Chapter 290 Ninetail Beauty_1

"It must be a Ghost-type Pokemon, right?" Dr. Qin said.

He wasn't very concerned with affairs in the Trainer Domain and didn't know much, but he had heard some things.

"Indeed, it's a Ghost-type Pokemon."

Miao Guang didn't want to discuss this matter, as the secret location was someone else's turf... But as Dr. Qin inquired, he explained helplessly.

"Even though it is a Ghost, I'm not sure what species it exactly is. Probably only Master Kong Hai of the Twelve Branches and a few other masters would know the details..."

"What's going on?" Not just the researchers, but even Miao Guang's teammates were curious and asked.

"Because the master of that secret realm has always appeared in the form of a human," Miao Guang said seriously.

"In human form?"

Fang Yuan stopped what he was doing and immediately came closer. A Pokemon capable of that level of transformation was either skilled in transformation abilities or an expert in Illusion Technique!

But as for a Ghost-type Pokemon with transformation abilities, he couldn't recall any at the moment...

That left only one possibility... a Ghost-type Pokemon skilled in Illusion Technique!

"Yes, the human form the other party transforms into is always dressed in purple clothes, holding a wooden staff, with a head of white hair, looking like an old granny..." Miao Guang continued, "And... when I encountered it, it had already learned to speak human language. Many people say it's Mind Induction, but I don't think it's quite right."

Even now, Miao Guang found this point unbelievable. Could it be a two-thousand-year-old Chatot that had become a spirit, a bird spirit?

Otherwise, how could it have possibly learned human language so quickly...

"Surely you've seen its offspring then!" Researcher Zhang Yulin asked.

"I have seen them, but they appeared in the form of purple Ghost Fire. However, based on the conditions, we can actually determine what Pokemon it is," Miao Guang spoke.

"The first possibility is the Gengar Clan."

"The second possibility is the Litwick Clan."

"The former is more likely while the latter is less likely, mainly because Litwicks are not commonly seen in secret locations in Asia unless it's a Spirit World Mystery... but the Sun and Moon Forest clearly doesn't seem like a part of the Spirit World..."

As Miao Guang explained, Dr. Qin and the researchers Han and Zhang nodded their heads.

Then, they started to analyze just how strong this master of the secret realm might be.

The Sun and Moon Forest Secret Territory, how much impact could it bring to Magic City?

Entering the 21st century, Hua Nation had rarely seen the appearance of powerful wise Pokemon.

A few years ago, a princess from the French Royal Family gained the friendship of Princess Di Anxi from the secret location of the Diamond Mine Nation, which made all the countries envious and jealous!

"Team Leader Miao, I was wondering if I could take the test given by that Ghost-type Pokemon?"

Fang Yuan didn't join in the discussion; after thinking for a while, he suddenly asked.

Originally, Fang Yuan had no hopes for this Pokemon, because he was too late in entering the secret location. But now that he heard that no one had yet gained the recognition of the secret realm master, Fang Yuan's interest was piqued again.

Although he didn't think there was anything special about himself, such an opportunity had to be seized,

What if the other party was impressed by his extraordinary temperament and outstanding looks, subdued by his kingly aura?

"You...?" Miao Guang was stunned when he heard this, then laughed and said, "You would have to apply through another channel for that. Currently, even Professional Trainers haven't finished queuing, so it might take about half a month for non-professional Trainers."

The main issue was that Fang Yuan wasn't a local from Magic City, and in such matters, it was difficult for outsiders to get a turn. The benefits of secret locations appearing in Magic City would certainly be first given to the local Trainers.

"Moreover, this Pokemon isn't one that ordinary people can raise. Do you know why I surmise that it is either a Gengar or a Litwick?" he asked.


"Because one of the challenges set by the other party involves solving their food problem, and that Pokemon is extremely picky. Since birth, it has grown by absorbing the life energy of other Pokemons. In other words, it's what humans would consider an evil spirit!" Miao Guang said with a look of apprehension.

"You should know that when Ghost-type Pokemons are kept by humans, it is forbidden for them to feed on the life energy of other Pokemons, as well as humans. Because doing so would indirectly shorten the lifespan of both Pokemons and humans. Although this is a natural habit for Ghost-type Pokemons, from a human's moral standpoint, it is absolutely not permitted."

"So, just satisfying that Pokemon's diet requires a huge cost, purchasing those nutrition products and rare Tree Fruits that contain life energy. But as you know, if these were provided as daily food, it could easily cost tens of millions, or even hundreds of millions. How many Trainers can afford that?"

"What? They eat life energy?" Researcher Han Xue exclaimed in disbelief and showed a repulsed expression, "I would definitely not tame such a Pokemon. Who knows when they might start feeding on a Trainer's life energy."

"Haha, it's not that they can't eat anything other than life energy. I heard that some Trainers from the Spirit World Mystery in Magic City have tried feeding them the food specially bred for Ghost-type Pokemons. Although it's not as appealing to them as life energy, it can barely satisfy their taste."

"Unfortunately, the individual failed in the subsequent challenges."

As Fang Yuan listened, his expression faltered.

Indeed, just the challenge regarding food is enough to stump 99% of the Trainers.

It's indeed the case that, without breaching laws and morals, it's very difficult to solve the issue of Ghost-type Pokemons eating life energy from living beings.

Some Tree Fruits that naturally possess life energy or nutrition products infused with life energy can also provide life energy, but they're too rare, too expensive. Moreover, these are not necessarily the same as the life energy from living beings. They are more akin to the natural life energy of plants.

Who knows if the other party would accept it... Fang Yuan didn't expect it to be such a picky eater.

However... Fang Yuan's expression suddenly turned strange. If the other party hadn't mentioned these things, he might have given up.

He now really wanted to know... Could Energy Blocks suit its taste?

A Ghost-type Pokemon that likes to take the form of Ghost Fire?

Energy Blocks that enhance Fire Type energy are filling!

There are also Energy Blocks that boost spiritual power, and in the future, there might even be special-made Energy Blocks tailored to the taste of Ghost-type Pokemons...

These pure Energy Crystals, after all, are very much liked by his own Pokemons.

And... on him right now, he had a recipe for Energy Blocks oriented towards life energy!!

Although he hadn't had the chance to make them yet and didn't know the specific effects, if those Energy Blocks could satisfy the other party's palate, he could definitely afford to keep it!

The difficulty lies in... that right now, Fang Yuan had absolutely no qualification to take the challenge, nor did he have any ready-made bait.


In the following two days, Fang Yuan spent his time tantalized following the research team as they studied around the veins of ore while also practicing Sunny Day under the guidance of three Professional Trainers with his Solar Spirit.

Meanwhile, Fang Yuan was also considering how he could possibly make contact with the Secret Realm Master!

He didn't have ready-made resources, but he had a mouth!

Is the most important thing for a Trainer to tame a Pokemon their strength? Their resources?


It's about smooth talking, about persuasion!

However, although the small Secret Location has 'small' in its name, it's actually quite large, and it would be like finding a needle in a haystack for Fang Yuan to find a single Pokemon within such a vast area...

"An interesting little fellow..."

While Fang Yuan and his team were practicing Sunny Day, including the Solar Spirit with its advanced Predictive Ability, none noticed someone observing them the whole time.

Atop a great rock, a young beauty with blue hair and red eyes, dressed in an archaic palace attire, looked on curiously at the Solar Spirit.

At the same time, behind her, nine sleek and slender tails colored rice-yellow could be seen appearing and disappearing intermittently.

Clearly, this was not a human, but a Pokemon transformed into a human. If the Trainers of the Magic City Trainer Association were to see her, they would be extremely surprised—Sun and Moon Forest... actually housed a second mysterious Sprite skilled in Illusion Technique?!