Chapter 221 I Want It All_1

"Haven't decided yet...?"

Brother Qin Shou was about to despair.

He had been accompanying Fang Yuan since their arrival upstairs, and it had already been three hours.

During this time, he perfectly became a tool, helping Fang Yuan to search, select, organize, and record.

In Fang Yuan's words, it was "a huge help."

Having a senior who enjoyed helping others, he at least saved himself half the time.

"I've decided," Fang Yuan said.

Utilizing three hours, Fang Yuan almost completely explored the entire Fighting Attribute Area.

He found that it was absolutely worth the trip.

For example, the Cannon Fist from the internet-searchable Xingyi Five Elements Boxing primarily describes practices and techniques based on humans.

However, the Cannon Fist stored in the Magic University Library is a basic technique of Fire Punch.

It talks about how to control Fire Series Energy circulation within the body and then release it explosively like ignited dynamite, thus achieving an enhancement of power.

Among them, there are also purely physical power release techniques, and one book Fang Yuan found interesting is Tai Chi Spiral Power.

Spiral, huh... fate has brought us together.

Unfortunately, this kind of power release technique was only available at Mo Da for usage by creatures like Abilang and the Hariyama family.

"Which one to choose? It's got to be Eight Extremes, right?" Brother Qin Shou said, "Monferno is agile and nimble, good at using its arms and legs together, and Eight Extremes mainly focuses on shaking the legs for power... Most importantly, the version of Eight Extremes in our university library includes not just the use of shoulders, elbows, fists, hips, knees, and feet but also really goddamn includes the use of the tail, wasn't this tailored for Monferno?"

"When the time comes, learn Iron Tail and surprise them, so satisfying."

Fang Yuan smiled. This senior had a point. It had to be said that these martial artists were truly admirable. They managed, in the hundred years since the arrival of Pokemon, to ingeniously combine traditional culture with Pokemon training. It was amazing, and there's a reason why Hua Nation has many times more Fighting style dojos than dojos for other attributes.

"I'll take all six of these," Fang Yuan picked out six books and said.

The Cannon Fist from Xingyi Five Elements Boxing for the use of Fire Punch.

The Burst Fist for the technique of Thunder Punch.

The Bajiquan for training the whole body and documenting special power release techniques.

The Inch Fist that focuses on commanding energy with Mental power.

A Qi training technique in Tai Chi related specifically to Gathering Energy Technique.

And a cheat book of Genuine Energy Fist Form techniques.

The first five had been altered by Trainers from their original concepts, becoming practical skills for Pokemon battles, equivalent to techniques like Counter Shield. Fang Yuan found them all valuable and decided to take them all. Since he had not found any particularly suitable ones, he decided to refer to them all.

"Holy shit, all of them?"

Qingshou from the Battle Society was astonished, "Jack of all trades, master of none, if you master one, you have a chance to make it into the school team."

Fang Yuan said, "Aren't these all the most basic things? It wouldn't hurt to learn a bit of each."

Qingshou was speechless, "Although they are basic, Pokemon have limited energy and so do credits; as a freshman, picking out six books at once, even if you join the Battle Society and earn some credits, it won't withstand such consumption."

"But... I can't find a single comprehensive one here... I can only piece them together."

"Er, if you go to some Fighting Dojos to seek tutelage, perhaps you can get a more comprehensive heritage."

Fang Yuan smiled, "That's why, I'll just pick three to study for now and benefit from their strengths."


"Having three books is also going to cost a lot of academic credits," Qin Shou had a headache. It wouldn't have been a problem if Fang Yuan were an older student, but he was a new student without a stable channel to earn credits. Spending credits like this without control could cause issues. Eventually, he might not even be able to afford the training facilities and would have to spend his days at the public training grounds.

"It's okay, I have plenty of credits," Fang Yuan said.

As a specially recruited student, he was granted significantly more initial credits, which were enough for the near future. Moreover, as a Research Series student with several papers up his sleeve, credits were merely a number to Fang Yuan, and he had already thoroughly calculated the Magic University's credit system.

Ordinary students might need to be very careful with their expenditure, but for the children of wealthy families and study tyrants, as long as they didn't deliberately waste it, it was totally enough.

As for the issue of energy, there was no need to worry either. Chimchar's talent in fist techniques was exceptionally outstanding, something that professional Breeders all acknowledged. Given this, why should one hold it to the standards of an ordinary elf?

"Alright then," seeing Fang Yuan had made up his mind, Qin Shou shrugged again.

Fang Yuan smiled, gathered the "Bajiquan," "Tai Chi," and "Inch Fist" books, and went to register them.

After registration, not only could he teach using the content recorded in the books, but he could also bring the registration certificate to find Magic University's respective teaching mentors and trainers for more detailed guidance, learning the moves or techniques.

The latter was where spending credits was most worthwhile.


Since Brother Qin Shou had accompanied Fang Yuan in selecting books from hundreds of volumes, Fang Yuan didn't just take advantage of his labor and leave; considering it was getting late, he thanked him by treating him to a meal, and then they parted ways.

Back in the dorm, Fang Yuan took out the three books.

The Cannon Fist technique for Fire Punch, the Burst Fist technique for Thunder Punch, and the method to learn the Genuine Energy Fist Form, Fang Yuan didn't bring them back this time, planning to learn them later.

For now, he'd tackle these three.


In the dorm, Chimchar endured the pressure of the Gravity from the Trio Magnet Monsters, focusing its mind and pricking up its ears to listen to Fang Yuan.

Eevee, lying on the bed, glanced at the busy Trio Magnet Monsters and Chimchar and sighed. Sure enough, compared to playing games, Chimchar preferred practicing its fist techniques more.

Could it be that it lost so many times, it didn't want to play anymore?

But... why bother learning these techniques... isn't learning the "Fighting Game Ultimate Move Restoration Style" with me good enough?

Those special effects are way cooler.


Fang Yuan pulled the curtain shut, worried that the drama and gaming enthusiast Eevee would distract the "Dedicated Duo."

"You guys should not learn from Eevee. Although it seems to laze around all the time, it actually improves faster than anyone else. In high school, I hated such people the most. But for most, if you want to get stronger, hard work and dedication are the most important..."

The Trio Magnet Monsters nodded thoughtfully, and Chimchar also nodded seriously.

Perhaps Eevee was one of those legendary big shots.

Fang Yuan exhaled and let the Trio Magnet Monsters practice Gravity, while also training Chimchar.

The current strength of the Trio Magnet Monsters' Gravity was enough for training Chimchar.

Chimchar wouldn't be able to handle the higher levels of Gravity Room just yet.

Next, Fang Yuan began to explain the fighting style techniques from the three books he rented from the library to Chimchar.

"I've looked at this Tai Chi book, and I think it suits you. This technique is meant for the integration of Gathering Energy Techniques and body movements, emphasizing the coordination between 'energy' and 'strength.' Through special coordination methods, it achieves a combination of motion and stillness, gathering energy during motion and attack, allowing energy to follow the body, as opposed to gathering energy first, then striking."

Fang Yuan looked at Chimchar, whose Gathering Energy Fire Punch was powerful but too slow. In a fight, who would give you several seconds to gather energy?

This was why Fang Yuan chose the Tai Chi technique, which coordinated energy and strength. Once learned, Chimchar could achieve fluid combat.
