Chapter 250 Performance of the Solar Spirit_1

In terms of dodging, the Trio Magnet Monsters lacked the response awareness of the Solar Spirit, but they had their own methods.

Locking Technique.

This move, used for aiming at the enemy, was repurposed for scouting and predicting, immediately altering its function.

The light beams emitted by the launcher, sluggish by many times over in the perception of the Trio Magnet Monsters, and their trajectories, all too overt to be overt, were easily deciphered by them.

Under eight times Gravity, the Trio Magnet Monsters were still perfectly shielding themselves from gravity, and faced with four intersecting beams from front, back, left, and right, they started to comically split their bodies apart, dodging the beams as if juggling.

"You rascal, showing off your skills now?" Fang Yuan laughed, having no idea where the Trio Magnet Monsters had learned it from.


"Are you really a freshman?" As the Trio Magnet Monsters continued to perform impressively, the NPC senior sister couldn't help but ask.

With this gravity multiplier and the Trio Magnet Monsters' performance against the four beams, their level was beyond C, definitely at B, and it was rare for a freshman to have such performance...

"My name is Fang Yuan," Fang Yuan said indifferently, thinking this senior sister was not being very diligent in her job, not even having taken a proper look at his name.

"I know, I also saw your student ID and know that you are a freshman, so I'm just expressing my amazement... because there probably isn't any freshman here who's more powerful than you," replied the NPC senior sister.

Fang Yuan: "... Don't you recognize me??"

The NPC senior sister was puzzled, why should I recognize you... Are you very handsome?

Fang Yuan fell silent, and seeing this, the Solar Spirit immediately shook its head, implying "that's what you get for showing off all the time."



At last, the language and culture major senior sister who had personally witnessed the performance of the Trio Magnet Monsters, said this grade with slight surprise.

At ten times Gravity, with five beams coming from different directions, the Trio Magnet Monsters were finally grazed by one and lost their qualification.

Just like Chimchar, the Magnemite was not satisfied with its score and concluded that splitting into only three was the issue; unable to "split into four or five."

Otherwise... dodging the beams would have been even more convenient.

"Strengthen the use of the Locking Technique." Fang Yuan first encouraged, then assessed, noting that although the Trio Magnet Monsters' strength might not be on par with the main members of the Magic University Team, they mastered Gravity Moves, possessed the skill to shield from gravity, and had a considerable racial advantage. It wasn't odd to Fang Yuan that they achieved this score.

After all, this little fellow had visited the Secret location several times, absorbing the power of the Spirit Realm Magnetic Field, the Space Magnetic Field... After the Trio Magnet Monsters flew back to him, the Solar Spirit couldn't wait to step forward...


"Damn, A-??" In the hall, Qi Yue was the first to notice the change in the score on the screen, and after rubbing his eyes to make sure it was indeed Fang Yuan's name, he was somewhat dumbfounded and took out his phone to snap a picture and share it in the group.

"This bastard," Lin Sen had an "I knew it" expression, fitting for the one rival he had in his life.

"Shi Yiming, impressive. You guessed right, he really got an A," he didn't forget to whip the dead horse when finding Shi Yiming.

"..." Shi Yiming fell silent upon seeing Fang Yuan's score; in his own separate tests, performing exceptionally well would at most earn him a B+ rating. Fang Yuan's score had once again put him to shame.

Shi Yiming usually remained silent in the face of such a slap in the face unless he couldn't help it.

"It's just a, nothing to brag about." He said.

"Heh…" Lin Sen rolled his eyes, too lazy to pay him any attention.

"The predictive ability of the Solar Spirit is really strong. I thought it was the perfect evolution for Eevee when I first read the paper. That's it, I'm definitely going to catch an Eevee for my next Pokemon," someone spoke up.

"You all are getting surprised too early," Xu Lan watched the big screen quietly, not jumping to conclusions too soon. Although her heart skipped a beat when Fang Yuan's scores surpassed hers, she had not forgotten that Fang Yuan had registered three times.

Was he planning to learn from his mistakes and try again? So, next time… could he reach a? That would be the average standard for the team members of the university.

Reaching the level of a university team member in freshman year, even if it was just one Pokemon, was still very impressive…

"Still going with dodging?" The senior from the Linguistics and Cultural Studies department saw the Solar Spirit walk up to the entrance of the Gravity Room, paused slightly, and asked Fang Yuan.

"Yes, let's continue," Fang Yuan smiled.

The challenge method of the Solar Spirit was different from that of the Trio Magnet Monsters; it couldn't block gravity but could only use its superpowers to slow down the effect of gravity on itself and then dodge. The situation was similar to Chimchar's, both using energy to resist the pressure of gravity. However, the Solar Spirit's approach was more targeted in comparison.

At first, the Solar Spirit performed normally, and the senior from the Linguistics and Cultural Studies department was quite engrossed in watching.

The appearance of the Solar Spirit, compared to the Trio Magnet Monsters, was obviously closer to her aesthetic. However, she did not recognize this Pokemon. Busy with graduate entrance exams and part-time jobs, she only knew the Pokemon she came across in her part-time work and the common ones.

"I'll look it up when I get back..."

Before long, the gravity began to slowly increase. The Solar Spirit resisted while adapting, dodging beams of light more calmly than the Trio Magnet Monsters, as if strolling leisurely in the Gravity Room, letting the beams naturally pass by. Every time was so thrilling, yet every time the beam seemed to be worlds away from it.

One, two beams, and the Solar Spirit hardly needed to be serious. Once it sensed the attack trajectory of the beams, it could predict the landing point of the beams and their distance from itself.

Even at the beginning, it still had spare energy to train itself using Meditative Moves.

This was the second step of the Tianxin Stream Meditation Technique training, dodging attacks during meditation.

After meditating, the spiritual power of the Solar Spirit would improve, its superpower's capability to resist gravity would increase, and its perceptive abilities would rise as well. The current Gravity Trial had become a training ground for the Solar Spirit.

"Just as I expected, normal dodging training is no longer challenging for the Solar Spirit. This increasing gravity is just right," Fang Yuan thought to himself. The Solar Spirit had undergone the Trio Magnet Monster's Gravity Technique training and was now performing with more ease compared to Chimchar.

Moreover, its strength was determined to have reached the level of Magic City University Team even before it learned Meditation and Sunny Day Moves. Using the Gravity Trial for training was obviously not a problem. As the training progressed, time flew, and in a daze, the Solar Spirit, utilizing its advantages and superpower resistance, reached the challenge point that the Trio Magnet Monsters had faced before.

Ten times the gravity and high-speed beams coming from five different directions.

The Solar Spirit started moving again...

"No way, it can still dodge so effortlessly." The part-time senior from the Linguistics and Cultural Studies department noticed that although the Solar Spirit's movements were getting slower, the rhythm did not slip at all. Almost the instant the beams were fired, it started coordinating its movements, completing the dodging of this round effortlessly, as fluid as water, like a textbook example, flawless, and she was astonished.

The Trio Magnet Monsters and Chimchar silently watched the performance of the Solar Spirit, recognizing the difference between themselves and it.

"When does the next enhancement occur?" Fang Yuan asked.

"Soon," the NPC senior replied.

The addition of another emitter was imminent, not only speeding up the beams but also increasing gravity. Could the Solar Spirit continue to dodge so easily?