Chapter 23: Heist

Intercepting a moving train was ruled out entirely. While it might seem glamorous in movies, in reality, attempting such a feat would likely result in disastrous consequences. Heists typically occurred when the train was stationary.

Despite the appearance of a robust security presence, there were clear vulnerabilities. The personnel guarding the terminal, while numerous, lacked the aura of competence. Upon closer inspection, it became evident that the maintenance of the facility, operated by the Telmnac Transport and Logistics Corporation, fell short of expectations.

Even if considered solely as a private endeavor, one would expect better upkeep. The state of disrepair was palpable; facilities were dilapidated, with malfunctioning toilets and poorly lit platforms.

Disregarding the terminal's neglect, we gained entry using counterfeit uniforms supplied by our associates. Beside me, Bruce indicated his readiness to proceed with his designated task. With a nod in affirmation, our mission began in earnest. Bruce's objective was to infiltrate the electric room and sabotage the power source, with Chico and his assistant providing support.

"Are you in position?" I inquired over the crackling radio as I descended the stairs.

"Yes sir!" came Ludwig's prompt reply.

As we walked, we encountered two workers who greeted us enthusiastically. "Hey! If it isn't the new fellows!" the burly man exclaimed, with a grin from the slender man beside him.

"Well, this saves us the trouble!" the thin man remarked.

"Don't just stand there!" the burly one insisted, grabbing my arm and pulling me along.

Ludwig and my other two comrades awaited my signal, glancing at me expectantly as I directed them to take action. Swiftly, they overpowered the assailants who had grabbed me, rendering them unconscious. Surveying our surroundings, we found the area deserted. Our relief was palpable when we noticed the CCTV camera overhead, but it appeared to be offline, alleviating our concern of alerting the authorities. With a collective sigh of relief, we proceeded towards our objective.

The company operates five trains, each with separate terminals. Based on the informant's tip, this should be our target train. However, the nature of its cargo remains unknown, requiring further investigation. As we pressed forward, we noticed graffiti and vandalism adorning the terminal walls, with the lingering stench of urine causing mild discomfort.

We rushed to the control room, forcefully pushing open the door to find three workers, their unkempt appearances betraying their surprise at our intrusion. A tense silence hung between us until one of them spoke up, adjusting his pants as he reprimanded us, "You're not supposed to be here!"

"Wilson, handle it!" Ludwig instructed, using the worker's name as he nodded, dispatching them swiftly with silenced pistols.

With the standoff resolved, Ludwig approached the computer, quickly scanning the terminals. "How's it looking?" I inquired.

"Piece of cake." Ludwig replied confidently, tapping away at the keyboard as he continued his hacking of the train station's server.

I reached out to Bruce to check on his progress. "Explosives set, sir!" he promptly reported.

"Excellent timing." I acknowledged, pleased with their efficiency.

"Moving to rendezvous with Chico now." Bruce added before I terminated the transmission.

With the hacking successful, we scrutinized the contents of each train container, uncovering mostly rare materials. However, accessing the special cargo proved challenging. "It's protected by additional security layers. Any forced entry might trigger alarms," Ludwig explained, grappling with the encryption.

"That won't be necessary." I reassured him, motioning for everyone to gather outside the room.

After erasing traces of our hacking, Ludwig joined the group outside. "What's our next move, sir?" he inquired.

"We're seizing the special cargo from the containers," I declared, prompting surprise from the team, including Ludwig, who had presumed we'd only sabotage the operation. "But sir, isn't that too risky?" Ludwig questioned.

"We're changing tactics." I grinned, donning synthetic gloves bearing Dory Michelson's fingerprints, my former identity with Triton PMC. "This revenge plot will catch Triton off guard. They won't see it coming."

As we approached the platform, we saw to armed guards before us, and the CCTV cameras appeared operational. Eager to avoid drawing attention, I had previously contacted Bruce to inquire about the counter activation timing.

"It'll be in two minutes, sir!" Bruce responded over the radio.

"Two minutes should suffice," I remarked, preparing to seize the opportunity. Signaling to Ludwig and the others, who were already equipped with night vision goggles, we waited for the bombs to detonate before making our move.

As the timer was almost close, I took my pistol and the others prepared their weapons as well. One of our team mates, Andrew took a grenade. The entire terminal suddenly shook and the power turned off. The CCTV was deactivated and confusion filled the area. The guards scrambled to investigate.

As the timer neared its end, I grabbed my pistol while the rest of the team armed themselves. Andrew opted for a grenade. Suddenly, the terminal trembled, plunging into darkness as the power cut out. Confusion reigned as the CCTV went offline, and guards rushed to investigate.

With five more guards on the scene, I gestured for Andrew to throw the grenade. An explosion echoed through the terminal, eliminating all five guards.

The blast drew the attention of nearby reinforcements. Urging my team to move, we dashed towards the train amidst enemy gunfire.

Taking cover, we engaged the remaining guards, systematically eliminating them. Ludwig alerted me to Bruce and Chico's approach.

"Move, move, move!" I commanded, urging my men onto the train. Bruce and Chico raced to catch up, entering just before me as I secured the rear.

Entering the train from the control room, I instructed the others to move ahead and check the cargo. Ludwig looked at me then said, "Sir, the Important cargo will be in the container two cars away!"

I acknowledged with a nod, assigning Bruce and Chico to accompany me while Ludwig remained to monitor the CCTV outside the train. We proceeded cautiously, wary of potential ambushes.

"Clear!" Bruce announced, leading the way as Chico and I followed to the next car.

Bruce assumed the lead position with Chico covering our rear. Pausing in the second car, we encountered a container secured by an electronic lock. Attempting to bypass it could trigger an alarm and escalate security measures.

Over the radio, I contacted Ludwig, "Can you handle that?" His affirmative response came swiftly.

Minutes later, Ludwig successfully deactivated the locks, granting us access. Inside, we were astounded by the advanced technological items. Observing Chico don the ballistic armor, Bruce admonished him.

"It's fine," I intervened, then added, "Take what you can, but prioritize valuables."

We gathered valuable items, including gadgets and weapons, discarding our old equipment. Once laden with what we could carry, we moved on to the next car.

Having collected valuable items and shed our old gear, we proceeded to the next car burdened with our haul.

Satisfied that the third car seemed devoid of traps, I assumed a leadership role, guiding my team forward with a sense of cautious determination. The urgency of our mission hung in the air, driving us to maintain vigilance at every turn.

With a steady hand, I reached for my radio and signaled Ludwig for an update on our progress. His reassuring voice crackled through the static, providing a sense of stability amidst the uncertainty of our surroundings.

"You're spot on, sir!" he confirmed.

Though the car seemed empty, a panel in the center caught my attention. Curious, I inquired with Ludwig.

"That's the control panel." he informed me.

Uncertain of its significance, I sought guidance.

"Should we interact with it?" I queried.

"Best not to touch anything, sir. Let me handle the unlocking from my end." Ludwig advised over the radio.

I waited patiently for several minutes, but there was no progress. Ordering Bruce and Chico to keep watch for intruders, I glanced at my watch—it was nine fifty-five at night. Every few minutes, I checked the time as I awaited Ludwig's breakthrough in cracking the security to access the vital cargo.

With no success by ten-twenty, I attempted to contact Ludwig again when suddenly, a sound emanated from the panel. Ludwig had succeeded, and I approached cautiously as the display read "standby."

Clearing the area around the panel, I watched as the floor opened up, revealing the important cargo encased in glass—a chip-like object. I relayed the discovery to Ludwig, seeking clarification on its significance.

"Ludwig, I've located the package. It resembles a chip. Did the logs provide any details?" I inquired.

There was a brief pause before Ludwig responded, "Sir, the logs mentioned spare parts for bicycles and a memory chip for an automated car. However, it seems these entries are merely a cover for the true cargo.

"Understood!" I murmured, contemplating our next move. As I considered breaking the glass, Ludwig intervened over the radio.

"Sir, refrain from that action! Breaking the glass could damage other components. Let me find an alternative solution." he advised.

Relenting to Ludwig's advice, I suppressed my impatience, though my eagerness to uncover the chip's purpose remained high. I hoped it held the potential for future endeavors.