Chapter 17: In Transit

Quadcopters were the very bane of my existence. It may be fuel-efficient compared to most air travel. I hated the way it shook, making me feel queasy every ride. The only advantage that the transport had was its fuel efficiency, it consumed less fuel than a private jet. Comfort was exchanged for economic gains.

Turbulence may happen while traveling in the air, but quadcopters take it to the next level. If only I could afford airlines or private jets I would have done so. Sadly, there was always a shortage of seats and most tickets were expensive.

Lacking sleep from yesterday's preparations, a different kind of drowsiness hit me. My eyelids became heavier as I struggled to keep myself awake. When my head felt light, my body yearning for a rest, I resigned and leaned my head on the headrest.

The sound of the secondhand ticking grew louder. I felt ominous, expecting a strange phenomenon to happen. Feeling goosebumps, the hairs in my body stood up. Someone from the pantheon might want to see me. However, it was not the All-Father as the presence was different.

A faint voice suddenly called my name over and over. It became clearer as I tried to listen closely. 

"Elios, can you hear me?" A faint voice of a woman called my name.

"Elios!" The mysterious voice echoed again as I helplessly drifted into the void.

Struggling to open my mouth, I failed to respond. I tried to take control of my body but failed.

"You don't need to speak Elios, I understand what's on your mind!"

Thinking that the voice may be able to understand my thoughts. I concentrated my mind and focused on the voice. 

"No need to struggle, I understand what's on your mind." 

Focusing on her voice, I asked a question in my mind. Why could have she summoned me into her realm?

"My name is Thalia, the goddess of memory and fate! I do not agree with the All-father's decision, I am at your side!" Thalia identified herself assured me.

Wouldn't be she punished by her actions?" I asked in my mind about the meeting with her.

"I can handle myself, Elios! None of the pantheon can harm me." Thalia paused then continued, "The All-father's methods were not the best, but this time he is not mindful of the consequences of his actions. Can you help me?"

I did not get the idea of what she was trying to tell me. However, even if the phrase "the enemy of my enemy is a friend", I cannot trust her motives easily. It may be a trap or a plot against me, and I should be cautious with the dealings of these gods. All I know they were good at deceit and manipulation. I cannot also forget what the All-Father has done to me.

"I am not the same as the All-Father. You can trust me, and I can unlock your memories. Give you power, unlock your potential. There's a lot of what I can help you!" Thalia tried to convince me.

The imagery suddenly changed; from the black void of nothingness, a familiar sight appeared. It is the world of Kaspion, I can tell from the fresh air and the lush forests. No manmade towers or buildings that towered the sky. Just nature and all its blessings.

This is a contrast to the world of Entere where humans had reigned. Pollution has poisoned the air, ground, and water. Nature and the world paid itself for human convenience and progress. I felt more harmony in Kaspion over Entere where even the gods themselves are divided, reigned in greed, and conspired against themselves.

A clear image finally lay before me, I could feel my hands and my senses were returned. I can tell that this was the past, looking at the mirror my blonde elvish hair signified that I had not matured yet. 

If my memories were correct, this was the time when I was almost five hundred years old. Upon reaching maturity, elves were arranged to marry the one they loved or someone pre-destined for them. If they are not able to find a partner, the path to immortality awaits them. 

Since that time, I have chosen to be married; it was my responsibility to build a family and sire many children to populate the world with my offspring. Thus, helping the Elven race survive and thrive.

Being immortal meant that these elves focused on strengthening themselves. They aimed to become the strongest of the race, the defenders of our kind. The cost of power comes with the chains of responsibility; for every immortal must defend every acre owned by elven civilizations from other races.

I was betrothed to the love of my life, Relia. Our marriage was to happen during the next full moon. Upon reaching maturity on our five hundredth birthday, our hairs turn silver. This is the time that an elf reaches full sexual maturity and should consummate for it may result in successful births.

Before the ceremony began, each of us who would participate in the marriage will be strictly checked. Diseases, blood, and fluids will be examined. If found infertile, diseased, or sterile, we could not be married. 


The strict process for marriage was done to ensure that only healthy and strong offspring would result in the union. Babies who were found with defects were not disposed of, killed, or abandoned. However, they will be considered as liabilities or disabled. They could not join the army or have certain responsibilities due to their disability.

Relia and I were strolling at the park that evening before the day of our marriage. The moon and the stars above shone over us. It was a beautiful sight, a romantic evening that made me more fond of her. 

Relia's beauty was unparalleled; her gown, laced with numerous crystal beads, sparkled as the moonlight reflected. She was at the fountain before me praying for success, the future, and our family. She also wished for us to have strong and healthy children.

After praying she glanced and approached me. She took her hand which gave me a warm feeling in my heart. We walked to the midnight hall, with the other elven couples in the ceremony. At midnight on my five hundredth birthday, I am no longer alone as the union concluded my marriage to Relia.

Thalia called my name again afterward, "Elios, can you hear me?"

Being able to speak this time I asked in reply, "What do you want from me?"

Thalia showed me her face this time, a tall pale woman wearing a black gown. She slowly walks in front of me, pausing the scene as if it were a movie. In front of me, she smiled at me and spoke, "You look better in your true form as Elios!"

Her words baffled me and I looked at her with disgust, "If you want something from me, then speak!" 

Thalia returned my words with a glare and distanced herself from me, "Aren't we rude? I am the one who is giving you favors, you should know your place!" She said displeased with my words.

"I don't play games, I know you want something from me. Speak up!" I replied to her.

"Very well... since you want to do it this way!" Thalia clicked her fingers and showed me Sin City from a high vantage point. 

The towering skyscrapers looked tiny from below and I saw from above the quadcopter which I rode to my destination. Looking at her she gave me a smirk. She might know something that I don't and I approached her. 

"What is it that you know?" I yelled at her.

"Misfortune." She replied.

I was baffled by her words as I tried to understand what she meant. She again dared to advance on me and said, "You will have to satisfy me." 

Finding her advances disgusting, I distanced myself from her as she tried to embrace me. "Let me remind you, I have no interest on your kind?" 

Disappointed with my reaction she threw tantrums and said, "What do human females have that I don't?"

"Nothing!" I taunted her, "Unless you can provide me something worthwhile. It may change my mind."

"Very well..." Thalia replied and summoned two chairs and a table.

"Half of the pantheon decided for your demise!" She revealed.

"Really?" I was not surprised upon hearing her words. "Do you have something that could interest me? Other than obvious revelations?" I added.

"I liked your style!" Thalia licked her lips and transformed herself into Relia's form. 

Mimicking Relia's silver hair, body, and even her identity to the slightest curve, made me shocked in awe. Her form in flesh animated my cold soul, and a strange warmth filled my heart. The feeling of longing for her embrace.

"I'm home!" I muttered with tears flowing from my eyes. 

She smiled at me and said, "I missed you!" She embraced me again and her familiar scent that I longed for calmed me down. 

"Relia, I will not leave you!"