Chapter 353: The Controller of Black Flame, Gengar!_1

Fang Yuan had subdued Ghostss when it already possessed considerable strength.

Under the tutelage of Gengar and Ninetales Rock, its strength could hardly be weakened.

Moreover, Glutton grew up feeding on life energy, absorbing very rich nutrients all along.

Even Eevee and Little Magnetic Monster didn't have as strong a foundation as Glutton did when they evolved initially.

Having accumulated such an immense foundation, theoretically, Ghostss could have evolved long ago.

But for various reasons, Glutton retained its original form.

Now, Glutton finally let go of its pride and allowed the strong foundation that had always been accumulating inside to erupt, advancing its life level.

For Glutton at this moment, the most important thing was to counter-kill the Chandelure.

The Evolution Light spread, and purple-black Ghost Fire swirled around, making Glutton's evolution appear particularly sinister.


Wang Yi immediately widened his eyes upon noticing the state of Fang Yuan's Ghostss.

Evolve in the midst of battle? Fang Yuan and Ghostss are quite bold.


Wang Yi had some understanding of the state Ghostss and the Chandelure were in.

The Chandelure was very strong; if it came to a one-on-one fight, he wouldn't guarantee that his Pokemon could defeat it.

But such a powerful Chandelure was being held back by a Ghost-type Pokemon in its initial form…

The mysterious black flame of Ghostss was actually able to suppress the Chandelure… Even now, Wang Yi didn't know what move that was.

The fact that Ghostss could still be like this… if it could evolve…

Undoubtedly, evolution is the most effective way for most Pokemon to enhance their strength.

Once Ghostss evolves into Gengar, its power will be even greater, this is beyond question… but how strong it can become, depends on the accumulation in this state.

"Woo woo woo~~~" The Chandelure swayed its purple Ghost Fire, isolated and alone, regretting its attempt to devour Ghostss.

As the interaction deepened, it realized that this Ghostss was even more addicted than itself, a green light shone through its white large eyes!!

As if it hadn't eaten for a long, long time, it regarded itself as a delicacy.


Sun Eevee, Self-detonating Magnetic Monster, and Fierce Fire Monkey were all attracted by the Evolution Light of Glutton.

As Fang Yuan silently recited this name in his heart, he felt a bit satisfied, having taken another step closer to MEGA White Ghost.

With the newfound powerful strength, Glutton should be able to kill the Chandelure now, right?

With a fleeting glance and a flash in its eyes, Sun Eevee sent a thought blasting a few Pokemon away, sincerely hoping for Glutton to become stronger.

One Tool Magnet Monster couldn't shake its status; Cloth God was simply lonely.

And the Self-detonating Magnetic Monster was also happy for Glutton's evolution. Although Glutton's power might soon catch up to it, after all, Glutton was a Pokemon raised by Self-detonating Magnetic Monster, the bond between the two Pokemon… who could tell?


Thunder and Lightning wreaked havoc, and countless ghosts shrank back.

Only the Fierce Fire Monkey, shedding tears, wondered when it would be its turn to become stronger.

This time, his status was the lowest of all.


Fierce Fire Monkey's eyes blazed with flame as he punched a whimpering Dream Demon flying, his fighting spirit soaring even higher.

But due to the difficulty of facing multiple opponents with just two fists and being a close-combat Attribute Spirit himself, he was inevitably sent flying by a surprise attack from Dusclops in the next second, rolling several times before angrily standing up...

"Gengar!" At Fang Yuan's command, Gengar finally completed its evolution.

It grew to a height of 1.7 meters, which was a whole size larger than the average Gengar.

From a purple spherical Pokemon surrounded by a mist with a purple glow, it began to change, developing a pair of hands detached from its body, with three fingers floating in front of the body like wandering souls.

Besides that, three groups of root spines protruded on either side of Gengar's face, resembling disheveled hanging hair, making it look even more terrifying.

After evolving, its triangular white eyes, with their black pupils, shone with an eerie light. When it opened its mouth, sharp purple teeth were revealed, as it looked towards Chandelure.

The Glutton's presence was even more massive now, and perhaps because it remained in its Mirror Attribute state while evolving with Ghost and Fire attributes, its original multicolored body seemed to be tinged with a layer of purplish red that was hard to detect without a close inspection.

The Glutton felt... now it had even more adept control over Ghost Fire.

The passive Black Flame, which had willingly merged into the purple Ghost Fire, suddenly transformed into a terrifying demonic shadow under Gengar's more delicate control, beginning to frenziedly devour the purple flames!!!

It didn't take much time before the purple in the purple-black flame was rapidly engulfed and covered by the spreading black.

In the midst of the flames, Chandelure's form gradually became visible, its eyes flashing fiercely, terror mixed with the ferocity.

This Gengar's rate of improvement... was simply too swift.

"You should be thankful that its old man didn't know you wanted to devour it, otherwise this part of the Spirit World would probably not be at peace," Fang Yuan said with a corner of his mouth lifted, sensing the emotions of Chandelure.

The Chandelure, which liked to devour other creatures' Life Energy and souls... at this moment, was being crazily devoured by the famished Gengar, which had transformed from the Glutton to a starving ghost.

Its Life Energy and even its Soul began to slowly burn away under the intensifying Black Ghost Fire...

At this moment, the Glutton resembled a Chandelure more than a Chandelure itself, or rather, this particular Chandelure had made it so.

Seeing this, Fang Yuan silently gave his consent to the Glutton's actions.

The Black Flame, fueled by twelve Gold Energy Blocks, had been summoned and set upon Chandelure, ensuring the fire burning on its body was destined not to be extinguished... This Chandelure was doomed to die, possibly becoming the first creature to perish at the hands of Fang Yuan's Pokemon.

There was a great commotion, with continuous howls of pain.

Old Wang glanced over nonchalantly, his heart chilled. Damn, it's best to pretend not to see this; Fang Yuan's Gengar... was simply as terrifying as something that walked out of Hell.


As the battle deepened, the first batch of Professional Trainers who entered the Spirit World noticed the disturbance and found Fang Yuan and the others.

Champion Jiang Li, having received the news, also rushed to the scene and had his Night Spirit reopen the Spirit World Gate, finding Fang Yuan and his group.

However, when these people arrived at the site of the battle within the Spirit World, they were all stunned by the scene before them.

The already barren and desolate Spirit World Earth was now ablaze with countless Black Flames that seemed inextinguishable, with who knows how many Ghost-type Pokemon lying on the ground.

Besides the wild Ghosts, there were three missing students sitting blankly on the ground.

Next to them was a somewhat smug yet slightly fearful Fang Yuan, along with his flock of Pokemon, the most conspicuous of which was the multicolored Gengar playing with the Black Flame and occasionally burping...

This time, the Spirit World was Gengar's home turf.

Instructor Old Wang whistled casually, his face innocent; the rescue was complete, and as for anything else, he knew nothing and didn't dare to speak.