Chapter 354: Seeing Champion Jiang Li Again_1

"All of this, was it your doing?"

In the Spirit World, the site of the battle.

Champion Jiang Li's eyes showed surprise as they fell on Fang Yuan.

"Long time no see… Big Brother Jiang," Fang Yuan said.

Yi… This part of the Spirit World has actually summoned the Four Heavenly Kings and the Champion.

Is the Champion so free?

"Long time no see…"

"That's not right, you still haven't answered my question."

Jiang Li stared at Fang Yuan, who had left a deep impression on him.

The New Trainer King of Su province, huh... The guy who defeated his father's illegitimate daughter.

Although Jiang Ran from Nan University Middle School did not receive nurturing from the Spirit World Lineage from a young age, she was given special care after becoming a Trainer and also had access to part of the heritage.

Being able to defeat Jiang Ran during the newcomer stage, Fang Yuan appeared very talented in Jiang Li's eyes.

Especially that thought process for the Spiral Shadow Ball, it's difficult to imagine it was conceived by a New Trainer.

It can be said that his sister Jiang Ran has been using Fang Yuan as a target for her training all this while, waiting for the day she can battle him again.

But now it seems, Jiang Ran's growth this year is indeed remarkable... but compared to Fang Yuan, it still falls a bit short.

Jiang Li looked at the Sun Eevee, the Self-detonating Magnetic Monster, and finally the Multicolored Gengar that belonged to Fang Yuan, somewhat moved.

If sister Jiang Ran knew that Fang Yuan had tamed a Multicolored Gengar, and moreover, that this Gengar had potential talent rivaling her Beginner Elf Gengar, and that its strength could possibly soon surpass hers, what would she think?

"It was our doing…" Fang Yuan said cautiously, "There shouldn't be any problem, right..."

Although Instructor Wang Yi said there wouldn't be any issues, Fang Yuan was still a bit worried when Jiang Li called him aside.

The Black Ghostfire had not yet extinguished, and under the Glutton's control, it had not only taken the Life Energy from the Chandelure but also affected several other Ghost-type Pokemon.

As an afterthought, the Glutton had also drained the Life Energy from those few Pokemon.

That is to say, some Pokemon had died by their hands.

"It was self-defense, no trouble, non-Professional Trainers dealing with Wild Pokemon, there's no such thing as excessive defense." Jiang Li's words put Fang Yuan at ease.

Whether or not he received a reward wasn't important; the fact that he didn't have to pay a fine was enough.

"Forget it, I'll take you out first," Jiang Li said, smiling and shaking his head: "I'll come to find you later, we have things to discuss."

After speaking, he looked at the ground covered in Black Flame and fell silent for a moment.

Next... it's time to clean up this part of the Spirit World.


The seals of the Spirit World loosened, thereby putting an end to the training at Tianming Mountain.

Even if the seal was reinforced, considering the psychological state of the students, it's inappropriate to proceed with the exact same trial again.

Lin Sen, Liang Shiren, and Cheng Lin, the three humans dragged into the Spirit World by the Night Spirit and the Chandelure, luckily didn't face any major issues.

Aside from... their spirits being a bit dazed.

Anyone who falls into Dreamland and eats a bunch of dirt and grass would feel uncomfortable.

This was real · eating dirt, not just a meme!

Having eaten the dirt of the Spirit World, although it's uncertain whether they were the first and last to do so, it was surely an experience they would reminisce about for a lifetime...

The scene of them eating dirt and grass was witnessed only by Fang Yuan and Instructor Wang Yi. The other students, fortunately, were unaware.

Now Fang someone regretted not recording it…

"The Champion is looking for you."

Tang Sheng found Fang Yuan and relayed, a message from Jiang Li. At that moment, Old Tang gave Fang Yuan a somewhat strange look.

Fang Yuan, together with Instructor Wang Yi, had found the missing Lin Sen and others. Entering the Spirit World, they successfully rescued them, which was a great achievement, no question about that.

However, the bizarre black flames from that area of the Spirit World reportedly had not been extinguished yet.

These flames, it seemed, were related to Fang Yuan.

Upon investigation, it was found that Fang Yuan's Gengar, which had devoured the Chandelure, was the chief culprit that broke through the Spirit World's seal.

In terms of power, when in good condition, its flame that could burn a large number of souls was comparable to the main force of a Master Level Trainer.

And yet, such a Pokemon fell into the hands of Fang Yuan and Gengar…

However, Tang Sheng, who knew the true identity of Gengar, also felt fortunate. Thankfully, the Glutton didn't run into trouble, or else the Thousand-year Gengar of the Sun and Moon Forest Secret Territory would surely have gone mad.

Although the Trainer Association had means to subdue it, losing such an ally would have been a shame.

With the Thousand-year Gengar guarding the Sun and Moon Forest Secret Territory, the Trainer Association could save a significant amount of manpower and resources, and also prevent any uprising of Secret Realm Sprites.

The most important thing was, unless they deployed Three Star Professional Trainers from the Twelve Earthly Branches, who were adept at Superpower and Ghost-type attributes, on a covert operation, eliminating a powerful and intelligent Gengar was not so easy.

Moving forward… they couldn't let Fang Yuan take risks with his own life anymore.

"I'll go right away," Fang Yuan replied, then scratched his head.

Jiang Li actually sent Old Tang to call him… Did the other party forget that they were friends?

In the past, Fang Yuan went to great lengths to secure a spot as a friend, only to be forgotten by the other party?

A video call would be more straightforward and save so much hassle.

This time, Fang Yuan and Jiang Li met privately at the training base under the Muhai Mountain Range, just outside the Spirit World.

Jiang Li had quite a few things to ask.

And quite a few things to tell Fang Yuan.

"I won't ask what that black flame is, but try not to let your Gengar use that kind of flame in official battles," Jiang Li casually chatted with Fang Yuan, then got to the main point.

"I know that," Fang Yuan replied with an embarrassed smile.

After unleashing the Black Ghostfire, although the Glutton could control the black flames, it was unable to extinguish them itself, which was rather embarrassing.

The Black Flame of the Glutton was somewhat akin to the exclusive Toxic powers crafted by some top Poison-type Trainers; once contacted, it was inevitably lethal, with no antidote.

Generally, those Poison-type Trainers wouldn't use their specially crafted toxins in official battles unless they could produce a cure. If they used a toxin that couldn't be treated with normal means, potentially causing the death of an opponent's Pokemon, they might face a lifetime ban and lose their Trainer status.

Fang Yuan didn't want to be banned for life, so until the Glutton completely mastered the Black Flame, it was best to stick to using it as a life-or-death trump card.

Following its evolution, the Glutton had become more skilled at controlling the Black Flame, and perhaps after evolving into Gengar, it could freely control the ignition and extinguishing of the Black Flame.

Only then would this move be considered fully perfected.

"There's something else," Jiang Li said.

"We discovered an unknown Dark Stone Vein in this Spirit World. That special Chandelure used the stones from it to evolve. However, compared to other Chandelures, this one was quite unique…" Jiang Li's eyes showed a bit of sorrow.

The Chandelure killed by Fang Yuan's Gengar had, in a short amount of time, attained such strength to break the Spirit World's seal. Its potential and talent might not have been inferior to that of the Glutton. Even he wanted to capture it, and if not for himself, then at least for his sister.

But now, such a Pokemon with great potential had perished…

"I may not be completely aware of the situation at that time, but I have a rough idea. When you get back, observe any changes in your Gengar carefully. After consuming the energy of the Chandelure in that manner, its body might undergo some special changes. If there's anything unusual, you can contact me."