Chapter 255: Fierce Fire Monkey? Mischievous Monkey..._1

Evolution is the primary way Pokemon increase their strength, and most Trainers look forward to their Pokemon evolving continuously. Fang Yuan was no exception.

However, Fang Yuan was completely unprepared for Chimchar to evolve at this time...

Within Fang Yuan's view, the Evolution Light that enveloped Chimchar shone brilliantly, wrapping around its entire body. Then, as the light flickered, Chimchar's figure began to transform gradually.


Before the Evolution Light had dispersed, a silhouette under the light instinctively swung its fist. Soon after, the figure of Infernape, looking wilder compared to its pre-evolution, appeared before Fang Yuan and the others.

Infernape pounded its chest, venting its emotions.

"Bwoo!!" Eevee looked at Infernape with curiosity, and the Trio Magnet Monster also widened its eyes. Chimchar had evolved into Infernape?

"Quite energetic, are we? I guess now I should call you Infernape," Fang Yuan said, his initial shock turning into pleasure.

Compared to Chimchar, the fire on Infernape's tail seemed more vigorous, and the extended fiery tail made its body appear bigger and more formidable. The power contained in Infernape's body was undoubtedly far beyond that of its earlier Chimchar phase; this was certain.

"Acha!!" Suddenly, Infernape looked at its fists blankly and then moved its hands and feet.

The next moment, it raised its arm, its fist filled with white light, and its body disappeared in an instant to reappear on the other side of the room. The force from its fist blew Fang Yuan's hanging clothes on the clothes rack, making them flutter.

Feeling its newfound strength, a fiery look filled Infernape's eyes.

This move was immediately recognizable to Fang Yuan as a Fighting Type's Sonic Fist.

"You've mastered Sonic Fist after evolving? Perfect!!" Fang Yuan almost wanted to clench his fists and laugh; with this, they could fleece the Wind Fist Flow Dojo even better later on.

Immersed in joy, Fang Yuan completely forgot something important until the reminder from Trio Magnet Monsters about the three remaining Pink Energy Blocks on his plate brought him back to reality.

"Infernape, how do you feel after eating the Energy Blocks??"

Fang Yuan looked perplexed, abruptly recalling that it was after eating these things that it evolved.

Could it be... the genius Researcher created the Energy Blocks, and an operation mistake turned them into Magical Candy??

Lansa Beverage and Magical Candy were worlds apart in their effects, something Fang Yuan was skeptical of. However, Chimchar's evolution must have had a reason, right?

Fang Yuan asked Infernape, but an awkward scene unfolded. Infernape glanced at Fang Yuan and then, ignoring him, started to pick its ears with an unruly expression.

Fang Yuan: ???

Infernape glanced at them indifferently and then lay down on its side, leisurely yawning.

Fang Yuan suddenly fell silent. Magikarp can become aggressive after evolving, Infernape can become lazy, Sweet Dance evolves from a well-behaved little girl to a domineering queen who loves to step on people... And you, previously a Zen-like Chimchar, what's with this sudden unruliness after evolution?

Eevee and Trio Magnet Monsters were also confused by the personality change in Infernape. At that moment, Eevee seemed to think of something, quickly pulled out its phone, and opened a video.

From the phone, a robotic voice said, "If the Trainer's level is too low, the Pokemon that have been captured may become disobedient after evolving as they look down upon their Trainer."

"Bwoo!!" Eevee reminded Fang Yuan, suggesting that this might be the reason.

"Bullshit! I'm not Xiaozhi," Fang Yuan snapped as he grabbed Eevee's phone. "Looks like I've been too lenient with how I manage you, you need to watch fewer of these useless videos."

Eevee: (ˉ▽ ̄~) Cut~~

"Fierce Fire Monkey, how does it feel to eat an Energy Block?" Fang Yuan asked again, refusing to believe his Pokemon were disobedient because of his lack of skills.

What a joke. After Eevee and Little Magnetic Monster evolved, didn't each of them become incredibly powerful and still obediently listen to him? Fang Yuan simply thought it was the evolution that caused Fierce Fire Monkey to undergo some personality changes... However, Fierce Fire Monkey still ignored Fang Yuan, causing an X mark to appear above Fang Yuan's head.

You little brat...

"Eevee, Trio Magnet Monsters, beat him up!"


Three minutes later, Fierce Fire Monkey, with a bruised face, began to describe the sensation of eating the Pink Energy Block, but Fang Yuan didn't quite understand. Eevee, on the other hand, got it and immediately started translating for Fang Yuan.

After eating the Pink Energy Block, Chimchar's perception of the energy within its body became much clearer. After using the Gathering Energy Technique, it found that the speed at which it could gather energy had significantly improved. Moreover, when it used its spiritual power to control the energy within its body, the flow and concentration of the energy also improved slightly.

The improvement in energy flow speed indirectly changed Chimchar's physique. The increased production of Fire Series Energy naturally flowed to its tail, and with that, it evolved.

"The tail?" Fang Yuan looked at Fierce Fire Monkey's tail, where flames were burning vigorously and were quite hot. Then he examined Fierce Fire Monkey as a whole. The color of the blue facial markings was also very bright, indicating that Fierce Fire Monkey was in excellent condition.

If it was a wild Fierce Fire Monkey, the size of the tail flame and the brightness of the blue facial markings would determine its status within the group. Without a doubt, his Fierce Fire Monkey's physique was perfect.

"Energy gathering speed?" Fang Yuan seemed to guess something.


Fang Yuan divided the remaining three Pink Energy Blocks among three Pokemon.

After that, he bought some raw materials and made Pink Energy Blocks himself.

After numerous experiments...

Following feedback from the three Pokemon, Fang Yuan confirmed the effects of the Pink Energy Blocks.

Indeed, they were related to "speed." These Energy Blocks could better help the Pokemon adjust their breath and spirit, aiding them in strengthening their bodies from a holistic perspective.

Chimchar was the only one of Fang Yuan's Pokemon that had mastered the Gathering Energy Technique and was also undergoing specialized training for unifying body, spirit, and energy. This Energy Block effectively helped Chimchar overcome a threshold, reaching its optimal state and evolving into Fierce Fire Monkey.

The gains of Solar Spirit were mainly reflected in the spirit and the speed of meditation. The Trio Magnet Monsters' gains were not as obvious, but they could distinctly feel that with each Pink Energy Block they consumed, the execution of their moves became faster.

If, for example, it previously took 2 seconds to use Thunderbolt and condense electrical energy, then with long-term consumption of these Energy Blocks, the speed of its moves could improve drastically, perhaps even taking only 1 second, with other types of moves benefiting similarly.

The Pink Energy Block, based on the Lansa Beverage recipe, had the most notable impact on the speed of Gathering Energy, followed by the state of spiritual power in activities like meditation. Next, it could help the Pokemon condense energy faster, as the speed of energy condensation was closely related to spiritual power.

"This is far more effective than the Lansa Beverage..." Fang Yuan smiled smugly in triumph.

Profession set for life, steady as it goes.