Chapter 220 Chimchar's Boxing - 1

Magic City University, library.

Regarded by the students of Mo Da as the most sacred place.

Here, there are six million volumes of books.

However, for some people... that is, the Trainer community, only a portion of them have value.

Those are the books about Pokemon.

More specifically, they are books about Moves Secret Books, training methods, and creature cultivation.

The library of Magic City University has a collection of several hundred types of basic breeding and training methods for Pokemon.

The number of Ordinary Move Secret Books has also exceeded three digits.

In addition, there are some niche books that are also applicable to Pokemon.

If you ask which training facility in Mo Da consumes the most credits, students will unanimously answer that borrowing important books frequently costs credits…


After laying a good foundation for Chimchar, Fang Yuan set his sights on further cultivation.

Since Chimchar has the Iron Fist trait, the cultivation route is very clear—focus on various punching moves and develop Chimchar's Fighting ability.

Train Chimchar as a warrior rather than a mage.

Compared to using moves like Fire Vortex, Chimchar would definitely be more accustomed to using Fire Punch.

After walking through half the campus area, Fang Yuan finally arrived at the library.

The Magic University Library as a whole is grand and majestic, with an ancient charm. The transparent modernity of the glass curtain wall perfectly combines with the solid architectural style, but once inside, Fang Yuan felt it was very modern.


Swipe the card to enter.

This was Fang Yuan's first time entering the interior of the library.

"Yo, Fang Yuan?"

Standing in front of a massive electronic screen on the first floor, Fang Yuan, who was looking at the section introductions, was suddenly tapped.

Fang Yuan turned his head and looked at the young man in front of him, showing a puzzled expression.

"Who are you?"

"Well," the young man shrugged, "I'm your senior, from the Battle Society. My name is Qin Shou."

Nice name, looks genuinely given.

"Hello, senior," Fang Yuan said.

"Hello, hello," Qin Shou responded with a smile. "Is this your first time at the library?"

"Yes..." Fang Yuan nodded.

"What's up, need any help?" the senior offered enthusiastically.

Although Fang Yuan had only participated in a Battle Society event once, Qin Shou had a deep impression of him.

This is a very promising junior, still not too late to build relations.

Missed out on juniors, but getting acquainted with a junior brother isn't bad.

"Um, I mainly want to look at the books in the Fighting Attribute Area..." Fang Yuan looked up at the electronic screen.

The Fighting Attribute Area should be on the third floor, F2 Area.

"The Combat Attribute Area? What Pokemon are you planning to cultivate, junior brother?"


"The Furious Fire Trait or the Iron Fist Trait?"

"Iron Fist."

"Then I highly recommend Bajiquan!"

Fang Yuan: "..."

Isn't this senior a bit too enthusiastic?

"With Tai Chi, one pacifies the world; with the Eight Extremes, one steadies heaven and earth. The movements of Bajiquan are simple and unadorned, powerful and fast, extremely suitable for Monferno. Although what our Magic University Library records is only the most basic training method, it is already sufficient for ordinary battles."

Fang Yuan remained silent.

At present, the method of cultivating Fighting-type Pokemon in Hua Nation is based on the use of traditional Chinese martial arts as the foundation, which are then modified.

The origin was that someone overseas combined the newly emerging Karate to cultivate Fighting-type Pokemon and achieved very good results, making this cultivation method highly sought after by many people.

Now, in Hua Nation, the most numerous dojos are those focusing on the Fighting Series.

What Fang Yuan wanted to find were some boxing styles to train his Chimchar.

The Bajiquan mentioned just now by Brother Qin Shou was indeed within Fang Yuan's considerations.

The existence of these boxing techniques, in essence, are similar to combat skills like the Counter Shield.

Imagine a Fighting-type Pokemon that only knows straight punches and hook punches.

In a battle against a Fighting-type Pokemon that knows martial techniques, if the difference in strength is not significant, who would win and who would lose?

Envision fists enveloped in flames, practicing Bajiquan with Fire Punch—just the thought of it is thrilling.

But the root of the problem is... Chinese martial arts are profound and have numerous schools; it's definitely a challenge for the average person to choose without getting dazzled.

If one truly wants to maximize martial skills, selecting the appropriate fighting techniques based on the Pokemon's specific traits becomes very important.

For instance, a Pokemon like Abilang, proficient in boxing, surely can't be made to learn Foshan Shadowless Kick, right?

And then there is Mienshao, with its whiskers that can be wielded like whips, its arms striking with speed faster than lightning—would it make sense to have it learn wrestling?

That would be nonsensical.

In fact, not only Fighting-type Pokemon, but other types of Pokemon could also learn similar skills; the Jiu-Jitsu Speaker Bud in the anime's Silver Mountain competition left a deep impression on Fang Yuan...

It's the same principle for Chimchar.

Firstly, Chimchar needs punch-based martial force techniques and movement routines.

But even restricting it to punching styles, there are countless variants.

In such a situation, one can only start by picking from the mainstream styles...

Actually, Fang Yuan also understood that in the library of Demon Capital University, after all the choosing, what he would get were only the most ordinary, basic training books.

Significant insights and special techniques would surely be kept by the big dojos as treasures, not made public.

This was normal, if there were not sufficient benefits, Fang Yuan wouldn't waste his time publishing training methods like the Retribution Training Method either.

Luckily, for now, basic training methods were enough for Chimchar.

"Junior?" Brother Qin Shou clearly wanted to give Fang Yuan a hand and kept inquiring.

Fang Yuan chuckled dryly. Well, having a senior familiar with this place giving advice was not bad either.

After all, the decision-making would still be up to him.

"Can I just go up and pick one?" Fang Yuan asked.

"Yes, choose first and then register," said Qin Shou.


Third floor, F2 Area.

Guided by Qin Shou, Fang Yuan skimmed through these modified basic techniques of fighting styles suitable for Combat-type elves.

"Bajiquan is a short-range boxing style; its movements generally pursue being fierce, with a simple yet forceful and swift style of power generation."

"This Xingyiquan is created by imitating the characteristic movements of twelve animals... but Chimchar is already a monkey."

"Wing Chun... not suitable."

Fang Yuan once again struggled with decision-making, and under Qin Shou's peculiar gaze, he closed his eyes.

He began to recall Chimchar's style...

In the training field, Chimchar would either sit still or stand quietly, focusing on Gathering Energy.

Then, once the energy gathering was over, it would suddenly unleash a punch, concentrating all its power in one explosive and rapid strike.

This was a monkey as calm as a maiden but as quick as a fleeing rabbit.

Why did it seem like rather than a routine-heavy boxing style, a one-strike-kill technique like Iaido would suit this monkey better...

Was there a similar school of technique?