Chapter 187 Escaping the Newbie Phase_1

June 7th.

June 8th.

June 9th.

The high school examination in Su Province lasts three days.

It was not until after the completion of the Pokemon battle exam on June 9th that the graduating New Trainers were finally considered fully out of their rookie phase, just waiting for their results and to fill out their university applications.


"This is kind of interesting..."

Fang Yuan sat in the Pingcheng No.1 Middle School Psychology Club classroom, holding a set of this year's Breeder assessment materials, leaning back in his chair, absorbed in reading them.

On the desk, two Eevees lay next to each cellphone, from time to time came the sounds of "bang," "bang," "bang," followed by "eh," "eh," "eh."

It sounded like... could it be a shooting game?

Fang Yuan didn't bother with them and looked at the test paper, reminiscing.

One year ago.

Sister Tang Ying from the Psychology Club showed Fang Yuan a set of Breeder exam questions, which he only glanced at before giving up on answering.

But a year later, looking at the new set of questions, Fang Yuan was no longer clueless.

After a year as a Trainer, he looked at the questions from a Trainer's perspective. Although he couldn't answer in detail, he could get most of them approximately right based on his year's battle experience.

Take this one for example—

The individual differences of Vileplume.

Some gifted Vileplume can develop resistance to certain toxic plants that cause Pokemon to fall into abnormal states. On this basis, they can secrete a nectar that helps Pokemon overcome corresponding abnormal states—a pure natural medicine, quite rare.

In the provincial high school competition, there had been such gifted Vileplume, even cultivated to resist freezing and burns, making their bodies resistant to flames and frost, much to the opponents' surprise.

Fang Yuan smiled; accumulating battle experience as a Trainer was also a process of broadening his horizons, akin to reading thousands of books.

Of course, this applied to only a very few questions...

"Why haven't they arrived yet?"

With the test paper in hand, Fang Yuan frequently checked the time on his phone.

He and Liu Le, as well as Lin Jing, had agreed to eat together after the test to celebrate moving past the New Trainer stage... but these two guys... so slow.

Thud... Thud... Thud...

Finally, the door was knocked on, and Liu Le arrived.

The guy was dressed in a blue snow-patterned tank top and white shorts, looking extremely cool and relaxed, just short of a pair of sunglasses.

"Hi!" Liu Le grinned, squinting his eyes.

"Everyone's here, right..."

Soon enough, Lin Jing also arrived; while she leaned against the door, her figure was tall and rugged, displaying a sharp contrast to Liu Le with her spirit of vigour and vitality.

"Your ponytail..." Fang Yuan reminded Lin Jing, "It's rubbing against the wall. It'll get dirty."

Lin Jing: "..."


The Eevees, oblivious to the world around them, focused on battling little monsters, lifted their heads quickly after Fang Yuan pinched their tails, glancing around.

Everyone was gathered; it was time to eat.


"Listen to this..."

"In my battle exam, I faced a Chinchou. Even though the water and electricity combination can make the electric attacks stronger, too bad it was up against my Little Kabigon."

Liu Le spoke while eating, telling about his Pokemon battle that morning.

"Haha, such a water gun is like giving Little Kabigon a bath, and the Electric Shock wasn't powerful either, Little Kabigon just took it head-on."

Liu Le bragged about his battle achievements, concealing the fact that he had Little Kabigon use Amnesia.

During the high school league, he had faced setbacks, but the Pokemon battle during the college entrance examination was different. There were no rankings; it was purely to check the training results and strength of the Trainers throughout the year. Liu Le naturally could handle it with ease.

Lin Jing didn't mention the morning's Pokemon battle, but it was certain that with Growlithe's strength, it had passed with full marks.

"Just now!!" While listening, Little Kabigon gave Liu Le a white eye and continued to gorge.

If it hadn't been for the battle with it, it would have almost believed him.

"Bwoo Bwoo!!" Eevee called out to Little Kabigon.

This time, Eevee and Little Kabigon once again competed over their appetites.

Has Eevee ever been defeated by Little Kabigon? Yes... it was in terms of appetite.

Now Eevee had a new strategy, it used Substitute to let two bodies eat together, and in no time, the Pokemon's table of delicious food was wiped clean, to the great astonishment of Growlithe nearby.

"Aooo..." Growlithe's eyes turned red, and it looked angrily at those two food thieves.

Especially Eevee; if it couldn't eat any more, that was fine, but letting a Substitute eat was not the behavior of a good Eevee.

"How about... having a battle after dinner?"

Suddenly, Lin Jing put down her chopsticks and looked towards Liu Le and Fang Yuan, mainly speaking to Fang Yuan.

Although Lin Jing had been calling him "boss" over and over, she had been taking it seriously all along, determined to surpass Fang Yuan in strength.

"I agree," Liu Le nodded.

"Okay..." Fang Yuan touched his nose.


In the afternoon, at the battle field.

Lin Jing's Growlithe and Liu Le's Little Kabigon took turns in the battles, but none of the Pokemon lasted a minute against Eevee.

That was the result of Fang Yuan and Eevee going easy on them, otherwise the battles could have ended even quicker.


Lin Jing covered her forehead and returned Growlithe to the Poké Ball. It was really... since the Little Phoenix King Cup, their gap had widened more and more.

Until now, it hadn't changed at all.

Perhaps... the situation could improve after Growlithe evolved?

After all, once Growlithe evolved into Arcanine, its powerful species ability would make it one of the top among ordinary Pokemon.

"Let's have another battle before school starts," Liu Le muttered as he recalled Little Kabigon. He had been nurturing Little Kabigon for a whole year, pampered it with good food and care every day, and although Little Kabigon wasn't as monstrously strong as Eevee, it should have also accumulated a considerable degree of power by now, right?

Before college, Liu Le felt that Little Kabigon would be able to evolve.

He planned to use the three months of summer vacation to splurge on Little Kabigon, taking it to eat delicacies all over the country.

"Three months or a year, I'll wait for you guys," Eevee jumped onto Fang Yuan's shoulder as he spoke with a laugh.

Just then, Fang Yuan's phone rang. When he checked, it was a call from Teacher Li.

"Shh~" He made a 'wait a bit' gesture to Lin Jing and Liu Le, then answered the call.

"June 10th?"

"So soon!"

"Okay, I'm free, no problem."

Fang Yuan nodded repeatedly and after ending the call, chuckled, "That was Teacher Li. On the 10th we're going somewhere to level up Magnemite, for its evolution."

Lin Jing and Liu Le understood what leveling up meant and immediately realized that Fang Yuan had a clear schedule for the summer vacation, ready for special training.

And it wasn't just Eevee, Magnemite was also included; preparations for its evolutionary special training had already begun.

On June 10th, they were heading to the perilous Electric Plains.

Fang Yuan didn't know if Magnemite would be able to evolve smoothly, but he was sure there would be a lot of gains by then.