Chapter 237 Sudden Change_1

To put it simply, mental concentration is just a state that makes it easier to sense the spiritual power hidden within.

Meditative moves, on the other hand, are techniques that utilize this hidden spiritual power.

Once in a state of mental concentration, the hidden spiritual power becomes clearer and more visible to the Pokemon, thus facilitating the Pokemon's ability to excavate, control, and further enhance the quality of their spiritual power. That is the principle behind meditative moves.

Knowing this principle, Eevee then wondered why it was necessary to learn in a step-by-step fashion.

The purpose of using meditative moves is to enhance spiritual power. As long as the spiritual power is successfully improved, shouldn't it be alright if the process and methods differ slightly from the norm?

Just like the Water Gun move, some Pokemon use their mouths to spray water, while others use different organs. But in the end, it's still the same move. The same move, when executed by different Pokemon, can yield different effects.

That uncle said that meditation methods vary between different schools of superpower. So, why can't I find a meditation method that's suitable for myself?

After learning meditative moves and then studying the Tianxin Stream Meditation Techniques, it's like knowing the answer before analyzing the steps, making the process much more efficient.

Eevee is very clever. The hidden spiritual power can also be seen as part of its own potential, and it immediately thought of the Retribution Training Method, a technique that uses emotional energy to excavate various potentials.

Eevee had also experienced excavating brain domain potential with emotional energy, which can indeed instantaneously enhance spiritual power. However, it is different from meditative moves. The excavation of emotional energy is a burst of immediate release, making it difficult to control afterward, and it has significant side effects, leading to overload. If not careful, it could end up in the hospital just like the last time. Whereas meditative moves are relatively gentle and easier to control.

Since the Retribution Training Method and meditative moves aim in the same direction, can I not use my ability to multitask and leverage other energies to complete meditation?

Eevee knew what it had to do, which was to create the most suitable meditation method for itself.

Most meditation involves reaching a state of mental concentration by increasing one's "perception ability" to "see" this hidden spiritual power, magnifying it from an imperceptible potential power to something obvious like using a microscope to observe and then utilize it.

But Eevee chose a different approach, where it stimulated the hidden spiritual power to become active on its own and then perceived it.

A typical "I won't come to you, but you will emerge on your own" scenario.

In meditation, mental concentration is about focusing one's heart, mind, and spirit entirely on the primal beginning, transcending material desires to feel a direct connection with the latent power.

Eevee, however, focused its attention on the Solar Energy within the Destruction Gene. Relative to a state of thinking about nothing, Eevee found it easier to concentrate on a specific concept.

Next, just as Eevee had anticipated, due to the special nature of the Solar Spirit's body, Solar Energy had a significant impact on spiritual power.

The Ruby of the Solar Spirit could convert Solar Energy into spiritual power stored within it. Because of this ability, when Eevee focused on the Solar Energy inside its body, it found that its spiritual power became more active, like water boiling when heated.

This was the influence of Solar Energy on spiritual power. Because the Solar Spirit's specific organs could convert Solar Energy into spiritual power at any time, there was a special connection between the two.

In this state, Eevee was delighted to discover that not only the spiritual power it could easily control, but also the part of its potential that it usually couldn't perceive, became active too—clear and visible. At that moment, Eevee multitasked, guiding this latent energy, thus completing the meditative move and allowing its controllable spiritual power to grow stronger...

This was the meditation method that Eevee created.

Fang Yuan silently observed the Solar Spirit before him, who had gone through great efforts to explain its meditation principle to Fang Yuan.

Not to perceive the hard-to-see latent power, but to make the latent spiritual power easy to perceive.

You really are a clever little thing...

The Solar Spirit also looked towards Fang Yuan, waiting for his praise. However, it suddenly realized that Fang Yuan wasn't as excited as it had expected.

Fang Yuan revealed an expression of inscrutable depth and said, "Good, it coincides with my own thoughts. I was considering that perhaps by leveraging the uniqueness of the 'Destruction Gene,' we could formulate a meditation method suited to us. You had a week, and you managed to think of it on your own, which means you have not let me down."

Solar Spirit: "???"

Fang Yuan added, "While it's called meditation, it's more accurate to call it contemplation. But your meditative move is not yet perfect. When we get the chance to return to Mo Da, entering the 'Sun Room' might produce a miraculous effect if we transform spiritual power from both inside and out."

"Moreover, mastering the Sunny Day move is also very important for your spiritual power. As a Solar Spirit, the relationship between Solar Energy and spiritual power is inseparable; the strength of one affects the other. Next, I will help you find the cheat book for learning the Sunny Day move."

After hearing Fang Yuan's explanation, the Solar Spirit glanced at the serene Fang Yuan and reverted to its original silent state.

Was everything really within Fang Yuan's calculations??

This one week was a test given by Fang Yuan...


The Solar Spirit heaved a sigh of relief. Elated that it had been clever enough not to let down Fang Yuan, indeed a worthy Trainer, who had even constructed the subsequent training methods for its uniquely invented meditation approach.

"Anyway, keep up the good work," Fang Yuan turned away.

But on further thought, this type of meditation method could only be used by his own Solar Spirit. Other Solar Spirits did not have the organs to store Solar Energy; they could only convert Solar Energy into spiritual power and then store it... With the extra 'Destruction Gene' that can store Solar Energy, how much more of an unknown impact would it have on Eevee?

"Let's mull over it when we return," Fang Yuan muttered to himself.

Just as Fang Yuan was pondering how to maintain his image as a majestic Trainer in light of Eevee's growing prowess, suddenly a warning alarm sounded in the Heavenly Heart Dojo.

A warning alarm??

At that moment, an urgent knocking at the door was followed by an apprentice, someone Fang Yuan had met a few times before, who breathlessly delivered a message.

"Fang Yuan, a Super Miniature Secret Realm has appeared on Tianxin Island. We need to assemble outside now!"