Chapter 16: Preparation

Sleeping in my study room, I forgot the time. I became complacent, thinking I was close to discovering the truth; however, I was far from it. With a slight headache from analyzing Alison's documents last night, I decided to take a break. Although I worked in the accounting department during my time as a salaryman, I found these documents challenging to understand.

I used the assistance of AI to calculate the complex information and sort out what needed to be organized. The AI did its job well and based on the calculations, a discovery was made. I found out that the ATMOS Corporation has a huge debt. It made sense after trying to connect the lines. Finally, the investigation is close to its conclusion and I went to my organizer to fix the things that I misunderstood and missed.

Based on my investigation, the ATMOS Corporation CEO used Triton PMC to stage an attack that would claim the life of his daughter. By using the insurance funds he could collect from his daughter's death, he might be able to salvage his failing company. What a selfish father indeed, even for a malevolent being, was too much to ponder on. With this information, I decided to target the CEO of ATMOS. His earthly scent reminds me of where he belongs—six feet under the ground!

 This made me think of the irony of humans, yearning for immortality and not accepting their short lifespans. I could understand their yearnings but regardless, no living being is designed to live forever. All they want is for them would be remembered. Yet time, as cruel as it is corrodes their existence to nothingness. Their glorious or infamous deeds will just be forgotten.

I pondered the idea of making ATMOS Corporation and Triton PMC pay. Killing the people responsible is not enough, something must be done so that the likes of me wouldn't be entangled in such a mess selfish people do. I wouldn't call this a righteous crusade but a vengeance plot and a lesson to people who wish to do such things to others in the future. It was not my concern that the CEO had such plans for his daughter, having me involved is something that I cannot forgive. I am not some sacrificial lamb or scapegoat that they could use. 

As I entered the data into my flash drive, I deleted the information related to my investigation. Subsequently, I printed out plans, orders, and important documents for my associates. Only those participating with me have the right to access these papers I will make sure that any form of leakage is impossible to cover my tracks afterward.

After completing my tasks, I let out a loud yawn and stretched my legs. Exited the study room, I headed outside of my flat. The weather outside was sunny and warm. It was already nine o'clock in the morning and the green leaves and the grass in the ground were illuminated by the bright sunlight. The atmosphere was lively as I saw children playing on the lawn. Vehicles passed by and people were heading to their respective jobs. There were a lot of people on the sidewalk, passing by me as I headed to the huge tree to seek shade. 

Expecting a call, I decided to rest under the shade of the tree. My eyes were fixed on people with their daily activities. The sight was somewhat refreshing after being holed in the confines of my flat for two weeks. Enjoying my time alone, I appreciated the gentle breeze. This relaxing sensation almost made me drift to sleep. I closed my eyes and ignored the noise of my surroundings. 

I opened my eyes a gain and my phone rang in my pocket. I picked it up and checked the number. It was Elanor, one of my associates. 

"Mr. Shayne, I apologize for disturbing you."

"It's fine!" I replied to her and continued, "I was waiting for your call!" 

"I understand and I apologize if there were delays in my call." She paused for a while then said, "I already had the data about the candidates you were looking for. After profiling them, I finalized six out of twelve applicants. I had sent the information of the six in your email!"

"It's fine, six is more than enough!" I replied to her.

Elanor sighed in relief and replied, "I am glad that you were fine with it. I selected them based on the qualifications you posted and their expected compensation. Do you want me to arrange their interview schedules?" 

"Sure, please do!" I replied to her while leaning beside the tree.

I gave Elanor additional instructions and then ended the call. After the call, I decided to return to the flat and open the computer in my study room. I checked my mail and saw the candidates Elanor had told me. I can tell she made a great effort in profiling these people. Strictly instructed her, I didn't want candidates who were working with Triton PMC and other related companies under their umbrella. 

Impressed with her work, I knew I could count on her. I was planning to give her a bonus after pulling off my vengeance. Looking at my mail, there were six resumes submitted, and began to read them all one by one. I clicked the first mail whose resume was from Bruce and the monitor displayed.


Name: Bruce C. Bayern

Age: 32

Sex: Male

Address: Haven Ville, Jamestown City, Adelande

Occupational Background

Employer: Black Wolves PMC

Role: Demolitions Expert and Trainer

Specialty: Explosives, EOD, CQC, MOUT

Tenure: 4/27/2094 - 8/12/2105

Employer: Adelande Marine Corps

Rank on Dismissal/Retirement: Staff Sergeant 

Role: Combat Engineer

Specialty: Explosives, EOD, CQC

Tenure: 2/11/2085 - 5/21/2090

Educational Background


"I could use some of his skills!" I commented and then clicked on the next candidate.


Name: Ryan A. Thompson

Age: 29

Sex: Male

Address: Ft. Louis, Bougainville Town, Detoma

Occupational Background

Employer: Detoma Armed Forces Intelligence Unit

Rank on Dismissal/Retirement: 1st Lieutenant 

Role: Scout, Intelligence agent

Specialty: Scouting, Marksmanship, Intelligence gathering

Tenure: 6/22/2090 - 8/12/ 2100

Educational Background



"This one is a good candidate also…" I concluded and moved on to the next.

After reading all of the resumes from the candidates, I decided to hire them all. Money is the driving factor for mercenaries, as long as I pay them they'll give their loyalty to me. I just hope that none of them would back out after the interview for it would be time-consuming to find another candidate to fill them. 

"However, knowing Elanor, who was a good judge of character and had sharp instincts She knew how to provide me with people that would work and align with my interests. It was guaranteed that none of them would back out. 

Money is the only thing mercenaries and hired hands want. However, the interview will prove their resolve. I just hope that their numbers will not dwindle since I have no time to waste. She gives me the best candidates so far and it's guaranteed that none of them would back out.

Sipping my black coffee, I look outside of my window. A gentle smile etched on my face as I remember the serene scene outside. This peaceful atmosphere is just like the silence before the upcoming storm. Whatever they may be doing right now, both the ATMOS Corporation and the Triton PMC may be in a peaceful state. But once the storm comes, there's nothing that can stop me from delivering my swift vengeance against them.

This will be the strongest storm they will experience in ages. I will be more than the opponent they can handle!