Chapter 344: Bluffing God-level Skill~_1

Before dawn the next day,

numerous teams of five had already started to enter the Muhai Mountain Range from different directions.

At the entrance, Fang Yuan's team released their Pokémon according to the pre-arranged division of roles.

Lin Sen, dressed in camouflage, pressed his Poké Ball and an Ultrasonic Larva flew into the air.


Lin Sen sighed. The Ultrasonic Larva, full of potential, could now only serve as a scout, which was rather unsatisfactory.

The positioning device and emergency communicator were in the hands of the team leader, Liang Shi Ran.

The Pokémon of Fang Yuan, Cheng Lin, and Wang Xianchong performed close-quarters and long-distance guard duties.

In the wilderness, there was no need to release all the Pokémon one carried, just the most appropriate few were enough.

For instance, Lin Sen's Venusaur could hinder the progress of the journey and create noise while moving, thus in most cases, there was little use to release it from the Poké Ball.

Besides, Pokémon like Pokémon World, Goldfish King were even less suitable to be released for traveling on land.

Fang Yuan's Pokémon were all quite good, however, he decided to take it easy and let his classmates train a bit.

Therefore, he only let the Fierce Fire Monkey out of the Poké Ball; if he released all his Pokémon, the training expedition would become far too easy.

"Ah..." Upon emerging from the Poké Ball and seeing that not even an Eevee was by Fang Yuan's side, the Fierce Fire Monkey instantly looked up at the sky.

No Internet-addicted Eevee, Tool Magnet Monster, or Glutton were online, now it finally had the chance to show its strengths.

"I'm giving you the chance to show off," Fang Yuan stored the Fierce Fire Monkey's Poké Ball, thinking that the Pokémon in this mountain range probably weren't very strong. Moreover, with teammates' assistance, the Fierce Fire Monkey should have no issue being invincible across the mountains. This time, he would let the Fierce Fire Monkey show off alone outside.


"Why do we two have to carry the heaviest backpacks??" After entering the mountain range, Lin Sen and Wang Xianchong complained.

It was one thing for the two female members, Liang Shi Ran and Cheng Lin, but even Fang Yuan seemed to be slacking off.

"I need to oversee the whole situation, this assessment isn't easy..." Fang Yuan's gaze suddenly became profound, he said.

"Nonsense, you just don't want to carry it," Lin Sen said.

Fang Yuan shook his head, what could he say to such a candid truth?

"Really?" Lin Sen did not believe it, but the two girls, Liang Shi Ran and Cheng Lin, took Fang Yuan's bluffs for truth.


Two hours later,

the group had delved deep into a mountain. Along the way, they encountered many Pokémon, but almost none could escape the detection of the Ultrasonic Larva. When facing these Pokémon, Fang Yuan's team chose to avoid them.

For those they couldn't avoid, with the effort of Lin Sen and the others, they were easily resolved.

Along the journey, they also encountered other teams. In usual circumstances, teams would exchange mission information; if their target Pokémon were the same, they would travel together, otherwise, they would each go their own way.

And those who drew Nidoking... apparently, it was just their group.

"Ah... which way should we go?!" After walking for a while, Cheng Lin stamped her foot impatiently. She was holding the map given by the instructor, but found herself completely unable to make sense of it.

The habitat of Nidoking's group was marked on the map, but it seemed that none of the five could clearly lead the way.

"Let's search slowly, no rush. It's like a trip anyway," Lin Sen said nonchalantly.

With him and Fang Yuan in this team, safety was off the charts.

He was an elite of the Battle Society, and Fang Yuan was almost a Professional Trainer-level prodigy. With such a combination, any wild Pokémon that came their way would simply be freebies.


As soon as Lin Sen finished speaking, a fierce roar came through, the terrifying sound waves blew the leaves into a rustling flurry.

Hearing this sound, both Lin Sen and Fang Yuan's expressions changed.

"Big Wolf Hound?"

"This is bad, the Ultrasonic Larva!"

Lin Sen's expression changed dramatically as he took out his Poké Ball and advanced quickly, with Fang Yuan and the others following closely behind.

However, before they had gone much further, one Big Wolf Hound after another began to appear from nowhere... This was a pack of Big Wolf Hounds, with roughly about 10 of them. There weren't many Earth Wolf Dogs, only about 4 or 5, perhaps they were the offspring of this pack of Big Wolf Hounds.


Just then, a dark shadow appeared, and Lin Sen's Ultrasonic Larva was bitten by the adversary, held in its mouth, already unconscious.

The shadow shook fiercely, and the Ultrasonic Larva was thrown out, hitting a tree.

"This Big Wolf Hound..." Fang Yuan frowned.

It was a grey wolf-like creature with black fur on its tail, back, and limbs; the red pupils and its predator-like gaze gave off a chilling feeling.

"It was actually able to quietly snatch the Ultrasonic Larva flying in the air..." Wang Xianchong saw this and took a weak step back.

This Big Wolf Hound must be very strong, this isn't scientific at all!!

The five of them were surrounded by more than a dozen Big Wolf Hounds, and the pressure was enormous.


"Old Wang, this squad has encountered your Big Wolf Hounds."

At the training base, in a large monitoring room, an instructor sipping tea suddenly shouted with great interest.

There's no doubt... Most of the students inside Muhai Mountain Range were being monitored.

"Which unlucky ones?" The dark-skinned instructor known as Old Wang came over, his Big Wolf Hounds were not easy to deal with; they were his capable helpers during his professional qualification assessment, and now, he had even subdued a group of Wild Elf Big Wolf Hounds as minions, becoming their temporary boss.

Not just a group of newbie eggs, even a Senior Trainer would lose half their life upon encountering them.

"Heh, take a good look." Instructor Old Wang started to laugh.

On the screen, Lin Sen, because his Ultrasonic Larva had lost the ability to fight, clenched his fists with fierce eyes, intending to let his Ace Venusaur teach this group of Big Wolf Hounds a lesson, while the other three also prepared for combat.

At that moment, several instructors had gathered around to watch the spectacle, but...

The anticipated battle scene they had hoped for did not occur; instead... the Big Wolf Hound belonging to the instructor known as Old Wang suddenly changed its style.

In the mountains.

Fang Yuan had a strange look on his face; he had been ready for battle, prepared to drive away the pack of Big Wolf Hounds, but when he sensed the emotion of the leader of the Big Wolf Hounds, his expression immediately became interesting.

This Big Wolf Hound's emotions were too rich, not at all like a Wild Elf that was hunting them. Instead, it was like an Eevee, acting like a drama queen, with very active mental activities.

In fact, Fang Yuan's Superpower was a bit stronger than that of a regular Psychic's mind induction when it came to sensing emotions. A normal mind induction could only capture emotional fluctuations, but Fang Yuan was different. Thanks to the Self-detonating Magnetic Monster's wish, while capturing emotional fluctuations, he would also synchronize with the emotion himself.

Although this had some effect on him, Fang Yuan could use it to more clearly understand the status of the Pokemon...

Now, Fang Yuan seemed to have become like the Big Wolf Hound, quite understanding of the changes in the Big Wolf Hound's emotions...

So, while the Big Wolf Hound was still harboring its emotions, Fang Yuan tentatively said, "Stop acting."

"You've got the wrong person, we're one of you."

Big Wolf Hound: ???

"Ao??" The Big Wolf Hound looked confused.

Got... got the wrong person? Are they not the ones being sought?

Wait a minute... How did the other party know it was pretending to act??

Fang Yuan felt even more confused inside but seemed to understand the situation, "Um, one of you, you've got the wrong target. I'll take you to the correct target later. Oh, and I brought some food for you guys when I came..."

With that, Fang Yuan took out the Portable Spirit Food Cans they were carrying. Instantly, the Big Wolf Hound stuck out its tongue, displaying an expression like Alaska, looking innocently toward the Ultrasonic Larva... It really was one of us??

Lin Sen, Liang Shi Ran, Cheng Lin, Wang Xianchong: ???

The beaten Ultrasonic Larva and the eager-to-fight Fierce Fire Monkey: ???

What happened.

Even more bewildered were the instructors, watching a pack of Big Wolf Hounds abruptly change from ravenous wolves into Alaska, craving cans, and then obediently following behind Fang Yuan. They were suddenly puzzled.

"Old Wang, how did your Big Wolf Hounds turn coat?"

"I..." Old Wang was bewildered: "How would I know."