Chapter 18: Omen

A/N: This is a flashback chapter... enjoy reading!

The morning sun cast its warm glow upon my face as I stirred awake. Peering out, the horizon was already painted in hues of dawn. I sought Relia in the bed, but she wasn't there. My gaze found her seated in front of the mirror, humming a familiar tune. The sweet resonance of her voice filled the room, creating a comforting ambiance. Rising from my bed in sleeping robes, I embraced Relia from behind. She turned to me, her gentle touch responding to mine, and she kissed me.

"I'm happy!" she exclaimed, the joy evident in her voice, holding me as she sat on the chair. In that moment, I wished time would stand still. Married to the most beautiful elven woman, I felt blessed beyond measure. I silently vowed to shield her from harm and cherish her eternally.

Our morning unfolded within the walls of our room. Attendants arrived at lunchtime, delivering our food and tending to our needs. After their departure, the quietude enveloped us, allowing me to focus on Relia. The elven marriage rituals spanned days, ensuring conception for the wife.

Examining the sign of her conception, I guided Relia to sit before me. A red mark on her nape confirmed the news of our impending child. Resembling an ancient rune, it foretold a strong and potential-filled lineage. Only the husband knew of this early sign, and I would share it with Relia the following morning.

Engaging in more than just the pursuit of conception, we found joy in the enchanting realm of music. Relia, with grace, played the Lyre, casting a glance in my direction as she sang her cherished song. The resonance of her exquisite voice created an extraordinary experience. In each note, I sensed her love, a melody rich in passion and unwavering dedication to her beloved. The profound realization that such a beautiful soul truly loved me moved me to tears.

Following her soulful serenade, Relia gracefully rose from her seat and settled beside me. A playful chuckle escaped her lips as I swiftly kissed her hand, a spontaneous gesture of affection. Rising to my feet, I approached the table where the lute rested. The decision to share a song crafted exclusively for her filled me with a touch of nervous anticipation, akin to the feeling of performing for an audience for the very first time, my heart pounding in rhythmic excitement.

Surmounting my initial nervousness, I delicately plucked the strings of the instrument, producing a cascade of melodious sounds. As the music flowed, I simultaneously played the lute and lent my voice to the lyrics of the song. This composition, a product of decades of dedication, had been meticulously mastered to perfection. Witnessing the joy etched across Relia's face, tears streaming down her cheeks, brought an overwhelming sense of fulfillment, and her radiant smile served as a poignant reaction to the heartfelt melody.

The moment unfolded for several minutes, culminating as I neared the final notes of the song. Transitioning into the last verse, I chose a more subdued melody, deviating from the passionate rhythm I had initially composed. Observing the contentment reflected in her eyes, I resolved that this musical rendition would serve as my solemn vow to her. A pledge to safeguard her for all time and to cherish her with unwavering love until the end of my days.

Extending for seven poignant minutes, it became the most profound moment in our lives. Relia and I savored the precious instance, convinced of its eternal significance. Following the conclusion of the song, attendants appeared, delivering our dinner promptly. Once they left, we indulged in our meal, continuing to bask in the lingering emotions of that unforgettable melody.

As the sun dipped below the horizon and our meal concluded, we extinguished the lamps, letting the walls emanate their gentle luminescence. Intricate bright white lines, bluish runes, and green patterns etched into the walls illuminated the room in vivid, harmonious designs. Enthralled by the spectacle, we opened the windows, greeted by a breathtaking view of numerous stars in the night sky.

"For how long shall it last?" Relia suddenly asked embraced me from behind.

I noticed that there was something amiss in her tone of voice. I calmed her down by assuring her, "I promise, I will make it last forever!"

Her embrace tightened, as if she were determined not to let me go. I sensed a subtle change in the tremors that coursed through her, prompting me to offer solace. Turning to face her, I reciprocated the embrace, soothing her with tender kisses and gentle caresses along her back. Leaning in, I whispered softly into her ear, "As long as I'm by your side, nothing will harm you."

"Please don't leave me..." She pleaded with her voice quivering

I released myself from her tight embrace and inquired about what was troubling her. She initially denied it, shaking her head. Observing the concern in her eyes, I persisted, and eventually, she confessed, tears streaming down her face, "The vision... It was dreadful; I saw the end... of everything! Everyone died, and it started when the moon began to glow red."

I held her in a tight embrace, reassuring her, "Don't be afraid. As long as I am here, I won't let anyone harm you."

The atmosphere shifted abruptly; the air grew still. The moonlight transformed, darkening into a deep shade of red. Horror seized my senses at the dreadful sight, rendering me speechless. Cold sweat began to bead on my forehead as fear gripped me.

Relia, still embracing me, trembled and then let out a terrified shriek, "NOOOOOOO!" Her sharp cry pierced my ears. I attempted to calm her, but her fear was palpable. The ominous lunar eclipse foretold events in the future, a premonition I never anticipated witnessing in my lifetime.

She pushed me away and fled into the corner, consumed by fear. The horrifying vision proved overwhelming, pushing her to the brink of insanity. Throughout the night, she remained nestled on the floor, her tears echoing through the room.

The next morning, I awoke to find myself slumped on the floor where I had fallen asleep. The soft morning breeze and the melodic chirping of birds stirred me from my slumber. As I rose to my feet, the birds scattered away, and in that moment, I recollected Relia's distress from the previous night. Searching the room, I discovered her still nestled on the floor in sleep. Gently lifting her, I carefully placed her on the bed to ensure a more restful repose. Taking a seat beside her, I awaited her awakening with patience.

A faint smile graced my features as I prepared to share the news of her conception with Relia. She mumbled in her sleep, occasionally shifting her head. As her restlessness subsided, she abruptly woke, "Elios, what happened?" Startled, she inquired.

"Nothing, everything is all right!" I smiled at her.

"What's the news?" She suddenly asked.

It took me several moments to grasp the subject of her inquiry. As I came to realize, I discreetly glanced behind her. Searching for the distinctive mark, I was bewildered by its absence. "What could have happened?" I questioned within myself, affirming the reality of the situation. My senses assured me that there was no trickery involved, leaving me puzzled by the inexplicable disappearance of the sign of her conception.

"Is there a matter troubling you?" Relia inquired.

I attempted to gather my thoughts and reveal the truth, but instead, I replied, "No, it's nothing."

Concealing the truth from her, I understood that she might never forgive me for this deception. Yet, the overnight disappearance of the sign of conception and the occurrence of the blood moon were mere coincidences. Revealing this information to Relia could potentially escalate her stress and fear, as it might be perceived as an ominous sign.

Despite its rare occurrence, the blood moon or lunar eclipse might be considered coincidental. However, the vanishing mark of her conception was a more significant harbinger of what lay ahead. Whatever challenges awaited, I was determined to safeguard the lineage of our family for generations to come.

I was committed to ensuring the authenticity of Relia's dream and verifying that the information provided by the television was accurate. Visions like hers were not to be underestimated, as they often carried profound meanings. Although the current moment seemed peaceful, I couldn't shake the feeling that it might be the calm before a storm of terrible events.