Chapter 345: Fierce Fire Monkey: Life is so hard_1

"It seems like the instructor released the Big Wolf Hound to test our Pokemon."

"Keep cool, watch my moves."

Other than Fang Yuan, the other four members of Fang Yuan's team received such a message on their phones.

It was a group message sent by Fang Yuan.

Watch your moves?

Lin Sen and the others had a strange expression, their faces changing dramatically, eyes wide as they looked at Fang Yuan.

Ten minutes later.



"Aoo... Woof!!"

Fang Yuan's team set off again, Lin Sen's Ultrasonic Larva, having had its wounds treated, returned to its Poké Ball to rest.

This time, it was a group of Big Wolf Hounds clearing the path for Fang Yuan's team...

The five members of Fang Yuan's team were escorted by ten Big Wolf Hounds as they moved forward, quite an impressive sight.

But Lin Sen and the others couldn't help feeling a bit nauseous.

Lin Sen: How... how did you know?

Fang Yuan: Just accumulated experience... I told you this assessment wouldn't be easy, do you believe me now?

Liang Shi Ran, Cheng Lin, Wang Xianchong: six, six, very, six!

Although they didn't know how Fang Yuan figured it out...

it was true that they avoided a tough battle, and other than the Ultrasonic Larva, which was quite unfortunate, the other Pokemon were relieved.

Of course, there were exceptions.

"?" The Fierce Fire Monkey came up to Fang Yuan, nudged him, and let out a questioning sound, round eyes full of confusion. Weren't you going to let me show off?


Fang Yuan stared at the Fierce Fire Monkey, nearly forgetting about it, and then asked in a low voice, "Do you really want to fight??"

"Achaa!" The Fierce Fire Monkey nodded.

"This..." Fang Yuan fell silent.

If it weren't for the appearance of the Big Wolf Hound, it would have been fine, but with their presence, Fang Yuan was certain that there could be even more Pokemon released by the instructors in the mountains, many of them with professional-level strength, not exactly easy for the Fierce Fire Monkey to handle...

"Never mind, if you're happy, that's all that matters!" Fang Yuan agreed, since the Fierce Fire Monkey wanted to challenge its limits, he had no reason as its Trainer to refuse.


"Old Wang, what do we do now?"

In the monitoring room of the training institute, watching Fang Yuan convincing that group of Big Wolf Hounds to act as their bodyguards, the instructors were utterly dumbfounded. Even if a student miraculously escaped from those Pokemon, they wouldn't have been as surprised.

But... tricking the enemy to scout ahead for them, what kind of move was that?

"..." Old Wang remained silent, with a greenish hue on his face.

After a long silence, he said, "Let's pretend we didn't see anything. It wouldn't be good to interfere now, we'll give that student some special attention during the next assessment."

"Hahaha, even you have days like this, Old Wang. I told you your Big Wolf Hound was a bit dim-witted... you didn't believe me, could it actually have some Alaska blood in it?"

"Nonsense, how could an Alaska mate with a Big Wolf Hound and lay eggs!"

"Well, you never know, in foreign countries there are even laws allowing Pokemon and humans to marry..."


With a group of Big Wolf Hounds bearing the Intimidate Characteristic leading the way, Fang Yuan and the others found this method more effective than using Ultrasonic Larvae as scouts.

No matter what dangers lay ahead, the proper way to embark on training was to make an imposing entrance, strutting confidently and fearlessly.

Moreover, the noses of these Big Wolf Hounds were very useful, with exceptionally sharp olfactory senses, equally good for scouting the situation ahead.

"Woo~~" Suddenly, the Big Alaska halted in its tracks, its red pupils flashing with a sheen as it looked ahead.

"Stop a moment, there's a battle," Fang Yuan also extended his hand, indicating for Lin Sen and the others to pause.

In the distance, indeed, a group was engaged in battle.

Xu Lan was feeling desperate at that moment, commanding the Snow Demon Woman and other Pokemon in an arduous fight against the group of Cunning Sky Dogs, finding herself in a tough struggle.

The situation on the battlefield was looking grim, and it would have been tolerable if they were just ordinary Cunning Sky Dogs, but one of them was freakishly strong.

Her Main Elves hadn't lasted even a few rounds before getting smacked away with a single swipe.

The Pokemon of the others couldn't withstand even a single encounter either.

"Why..." Xu Lan still couldn't understand why there were such strong Cunning Sky Dogs in the Muhai Mountain Range.

Weren't they supposed to be conducting just a routine training assessment?

"I've heard Cunning Sky Dogs are savage, enjoying the cruelty of hurting passersby for no reason, even eating humans! We're done for."

In the howling wind, the Research Series team leader couldn't muster up the courage to fight, stuttering his words.

"Did you press the distress button yet?!"

"I did, yeah, but why hasn't any instructor come to rescue us!"

"Snow Demon Woman, Frozen Beam!" Xu Lan ordered with pursed lips, hoping to hold out until rescue arrived.

However, their hope would not be realized, as the instructors they longed for were in the monitoring room, enjoying the sight of their despair, laughing heartily.

"That girl's not bad. She's trained the Snow Demon Woman and the White Sea Lion very well. Her grade can be set a bit higher... though... the performance of the others isn't quite as impressive," said one of the watching instructors.

"Too bad her teammates aren't cooperating. Otherwise, they could manage to escape from the Cunning Sky Dogs. Now they can only hope the Cunning Sky Dogs go easy on them," the instructor shook his head.

As he spoke, his expression changed subtly.

In the monitor, suddenly a golden and red silhouette flashed by, indistinguishable whether it was lightning or fire, the Cunning Sky Dog that was fighting the Snow Demon Woman suddenly looked like it was facing a formidable enemy, drawing knife-like leaves to block.


The Cunning Sky Dog's fluffy white fur on its face fluttered, its fierce expression showing as it opened its large mouth, its murky yellow eyes fixed on the attacker right in front of it.

During the training assessments, it was encouraged for teams to help each other, with instructors and schools endorsing assistance to others in danger, as they would in secret locations in the future.

After receiving permission from Fang Yuan, the Fierce Fire Monkey was the first to rush over. Its incomplete Lightning Armor covered its body, granting it incredible speed. It threw a punch that sent flames dancing, the terrifying wind pressure of the fist creating a fierce whirlwind behind the Cunning Sky Dog.

The Cunning Sky Dog's feet scraped the Ground as it was sent flying by the tremendous force.

At that moment, the Fierce Fire Monkey captured the attention of everyone in Xu Lan's team.

"Has help arrived??" They looked expectantly at the Fierce Fire Monkey, their hearts racing with excitement, yet something felt off – was it just a single Fierce Fire Monkey??

"The power of that punch..." In the training base's monitoring room, the instructor who had been watching the struggle paused, his expression taken aback. Despite the sneak attack, he had managed to punch a professional trainer's Main Elves flying, overpowering them in strength – where did this Fierce Fire Monkey come from?

"Achaa!" Successfully having knocked the Cunning Sky Dog away, the Fierce Fire Monkey endured the pain in its fist, unwilling to show it on its face. Wearing a defiant expression, it basked in the surprised looks of Xu Lan and her team, but the next moment...

The Cunning Sky Dog, still a bit dazed from being smacked away and cursing, got up, while another Cunning Sky Dog also halted its battle and approached the Fierce Fire Monkey, the surrounding group of long-nosed leaves and acorn fruit unsurprisingly encircling it.

Fierce Fire Monkey: ???

Can we not do this one at a time.