Chapter 257 Wind Fist Flow Dojo_1

Cen Mingzhi led Fang Yuan into the Wind Fist Flow Dojo.

Within the Wind Fist Flow Dojo, there was only one Professional Trainer, who was the current Dojo Leader, also known as the Sect Leader.

There was no Master Level Trainer here, and from this, it was clear that the Wind Fist Flow Dojo lacked the depth as compared to the Heavenly Heart Dojo.

The Sect Leader of the Wind Fist Flow Dojo, surnamed Feng, was a Fighter Trainer around thirty years old. When he learned that Fang Yuan had arrived at the Wind Fist Flow Dojo, it was he himself who received Fang Yuan.

"Mingzhi, you go back to training."

After exchanging a few words, the Professional Trainer of the Wind Fist Flow Dojo, Feng Yin, said to Cen Mingzhi, who was standing off to the side.

"Oh..." Cen Mingzhi reluctantly went back to his post.

Subsequently, only Fang Yuan and Feng Yin were left.

Fang Yuan was curious about everything in the Wind Fist Flow Dojo and wanted to see how Senior Feng Yin would arrange his half-month of dojo learning and living.

"Actually, I'm quite surprised that you, a genius Researcher, would come to our small dojo to learn," Feng Yin said with a smile, continuing to walk ahead with Fang Yuan.

Cen Mingzhi only knew that Fang Yuan was a talented student from Demon Capital University, but Feng Yin knew everything about the Trainers who came to learn here. When he found out that in the near future there would be two top students from Demon Capital University coming to the Wind Fist Flow Dojo, including a rising star in the field of research, Feng Yin was quite taken aback for a while.

"Senior Feng shouldn't tease me like this," Fang Yuan said with a helpless smile. The current leader of the Wind Fist Flow Dojo was also a graduate of Demon Capital University, making him Fang Yuan's senior. This was also one of the reasons why the Wind Fist Flow Dojo was on the Demon Capital University Combat Club's list of learning recommendations.

Feng Yin laughed again and said, "By the way, your Chimchar has the Iron Fist Trait, right?"

"Yes... but now it has evolved into a Fierce Fire Monkey," Fang Yuan said.

When he was registered at the university, Chimchar hadn't evolved yet... This evolution, quite coincidentally, happened just in time.

"It evolved, huh..." Feng Yin nodded. When he saw Fang Yuan's file, he understood Fang Yuan's purpose: to learn the techniques of moves such as "Sonic Fist" and "Qi Fist" that were passed down in the Wind Fist Flow Dojo.

"However, before I set out a learning plan for you guys, we need to have a battle first, so I can get a better understanding of your Pokemon. That shouldn't be a problem, right?"

"Achoo!" Fang Yuan rubbed his nose and said, "It's too cold here, feeling a bit of a cold... A battle, of course, that's not a problem, it will serve well as a warm-up."

"You're sick?" Feng Yin was taken aback and said, "Then make sure to keep warm. Ice Plain City is not like Magic City; the climate here is very cold."

"I'll take you to your room first."

"Thank you," Fang Yuan said, not at all bothered by the disdainful look from the Eevee on his shoulder.

"Bwoo..." Eevee rolled its eyes, thinking, You've got a cold, my foot. You're just afraid that this Feng Yin will have you doing real PK like the other apprentices, so you suddenly pretended to be sick! Your acting is too amateurish!


As a Fighting Type Dojo, the Wind Fist Flow Dojo's internal environment was all about simplicity, clear and uncluttered but not lacking in a fighting atmosphere.

Fang Yuan's room was neither too big nor too small. Although it wasn't particularly spacious, there was enough room to stretch out and move around.

The most important thing was... Fang Yuan saw the air conditioner... Fortunately, this wasn't an entirely retro martial arts dojo, because in such cold weather, if there were no air conditioner or heater at night, Fang Yuan would have had to sleep with the Fierce Fire Monkey and Eevee.

He would sleep hugging Eevee, with the Fierce Fire Monkey beside them to provide warmth.

"You guys take a break or wander around as you like, I'll arrange your battles during the unified training session this afternoon," Senior Feng Yin said, leaving behind these words before departing.

As soon as Senior Feng Yin left, Fang Yuan quickly started looking for the air conditioner remote control. Just when Fang Yuan finally found the remote in a drawer, he discovered that the air conditioner was already turned on.

Eevee had taken out its phone from the backpack and was boringly fiddling with it, throwing a puzzled glance at Fang Yuan in the process.

Your phone doesn't have the universal remote control app? I've downloaded it on both of mine, you're so out.

Fang Yuan also threw a puzzled glance back at Eevee, great, you're excellent, but what's with turning on the cold air?

"Are you trying to freeze me to death to inherit my savings?"

"Bwoo~" Eevee innocently adjusted the temperature again.


Noon came, and Fang Yuan put down his phone and left the room, reminded by his stomach... that it was time to eat.

Senior Feng Yin had mentioned that there was a canteen inside the dojo, and Fang Yuan could go straight there when hungry. This was the same as in the Heavenly Heart Dojo, so at mealtime, Fang Yuan immediately left his room.

However... as he opened his door, the door of the room opposite his was also being opened.

A boy with a Mohawk stepped out...

"Hey, you're here too," Fang Yuan said with a smile as he greeted the person, who was another Trainer from the Magic University Combat Club that had come to study at the Wind Fist Flow Dojo, Lv Liang.

Lv Liang looked at Fang Yuan with irritation; the two didn't get along well, which was one of the reasons they hadn't come together. During the Combat Club's recruitment, Lv Liang wanted to trounce Fang Yuan's Trio Magnet Monsters but was counter-killed, humiliating himself, and furthermore, Fang Yuan had snatched the individual championship title from his Nan University Middle School, something that Lv Liang held a grudge over.

"Hmm..." Lv Liang responded reluctantly, not wanting to talk to Fang Yuan, but feeling it impolite not to greet him.

After a brief greeting, both of them headed towards the canteen without further discussion.

Picking something quickly for lunch, Fang Yuan was relieved that no one had brought him the kind of fighting suit that Cen Mingzhi wore during this time.

It wasn't until the afternoon's unified training session started that Fang Yuan became more certain that he wouldn't have to wear that unsightly fighting suit... which also meant that he probably didn't have to participate in the fighting training like the other apprentices.

On the main training ground, 34 apprentices stood neatly in formation, which was half the number of the 61 mentioned by Cen Mingzhi, leading Fang Yuan to guess that the others might be students currently enrolled in school.

While everyone else stood uniformly, Fang Yuan and the later-arriving Lv Liang seemed somewhat superfluous, but soon Senior Feng Yin appeared and beckoned the two to the front, causing all the apprentices and the dojo instructors standing by to turn their attention to them.

"Let me introduce these two, they are new apprentices to the dojo. As is customary, you will get to know them through fighting battles." Senior Feng Yin didn't go into detail regarding their identities, but as he looked down at the audience, he also recalled the Pokemon data for Fang Yuan and Lv Liang.

As per the tradition of the Wind Fist Flow Dojo, new apprentices are tested through combat battles to better integrate into the dojo. Now, which of the fairly matched apprentices should Senior Feng Yin pick for them to battle against Fang Yuan and Lv Liang?

Just as Senior Feng Yin was considering a few candidates, Lv Liang suddenly said, "Can the two of us fight each other?"