Chapter 215: Subduing Chimchar_1

"What are you two staring at?"

Chimchar was staring at Fang Yuan, and Fang Yuan was staring back at Chimchar. At first, Granny Sun thought they were in the process of mutual selection.

But, 10 seconds, 20 seconds, until after 2 minutes, Chimchar and Fang Yuan were still locked in a gaze, Granny Sun started to feel that something was off.

"Bwoo." Chimchar turned its head away.

"Looks like I won the staring contest, so are you willing to be my Pokemon now?" Fang Yuan chuckled.

Chimchar was speechless. Who was having a staring contest with you, and when did it lose, anyway?

Just moments ago, Chimchar was curious about what kind of Trainer had chosen it, but now it was certain that this Trainer had an exceptionally thick skin.

"A staring contest? Hmm... Your way of getting to know each other is indeed unique," Granny Sun said. "So, Chimchar, are you willing to go with this person?"

The relationship between a Trainer and a Pokemon isn't merely that of master and pet; the Pokemon also have their own choice. If Chimchar doesn't accept Fang Yuan as its Trainer, the breeding house has the right to allow Fang Yuan to pick another Pokemon.

Chimchar fell silent. It had a good life in the breeding house.

Ever since it was born, it had lived here... Although it knew its mission, the thought of leaving with a stranger made Chimchar hesitate.

Was Fang Yuan worthy of its companionship?

Looking at Fang Yuan again, Chimchar noticed his eyes were slightly red. It must be a sequel of the earlier staring contest...

After some reflection, Chimchar stood up. Although it didn't acknowledge the previous staring contest, since Fang Yuan went to such lengths to gain its approval, with full sincerity, maybe it should trust him this once?

Chimchar extended its hand.

Fang Yuan was startled, then also extended his hand, clasping it together with Chimchar's, and at the same moment, Fang Yuan blinked, shedding a tear.

Chimchar was taken aback. Tears?

"Bwoo." Chimchar quickly wiped away Fang Yuan's tears... It's just that I agreed to become your Pokemon, is there really a need to get so emotional you cry?

Perhaps this Trainer wasn't so bad after all?

"Thanks, I'm fine."

Fang Yuan rubbed his eyes, only feeling the sting in his eyes as if they were about to tear up. If only he knew better than to play games all night with Eevee after studying; his eyes just couldn't take it.


After leaving the breeding house, Fang Yuan saw the beaming face of senior Xu Changliang and couldn't help but ask curiously, "President Xu? What happened to you?"

Xu Changliang was smiling ear to ear as he said, "Sorry, I've lost my composure. By the way, which Pokemon did you choose?"

President Xu shifted the topic. He certainly couldn't tell Fang Yuan that while he was busy choosing a Pokemon, he had hit it off with a female senior, could he?

"Uh... Chimchar." Fang Yuan held a Poké Ball with a flame marker, saying, "Now all that's left is to register at the Spirit Center."

"If you have other matters to attend to, President Xu, I can go by myself," Fang Yuan offered.

"Right, I'll wait here for the other club members, just give me a call if you need anything," Xu Changliang nodded.

Fang Yuan thanked him and turned to leave... The world is indeed declining, everyone's fixated on romance, how can they make it into the school team?

This President Xu has no future...

After Fang Yuan left, Granny Sun at the breeding house made a note too, mainly to notify the Breeder who had hatched the Chimchar.


Name, Fang Yuan.

Beginner Elf, Eevee.

Second Pokemon, Trio Magnet Monsters.

Third Pokemon, Chimchar.

After registration, Fang Yuan took a taxi from the Spirit Center back to campus, and returned to his dorm.

A moment later.

All three of Fang Yuan's Pokemon gathered in one room.

"Eevee, Magnemite, welcome our new companion! You guys get to know each other first!!" Fang Yuan dropped this line and went off to find Energy Blocks, leaving the three Pokemon staring at each other.

The Trio Magnet Monsters floated in mid-air, Eevee jumped onto the bed, and Chimchar stood on the floor.

Eevee and the Trio Magnet Monsters stared at Chimchar, and Chimchar stared back at them.

Chimchar: ???

Chimchar was confused, somehow feeling it had entered a den of thieves.

Why do they all like staring at me?

Chimchar lowered its head and also looked at itself.

Orange fur, light red palms and soles, and belly... Then Chimchar turned its head to look at the flame on its tail.

Nothing odd here...

It looked dissatisfiedly at Eevee and the Trio Magnet Monsters.

"Bwoo Bwoo!!" In the next moment, Eevee waved its paw; this Pokemon, Fang Yuan's choice, wasn't bad—it had all limbs intact and looked like it could join in with its games, more reliable than the Trio Magnet Monsters.

"Kui Yi Yi!"

The Trio Magnet Monsters also expressed their welcome, with Chimchar's appendages present, it probably wouldn't have to use its Superpowers for chores anymore.

Fang Yuan's Pokemon team... naturally formed an exploitation chain...

Chimchar took a deep breath, feeling the warmth from Eevee and the Trio Magnet Monsters, but not quite able to get used to it.

At that moment, Fang Yuan returned, holding three small plates with Energy Blocks prepared for Eevee, the Trio Magnet Monsters, and Chimchar.

This was their lunch.

"Chimchar, this is for you," Fang Yuan said as he passed the plate filled with Purple-Red Energy Cubes and Light blue energy blocks to Chimchar.

Chimchar looked at the food in the plate with confusion. What is this?

It gently picked up a Purple-Red Energy Cube, sniffed it, and then took a small bite.

The next moment, Chimchar's expression lit up, and it gobbled up the remaining Energy Block in its hand.

Then, it looked at the remaining Energy Blocks in its plate and started to devour them in big bites.


It had never eaten anything this tasty in the breeding house.

Moreover, after eating the Energy Blocks, it wasn't just the taste; two warm currents flowed through Chimchar's body. Chimchar could clearly feel the Energy Blocks transforming its body.

Fang Yuan watched the satisfied-looking Chimchar and smiled.

Children are indeed children, unable to resist the temptation of good food.

In both the games and the anime, Energy Blocks are the best bait for attracting Wild Elves. Chimchar was probably eating this pure crystallized energy for the first time, right? It would be surprising if it could resist.

"Bwoo." After finishing its meal, Chimchar couldn't help but look towards Fang Yuan with a longing expression, even licking its lips.

Besides that, it felt a bit embarrassed; perhaps it ate a little too quickly?

"Bwoo." Seeing Chimchar's good appetite, Eevee nodded in satisfaction, then divided a block from its plate and gave it to Chimchar.

"Kui Yi Yi." The Trio Magnet Monsters followed suit, swiftly using their Superpower to take two more Energy Blocks and placing them in Chimchar's plate.

Looking at the extra food in its plate, Chimchar felt moved. These two Pokemon companions... were they not bad as well?