Chapter 216 Fairy Spirit_1


Attribute: Fire

Trait: Iron Fist.

Skilled in punch moves.

Mastered moves: Fire Punch, Thunder Punch, Awakening Power: Electricity, Gathering Energy, Spark, Scratch, Leer.

After capturing Chimchar, Fang Yuan had learned about its general condition.

Just as Granny Sun from the breeding house had introduced, this Chimchar had an exceptional talent for punches and the Electric Series.

At the same time, it had inherited the Gathering Energy Technique.

This isn't to say that Chimchar's Fire Type talent is poor, the Pokemon with special talent from the breeding house also have strong talents in their own attributes; it's just that compared to others of their kind, they have an additional special talent, which makes them more distinctive.

After bringing Chimchar back, Fang Yuan's Pokemon team gained a new member full of vitality.

Originally, Fang Yuan thought that Chimchar was a very disciplined, peace-loving Pokemon.

Out of all the Chimchar in the breeding house, it was the only one that didn't play mischieviously but sat quietly on a rock, gathering energy and practicing punches.

But now, Fang Yuan saw through Chimchar's true nature.

It wasn't a cultivation fanatic like the Trio Magnet Monsters; it was covertly passionate.

Quiet on the outside, fervent on the inside.

"Ah woo!!" On the floor, Chimchar sat holding a mobile phone, engaged in an online battle with Eevee who was on the bed, and its expression was even more serious than Eevee's, with a strong desire to win.

In just three days, Eevee had taught Chimchar how to play this fighting game, and Chimchar had truly become captivated by it.

"Ora ora ora ora——"

"Oak oak oak oak——"

Hearing the sound effects from the phone, Fang Yuan closed his notebook with a face full of black lines and looked towards the pale-faced Chimchar.

Eevee vs. Chimchar.

Eevee 99 wins, Chimchar 99 losses.

Soon, Chimchar was about to be mercilessly defeated by Eevee for the 100th time in a row.

Chimchar really liked the sensation of fleshy blows in the fighting game, but how could it compete with Eevee's slick moves? Each and every time, it was thrashed by Eevee, which had nothing but its padded paws, and it was left disoriented...


"It's been half an hour," Fang Yuan reminded.

Eevee and Chimchar quickly put away the phone and ran off to train.

Seeing this, Fang Yuan sighed in relief.

Thank goodness, although Chimchar enjoyed playing games with Eevee, it wasn't addicted.

It was not as addicted to the internet as Eevee.

But that was to be expected... Anyone who was beaten 99 times wouldn't become obsessed.

If it were an average person, they would have become reclusive and mentally collapsed by now. The fact that Chimchar had persevered until now spoke volumes about its strong willpower.

And... what comforted Fang Yuan was that the scene he had seen at the breeding house wasn't entirely an illusion.

Although Chimchar wasn't like the Trio Magnet Monsters, who only knew training, it was extremely serious once it started training and could quickly change its state of mind.

Overall, Chimchar's personality could be considered relatively normal, unlike Eevee and the Trio Magnet Monsters who were so extreme.

"Wu er..."

Having consumed Purple-Red Energy Cubes for several days, Chimchar's strength had obviously increased, but since this strength was of an all-around nature, Fang Yuan couldn't just let Chimchar continue training punches as before.

After all, other parts of the body need to be used to exert force even when throwing punches; only through whole-body coordination could the most powerful moves be executed.

"100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, 100 squats, that's one set. Repeat several sets, and then I'll take you to the training field for a long run," Fang Yuan instructed.

"This is the first stage of training. Once you've fully absorbed the nutrients from the Energy Blocks you've eaten these past days, we'll move on to the second stage of gravity strength training!"

Due to Fang Yuan being busy with test preparation in the past few days, there wasn't much time, so he only had the three Pokemon undergo some simple training. Chimchar was doing basic physical strength training; it's currently in its developmental stage, so as long as nutrition and consumption are combined, it was good enough to bring out the effects of the Energy Blocks it consumed.

After the exams, Fang Yuan planned to establish a more detailed training method for Chimchar. With the abundant educational resources at Demon Capital University, whether he sought guidance from Professional Trainers across departments or browsed the library, he had no concerns about finding the right training program. What he needed to do was collect suggestions and materials and then, based on Chimchar's characteristics, summarize and organize them.



The independent examination for the Intern Researcher was approaching.

During this period, Fang Yuan understood what it meant to say, "Choose your profession wisely, and every day feels like a competitive exam."

Apart from supervising the Pokemon training, interacting with them, and attending classes, Fang Yuan devoted all his energy to preparing for the exams, forgoing all extracurricular activities.

For instance, he didn't participate in the Battle Society's new member battles.

Nor did he take part in the interdepartmental battle exchanges organized privately amongst the departments.

In fact, the main issue was... the rewards weren't so hot.

So for these ten days, Fang Yuan led a very routine life.

Until the 16th.

Fang Yuan took the independent examination for Intern Researchers.

Perhaps because the threshold for entering this exam was relatively high, the content was rather simple.

Fang Yuan had started preparing since his senior year of high school, and thankfully, his hard work hadn't gone in vain; he responded smoothly throughout a day's worth of exams.

On the afternoon of the 16th, the exam ended, and Fang Yuan left with his head spinning, but finally able to relax.

Apart from the pesky foreign language portion, which was pretty tricky, everything else should be fine, and on average, his chances of passing were very high.


September 17th, Sunday.

Fang Yuan planned to visit the Demon Capital University Library.

But, contrary to his wishes, a piece of news left him dumbfounded.

"Eevee's sixth evolutionary form, the Fairy Spirit, unveiled..."

"Oh my God."

"There goes another potential thesis topic."

Fang Yuan felt quite down when he received the news. Back in his senior year of high school, the Ice Spirit Form was discovered.

One year later, today, the Fairy Spirit was uncovered... and the discoverer was someone he knew.

Fang Yuan felt that if he didn't act soon, the Solar Spirit and Moon Spirit might also be discovered by others.

"Four Heavenly Kings Xie Qingyi publishes the basic Fairy Type encyclopedia 'Mystery of Fairies,' now adopted as a teaching material by over a hundred universities, including Magic City University and Imperial City University."

"Four Heavenly Kings Xie Qingyi announces the new evolutionary form of Eevee, names it with the distinctly Hua Nation mythological characteristic 'Fairy Spirit,' and its evolution method has been confirmed..."

Since becoming one of the Four Heavenly Kings, Fairy King Xie Qingyi continued to create two major talking points, and successful hype not only solidified her position among the Kings but also elevated her image in the hearts of the public.

Half a day later.

Fang Yuan sent a message to School Sister Xie Qingyi because he thought that consulting with her about how to handle his Eevee, whose form was unstable due to R Medicine and its evolution into a Solar Spirit, seemed most appropriate. On various levels, she was the person who, besides himself, understood the most about Eevee's experiences and was also trustworthy.

After Fang Yuan sent his message, he expected to wait a long time for a reply but was surprised to receive an instant response.

Xie Qingyi: "Let me guess... Are you asking about learning methods for Fairy-type Moves?"

"Although the Fairy Spirit is second to none, your Eevee isn't..."

You guessed wrong.

Fang Yuan: "Well, School Sister... My Eevee has evolved."

Xie Qingyi: "!!!"

In the North.

Located in the Imperial Capital, Xie Qingyi's expression froze, and she took a closer look at the screen. Fang Yuan's Eevee, which had been diagnosed as not advisable to evolve, had evolved?