Chapter 238 Secret Location Descends_1

Secret location???

"How's the situation?" Fang Yuan was taken aback and quickly asked.

"I don't know, they'll probably tell us after we gather," the Psychic Apprentice shook his head, having just received the notice himself, he was also unaware.

Fang Yuan nodded silently, primarily wanting to know if anyone had accidentally entered the secret location.

Even though it was just a Super Miniature Secret Realm, the danger level could not be judged solely by its size; accidentally entering a secret realm... Unless one was an extraordinarily strong Trainer, it would likely be a deadly ordeal.


All the Trainers of the Heavenly Heart Dojo were assembled in the outdoor training ground.

Including Apprentices, there were slightly over twenty people.

A woman unfamiliar to Fang Yuan stood on the elevated platform and began to speak to those below.

"According to the recent detections by the Trainer Association, a Super Miniature Secret Realm has appeared on Tianxin Island, and at present, it is not known whether anyone has entered it. Thankfully, the three entrances to this secret realm are far from any towns," she said.

"Before the personnel from the Trainer Association arrive, our Heavenly Heart Dojo needs to fulfill its duty to protect the town from any harm caused by the secret realm. Numerous elves have already emerged from the three entrances. Shortly, I will select a few individuals to lead teams to the outskirts of the town to control and repulse the Secret Realm Sprites that are approaching the town."

The woman spoke solemnly, gathering the Dojo's Trainers not to enter the secret realm but to prevent the frenzied Secret Realm Sprites from entering human-inhabited areas outside the realm.

The task of exploring the secret realm for more dangerous elements had to be left to the Professional Trainers. Currently, two Professional Trainers from the Heavenly Heart Dojo, including the Senior Psychic Tao Chen whom Fang Yuan had met, were among the first to head to the entrance of the secret realm to manage the situation.

However, those who had already emerged from the secret realm with "Exotic Syndrome" also required manpower to deal with.

Tianxin Island was a remote place and not very large, lacking a Trainer Association. The protection of the wilderness relied entirely on the Heavenly Heart Dojo. Fang Yuan looked around at the other Trainers and clenched his fists, emotions churning within him.

Soon, the woman assigned several Psychics to lead teams, simultaneously allocating Trainers as team members to go to designated locations. However, when the woman's gaze swept over Fang Yuan, she did not include him in any team, and even after the teams were formed, Fang Yuan still had not been assigned.

"May I ask, where should I go?" Fang Yuan looked at the woman, Mrs. Jiang, who was also one of the Senior Psychics of the Heavenly Heart Dojo and a Professional Trainer.

There were five Professional Trainers currently in the Heavenly Heart Dojo, four of whom were Senior Psychics, and one was the Sect Leader, who was also graced with the title of a master. Unfortunately, he was not present at the dojo. In addition, there were Trainers like Senior Lu Hai who were soon to undergo the Professional Examination.

It could be said that the defensive capabilities of Tianxin Island were no weaker than those of some major cities, at least in terms of the number of Professional Trainers, it surpassed that of the Ping City Trainer Association.

"You're not a Dojo Apprentice, so you don't need to go," Mrs. Jiang said to Fang Yuan after the other Trainers began to move.

In the Dojo, except for Fang Yuan, all were contracted official Apprentices and part of the Dojo, while Fang Yuan, despite his temporary studies there, was still an outsider and not obliged to fulfill the Heavenly Heart Dojo's duty to protect Tianxin Island.

"I can also help, and as a Rookie, I have had two special experiences entering secret realms and have received relevant training from the Trainer Association," Fang Yuan earnestly tried to prove his strength and his ability to be of help.

Although he was not yet a Professional Trainer, Fang Yuan wanted to do his part.

Mrs. Jiang took a deep look at Fang Yuan. She naturally knew his information, as the Su province Rookie King, the strength of the Solar Spirit was no less than that of the main elves of the Magic City University Team, and not weaker than the strength of the apprentices at the Heavenly Heart Dojo.

"Alright, you follow the second team over there," she finally nodded. In the current situation of manpower shortage, an additional Trainer could provide one more guarantee to prevent the rampaging Secret Realm Sprites from entering the town.

"Yes!" Fang Yuan touched the three Poké Balls on his waist and immediately set off.


This Super Miniature Secret Realm had three entrances in total, two more than the last time in Nanwu Town, indicating that although it was also super miniature, it was at least bigger than the Nanwu Town Secret Realm.

Currently, Senior Lu Hai, who was close to being a Professional Trainer, had already left, and the Sect Leader was also not present. Of the four Senior Superpower Users, only three were in the dojo.

Two of them had already gone to protect the nearest entrance to the Secret Realm, and next, Mrs. Jiang would also head to guard the last entrance.

As for the sprites that had come out of the Secret Realm, it was currently difficult to investigate. Before support from the Trainer Association could arrive, they had to rely on the dojo Trainers to defend themselves.

Fang Yuan followed the second team to the southern part of Tianxin Island town. The team was led by a Superpower User approaching thirty, likely an experienced Trainer, and including Fang Yuan, there were six Dojo Apprentices in total, all older than Fang Yuan, above the age of twenty.

"Next, break into teams of two and spread out to the sides. You will stay in the area one kilometer outside of the town. If any Secret Realm Sprite with a strong intent to attack appears, immediately contact the others!" the leading Trainer instructed. "I'll scout ahead. Remember, contact me immediately if you encounter any Secret Realm Sprites!"

With that, everyone dispersed to broaden the search area, and Fang Yuan started moving to the right side with a university-aged female student.

The so-called "protection of the town" was not as dangerous as Fang Yuan had imagined. What they needed to do was to repel the Secret Realm Sprites that approached the town. This "waiting for the rabbit" task might not even involve battle before the mission ended.

The ones who truly needed to undergo a lot of battles were those Professional Trainers who approached the entrance of the Secret Realm, went in to explore, and those Trainers who led teams even deeper inside. They were in the "third line of defense," which had the lowest danger level.

Nevertheless... one still couldn't be careless...

By Fang Yuan's side, the Solar Spirit, Trio Magnet Monsters, and Chimchar realized the gravity of the situation upon seeing Fang Yuan's seriousness. Although Fang Yuan had often dealt with Wild Pokemons... having the responsibility of protecting the town fall on him still brought a different feeling.

"Don't be nervous, this should be the safest place. We just need to wait for the support from the Trainer Association to arrive on the island, and it should all be over soon," the elder Trainer from his team reassured Fang Yuan, seeing he was younger. Beside her were three Pokemons as well, Lip Sister, Beautifly, and Cat Owl, all of them capable of using superpowers.

"Thank you..." Fang Yuan thanked her and then analyzed, "That's true, the Sprites coming out from the Secret Realm should only be a few. If we encounter them here, we'd really be out of luck."

No sooner had Fang Yuan spoken when the Solar Spirit suddenly became alert and looked into the depths of the jungle, warning the other five sprites and two Trainers... there was something amiss!

Subsequently, it looked at Fang Yuan wordlessly, hoping he would stop analyzing further.


Meanwhile, in the jungle, several dark blue-bodied Pokemons were moving in groups toward the direction of the town.