Chapter 24: Cargo

As I awaited Ludwig's unlocking of the security lock on the special cargo, I surveyed my surroundings, seeking any anomalies. Despite a thorough examination of the papers, nothing of significance caught my eye. The CCTV appeared to be operational, as did the other devices strewn about the area. Yet, an overarching disorderliness permeated the space, leading me to speculate that this company might face closure and eventual bankruptcy within the next year or two.

As I persisted in perusing the papers, I chanced upon a collection of intriguing documents. Accounting records, correspondences from directors, and executive directives were scattered haphazardly. Amidst the disarray, one particular document seized my attention. It bore the following inscription:

"Date: 09-22-2107

Subject: Operational Directive and Financial


To All Executives,

Effective immediately, all activities not directly related to the core interests and objectives of the company will be suspended. It has come to our attention that despite recent efforts to downsize our workforce, the company continues to experience significant financial losses attributed to unidentified sources or causes. Consequently, we are initiating a thorough investigation into the suspected misallocation or misuse of company funds..."

This tale is undeniably disheartening; mismanagement and corruption have sowed the seeds of turmoil. It's no surprise that this company has resorted to dubious operations, given its dwindling resources. Despite attempts at reform and change, the efforts have been rendered ineffectual by the actions of its executives and officials.

Glancing at the time, I noted it was already ten thirty. Growing increasingly impatient, I reached out to Ludwig once more. He responded, "Apologies for the delay, sir. The security measures on the secret cargo are proving to be unyielding. Short of resorting to forceful methods, there might be alternative actions you could take on your end."

"What!?" I exclaimed in disbelief at his response. "You kept me waiting just to tell me that!?"

I hurriedly called Bruce and Chico into action. "You two, search for any buttons or switches you can find!"

Turning to Ludwig, I expressed my gratitude. "Thanks! By the way, stay vigilant!"

"Roger that!" Ludwig promptly replied.

We meticulously scoured every table, computer, and terminal, exhausting all possible switches and combinations in our attempts to unlock the secret cargo, but to no avail. Frustration boiled within me, culminating in a violent kick to a nearby chair and an angry scream. "Is there a terminal or computer we haven't checked yet?" I demanded in exasperation.

Bruce and Chico exchanged a glance before Bruce stepped forward to address me. "I understand your frustration, sir," he began, attempting to calm the tense atmosphere, "but maintaining a level head is crucial for resolving this matter."

Bruce's words struck a chord; he was correct. Acting impulsively could jeopardize our mission and hinder our progress. As I sought out Chico, I was astonished to find him diligently working at a separate computer terminal. Intrigued, Bruce and I approached to see what had captured Chico's attention.

"Chico, what are you up to?" Bruce's surprise was evident in his tone. "You have to see this, sir!" He beckoned me urgently.

I hastened to Chico's side to witness what had caught Bruce's attention. As I peered at the screen of his computer, realization dawned—it was the portal for managing the security of the secret cargo. Without delay, I contacted Ludwig. "What's up, sir?" he inquired.

"Ludwig, we've stumbled upon a computer with access to the cargo security portal. Can you come over and operate it for us?" I requested.

"Can't do, sir. I won't have a clear view of incoming traffic," Ludwig explained, then added, "You can describe what's on the screen to me!"

Bruce and Chico exchanged puzzled glances once more. Feeling the pressure of time, I reluctantly accepted Ludwig's proposal. "Alright, I'll describe it to you!"

"In the portal, there's a welcome message, followed by a search tab with a magnifying glass icon in the upper right corner. The center displays a black blank screen with some text and a command prompt saying 'Welcome Master... Please enter the time!'" I relayed the details to Ludwig.

"Is there an option there to enter the time?" Ludwig inquired.

"Yes, there is," I confirmed, seizing control of the computer.

"Good," Ludwig replied, then continued, "If my educated guess is right, there should be a time zone and the correct time displayed on the screen. Check the lower right corner and see what time it is."

Observing the incorrect time, I reacted, "Is this some kind of joke? It's already ten forty, but the screen shows two fifty!"

"So, the time was set on ST + 9?" Ludwig mused before instructing me, "Sir, please enter the time minus 1 hour."

Frustrated and doubting Ludwig's competence, I snapped, "Are you sure you know what you're doing!?"

"Please, remain calm, sir," Ludwig urged, attempting to reassure me. "I apologize for the confusion, but this is standard procedure. It's a code and a tactic commonly used by cybersecurity experts."

"It had better work!" I warned sharply as I input the adjusted time based on the lower right corner of the screen.


Please Enter the time: 1:55

Welcome master, thank you for waiting!


The glass compartment enclosing the secret cargo opened, and I moved quickly to retrieve the chip inside. However, Chico intervened upon noticing the high voltage warning sign.

Sighing in relief at Chico's alertness, I acknowledged, "Thank you, Chico," and stepped back.

"Now what?" Bruce inquired.

"We need to locate the power source," Chico suggested, scanning the room for circuit breakers. After several minutes of searching, Chico caught our attention. "Sir, I'm shutting off the power!" he announced.

I nodded in agreement, signaling for Chico to proceed with turning off the power. A faint hum from an electric device resonated as the lights gradually dimmed. 

Chico reiterated his advice, suggesting we wait several minutes for the electric current to dissipate. After a brief interval, I retrieved the chip from its container.

The label read "Rasanco Electronics," with the description "Multi-purpose memory device" on the back. Puzzled by its significance, I dialed Ludwig's number.

"It's rather peculiar for a multi-purpose memory device to be considered priority cargo..." Ludwig mused upon answering. After a pause for thought, he continued, "Perhaps there's important data or an item stored within that memory device!"

"What do you make of it?" I inquired of Ludwig.

"It suggests that ATMOS Corps. may be attempting to sell technologies or engaging in illegal technology transfers," Ludwig responded.

Upon reflection, Ludwig's assessment holds merit. Given ATMOS Corps' precarious financial state, desperate measures to sustain their operations seem plausible. Yet, engaging with unfamiliar entities raises ethical and legal concerns. I summoned Bruce and Chico, instructing them, "Document any significant findings, whether they're dossiers or other valuable information."

Bruce and Chico meticulously photographed the documents, then proceeded to download files detailing ATMOS Corps' illicit transactions and deals onto a computer. Once we had completed all necessary recordings and secured the secret cargo, I beckoned the two to accompany me in exiting the dilapidated train station.

As we stepped out of the room, Ludwig's voice crackled over the radio, "Sir, I have terrible news!"

"What's going on?" I inquired immediately.

"Triton PMC members are infiltrating the Train Station through the entrance. Reinforcements are en route!" Ludwig's urgency was palpable.

"Stay calm, we'll make it out of here," I reassured him, then commanded, "Alert the others; our mission here is finished!"

"Understood, sir!" Ludwig acknowledged before ending the transmission.

Bruce, Chico, and I hastened toward the rendezvous point, urgency driving our steps. As we emerged from the train, we made a beeline for the fire exit leading to the sewers, our chosen path to regroup with the rest of our team. However, upon reuniting with the other three, it became apparent that our situation had escalated. They informed us that the Triton PMC was attempting to seal off all known exits.

"I see..." I sighed, feeling the weight of the situation pressing down on us. I quickly began formulating a plan to navigate this new obstacle.

"Sir, what's the plan?" Bruce's concern was palpable in his voice.

Surveying our surroundings, it became evident that our options were limited. Triton PMC would likely anticipate any move we made. Turning to Ludwig, I posed a crucial question, "Do you have the layout of this train station memorized?"

Ludwig nodded confidently, responding, "I have the map recorded on my phone." With a few taps, he displayed our real-time position. "Rest assured, sir, our network is encrypted. The enemy won't be able to track our movements."

"Good to know!" I acknowledged, though my mind raced with the implications of our next move.

We opted to linger for a moment, fortifying ourselves for our forthcoming actions. Sharing ammunition and supplies amongst ourselves, we once again scrutinized the map provided by Ludwig. As I delved into the intricacies of the map, an idea sparked within me upon noticing a peculiar route outlined.

Curious, I queried Ludwig about it, to which he responded, "It may simply be an error in the application, sir!"

"I can't afford to overlook any potential opportunities or risks. I'll take my chances and investigate that section of the map!" I asserted to Ludwig.

Ludwig acquiesced, stating, "Yes, sir, understood!"