Fang Yuan's subject placement for university admission looked puzzled.

He was aware of this student's background.

The Rookie King of Su province, huh... Trainers from other regions might be unfamiliar with this competition and had not paid much attention to it.

But several provinces and cities in the East China Region were quite attentive to what was happening in Su province. After the arrival of a large secret realm, it was the East China Region that faced the brunt of it and the Professional Trainers here who received the most resources.

However, what baffled the teacher was why Fang Yuan, such a talented Trainer, would choose a Pokémon research major.

Had he become conceited from a single research paper on Dangerous Premonition? The accidental factors in research findings were too many, but Fang Yuan's innate Trainer talent was the real deal.

Out of curiosity, the teacher posed this question.

"Uh... is there something wrong with a research major?" Fang Yuan said, "I heard that senior school sister Xie Qingyi from Demon Capital University is a student in the Elves Research field. Now she's not only a Senior Elf Researcher but also a Professional Trainer. So cool."

"I think... I could do that too."

The teacher was at a loss for words, thinking, what in the world made you think you could do the same?

Yet, the example Fang Yuan cited was indeed true... The current championship was being closely followed by everyone at Magic City University.

"So, teacher... may I go now?"

After finishing the procedures, Fang Yuan cheerfully bid the teacher farewell.

Magic City University would see him again in three months.


May 28th to June 4th.

On the eve of the college entrance examination, Xie Qingyi fought consecutively against the Four Heavenly Kings at Magic City University.

She finished with the fourth highest score, successfully replacing one of them.

She became the first Fairy Type Heavenly King in Hua Nation... no… in the whole world.

The nation was in an uproar.

In the Hall of Fame of the championship, Champion Jiang Li awarded Xie Qingyi the King's Medal.

"Congratulations on becoming Hua Nation's new member of the Four Heavenly Kings," Jiang Li said with a smile.

"Thank you," Xie Qingyi replied with a hint of regret. She hadn't made it to the final round to battle the Champion and take his place.

Being a Fairy King wasn't enough; what she really wanted was to be Champion.

In front of the TV, Eevee patted the excited Fang Yuan's shoulder and said, "Bwoo! Bwoo!!"

Meaning... don't get worked up, we have to take it one step at a time, not aim too high all at once. How about celebrating today by taking a day off?

"Not on your life!"

Fang Yuan grabbed Eevee and pulled him away.

"Don't even think about it... We agreed to train after the match, and let me tell you, today's training is going to be double the intensity."