Chapter 289 Weather Research Team_1

The Sun and Moon Forest Secret Territory has now become the most populous secret location in Magic City, attracting people from all walks of life.

Passing through the Dimensional Passage and looking afar, the great forest and mountains where day and night interweave stand magnificently and mysteriously, a scene only possible in a secret realm inhabited by Pokemon.

Safe zone.

A group of people emerged and headed deeper into the secret location. There were seven members in the group, and at the center was a man over fifty years old, with short gray hair and dressed in an explorer's outfit. It was clear that he was the most important figure in the team.

On his shoulder, there was also a badge indicating his status as a Senior Researcher of Hua Nation.

Besides him, he was accompanied by a man and two women, all young and dressed in exploration outfits, each bearing the badge of an Elves Researcher.

These four people were protected in the middle by three Professional Trainers on the outside, who were the primary subjects of protection.

One of them... was naturally Fang Yuan.

Time was of the essence. Having returned to Magic City, he had hardly any time to rest before heading straight for the secret location.

Among the seven, Fang Yuan was the youngest, probably even younger than the children of some team members...

Fang Yuan looked at his own Researcher badge and sighed. In the wild and secret locations, naturally, they couldn't wear their research suits anymore. Without the research suits, this badge was key for Trainers to identify their status.

No matter where, Researchers were always the VIPs to protect. In case of danger, Professional Trainers needed to ensure the safety of the research personnel first.

It could be said that now Fang Yuan was entitled to take it easy. This time he was a Researcher, not a Trainer, and there was no need to engage in frontline battles!

The seven individuals were part of a research team from Demon Capital University entering the Sun and Moon Forest Secret Territory, mainly responsible for studying the well-lit areas.

Thanks to an agreement between the Magic City Trainer Association and the wise Pokemon of the Sun and Moon Forest Secret Territory, the danger level there was not high. While still needing to be cautious, the atmosphere among the research teams was not as tense and solemn as when exploring other secret locations.

"Dr. Qin Huan, after we enter the main irradiation area of Sunny Day, the weather will become very hot. In a little while, we will release Ice-type Pokemon to adjust the temperature. If you still feel uncomfortable, please let us know," laughed the middle-aged Trainer leading the way, turning his head to speak to the oldest researcher.

At the same time, he glanced at Fang Yuan.

It was well known that respecting the elderly and caring for the young were traditional virtues of Professional Trainers.

"Team Leader Miao, your arrangement will be fine," Dr. Qin, being an old hand, was not entering a secret realm for the first or second time. With the secret realm's ever-changing and harsh environment, they had to rely on the power of Pokemon to overcome it. Such matters left no ripples in his heart, and he replied cheerily.

Among the researchers, aside from Dr. Qin Huan, a senior researcher, the other three, including Fang Yuan, were all Official Researchers. The two female researchers were not old, under thirty, and it was obvious that they had not been to the secret location many times, so their expressions were not as calm as Dr. Qin's and they seemed rather cautious.

However, even so, they were still seniors to Fang Yuan.

All three graduated from Magic City University and currently work at the Magic City Weather Research Institute, mainly studying the impact of Pokemon powers on the weather.

Furthermore, the team leader among the Professional Trainers, Miao Guang, was particularly skilled in the Sunny Day Move. His teammates were all capable of forming Sunny Teams with him and were strong partners who could compensate for the Sunny Team's shortcomings.

Inserting Fang Yuan into such a research team spoke volumes of Tang Sheng's intentions, which was for Fang Yuan to learn something!

"Junior Fang, after we arrive at our destination, if there's anything you don't understand during the research process, remember to talk to us," said a female researcher with a short bob, small but lively eyes, smiling at Fang Yuan.

"After all, it's your first time," teased another researcher with a smooth and fair face.

The two were named Han Xue and Zhang Yulin.

"Sure," Fang Yuan said awkwardly, even though they were both Official Researchers, the age difference was just too hard to ignore.

That feeling of being treated like a kid... it's hard to put into words.

"Hahaha, right, hurry up and do your research, so we can take you to practice the Sunny Day Move later!" Captain Miao, an old friend of Tang Sheng's, naturally knew the main purpose of Fang Yuan's visit to the Secret location. The Moves Secret book that Tang Sheng gave to Fang Yuan was based on this very Captain Miao's training experience.

It could be said that Tang Sheng did not break his promise; on the contrary, he had prepared even more comprehensively for Fang Yuan.


Hearing Miao Guang's words, the other two Professional Trainers couldn't help but burst into laughter, saying, "Once you become a Professional Trainer, you can come to the Secret location to do research on your own, without even needing a bodyguard."

"What's that saying? Self-reliance leads to ample food and clothing..."

The fact that Fang Yuan had defeated the Deputy Team of Imperial City University and was the discoverer of the Solar Spirit was no secret in this research team. As colleagues, the others definitely needed to know Fang Yuan's identity and background, and they were very friendly towards such a talented young man.

Throughout the journey, Dr. Qin's face was always smiling. This Secret Realm research work was indeed a bit different because there were no Pokemon threats to worry about.


Along the way, they encountered many Pokemon, but since they did not show any hostility, they hardly faced any direct aggressive attacks.

The three Professional Trainers were also very experienced and knew how to avoid those Pokemon with strong territorial and protective instincts, thus avoiding many dangers.

The research team, adhering to a safety-first principle, did not actively engage in conflicts with wild Pokemon, and only exploration teams made up of Professional Trainers would actively fight with the wild ones to seize resources or subdue rare Pokemon.

When the seven of them arrived at the top of a hill surrounded by the forest, it was almost noon. This place was their first stop.

This location was already at the edge of the mineral vein, and going further in would take them into the territory of the Solrock colony.

Upon arrival, the seven began to set up camp. They would be staying here for at least a day, so they needed to build a suitable living environment.

"Tsk, tsk, it's been five days, and no one has been able to gain that Pokemon's recognition..."

While setting up the camp, one of the middle-aged Trainers said slickly, "What a pity, such a Pokemon with huge potential, unable to take it home to be my son's Beginner Elf~"

"Zip it," Miao Guang shook his head. He had also taken part in the challenge by the Secret Realm Master, but that kind of Pokemon didn't suit him. To put it nicely, that was the reason; to put it not so nicely, he couldn't even deal with the food requirements for such a Pokemon.

That was the case for him, and his two teammates were typical broke figures in the circle of Professional Trainers, barely able to afford six Pokemon, let alone nurture a new one.

"Captain Miao..."

Listening to the Professional Trainers discussing this matter, it would be false to say the Researchers weren't curious.

Elves Researchers, faced with an unknown Pokemon, would also harbor a desire to research.

Han Xue, upon hearing this, couldn't help but ask out of curiosity:

"I've heard about this for a while now. Captain Miao, this Secret Realm Master that you Trainers speak of, what kind of Pokemon is it, exactly?"


On the other side, as Fang Yuan, who was packing up, set down his things, he raised an eyebrow. The offspring of the Pokemon Teacher Tang Sheng mentioned, it still hadn't been subdued?