Chapter 26: Briefing

I awoke to the blaring of my alarm, the humid morning enveloping me in sweat. Regret flooded in as I realized I had forgotten to switch on the A/C the night before, succumbing to fatigue from staying up late. Despite being a night owl, there were moments when lethargy overpowered me.

As I rose, my body weighed me down. I reached for a pitcher of water, filling my glass and downing it in one gulp. Instantly, I felt revitalized, the heaviness dissipating, and the vertigo vanishing.

"Pathetic!" I chuckled to myself, acknowledging how the loss of sweat had left me feeling weak as I slipped on my shirt.

Following my typical morning routine, I had eggs and bread for breakfast, adding a twist with a bowl of instant ramen for soup. Despite the recent heaviness from my diet, I balanced it out with light exercises to maintain my fitness.

Glancing at my calendar, I noted it was already 09-30-2107, leaving me a day to wait before my next move. I busied myself with preparations to meet my crew, confident that I was poised for action. The anticipation grew as I awaited the arrival of my new equipment, eager to wield it against my adversaries.

Scanning my email inbox yielded nothing new, just the usual promotions. With that, I powered down the computer and exited the study room.

Upon observing my freshly cleaned flat, I found solace in its newfound tidiness, yet also a sense of novelty. Accustomed to its dusty, neglected state, I marveled at the absence of the allergens that usually triggered my sneezing fits. I owed a debt of gratitude to Elanor for recommending such an excellent house cleaner—she certainly deserved recognition, if not a raise!

Flipping on the television, I noticed that "Space Wars" was playing, its iconic opening scene greeting me. Despite its familiarity, I wasn't in the mood for it at the moment. I opted to change channels and tuned in to the news instead.

"Thanks, Thelma! The notorious criminal turned terrorist, Dory Michelson, has resurfaced. His latest target: ATMOS Corporation's assets in Singer Vale, Sin City. Authorities warn that Dory remains at large, plotting his next move. Security measures have been escalated, with checkpoints..."

It appears my actions have stirred up attention, likely resulting in heightened security at ATMOS Corp headquarters, as anticipated. While thoughts of executing this maneuver have been running through my mind, I must focus on maintaining a positive outlook.

Glancing at the clock, it read nine fifty—a signal for me to prepare for the briefing I'll be delivering to my troops. Speaking of which, from the original six, I now command a force of forty men at my disposal.

The rapid growth of my force took me by surprise. Beyond the competitive pay I offered, something must have motivated these men to join me. I hold hope that none will falter in our current endeavor, as the moment for me to exact revenge draws near.

At precisely ten five, my phone rang. It was Elanor on the line, instructing me to prepare for my meeting with associates by two fifty this afternoon..

"I appreciate it, Elanor," I expressed gratefully.

"Is there anything else you'd like to include, Sir Shayne?" Elanor inquired politely.

"I have nothing else to add, just wanted to express my gratitude. Also, I believe you deserve a raise," I conveyed to her.

Elanor paused briefly, pleasantly surprised by my words, then responded with a cheerful, "Thank you, sir!"

Her appreciative tone brought a smile to my face as I ended the call. After our conversation, I headed outside to my garage where two of my vehicles were parked. Opting for the motorcycle—a sleek 200cc bike—I left the sedan behind.

I went to my subordinates in St. Pierre's road. I believe that they were already there. I sped in order to get there on time. It took me at least twenty minutes to arrive from my usual forty minute ride.

After dismounting my motorcycle, I securely parked it in the designated lot before ascending to the first floor. Upon reaching my destination, I entered the reserved room where my subordinates had already assembled, evident as I approached and knocked on the door.

Their punctuality took me by surprise, leaving me momentarily speechless and unsure of how to respond. My assistant, discreetly by my side, leaned in and whispered, "Sir, they arrived an hour ago!"

My assistant's revelation filled me with a sense of embarrassment, prompting me to clear my throat before regaining composure. "Are the materials ready?" I inquired, readying myself for the task ahead.

"Certainly, sir," my assistant affirmed before adding, "Are you ready to proceed?"

I nodded and reached for a folder, only to realize it wasn't the correct one. Observing my reaction, my assistant swiftly provided another. Clearing my throat, I then made my way to the podium.

Observing the chatter among the assembled audience, even with my presence at the podium, I found them to be quite loud. Determined to regain control, I initiated my speech.

As my voice filled the room, a hush fell over the audience, their attention shifting towards me. Embracing the brief moment of silence, I proceeded to introduce myself and commence my speech.

"Good day, gentlemen! Allow me to introduce myself: I am Shayne McLane. As your superior, I expect you to address me accordingly,"

I paused then continued...

"Welcome, esteemed members of Cyson Security and PMC group. While we may be a new company, I recognize that many of you are seasoned veterans, having previously served with other private contractors. Here, within our ranks, you are not merely contractors, but esteemed soldiers, deserving of the utmost respect and camaraderie..."

After delivering my speech for an hour, I was relieved when it finally concluded. Making my way to my assistant, I inquired, "How many attendees were present?"

"Sir, everyone on the list attended." the assistant reported.

"Excellent!" I acknowledged with satisfaction.

"By the way, sir, I've informed the twelve individuals you requested to stay," the assistant added, handing me the list of names as requested.

"This will do just fine," I replied, accepting the bottle of water handed to me.

"Are we ready to commence the meeting?" inquired the assistant.

"In twenty minutes, and please ensure they have snacks," I recommended.

"Understood, sir," the assistant acknowledged before promptly carrying out the tasks I had assigned.

Seated in the chair, I cleared my mind of earlier stress and focused on the system with closed eyes, scanning through notifications that appeared in my mental space. Amidst them, one message stood out as particularly peculiar.


Greetings Lord Elios!

Subject: Important Meeting in Everson City

Dear Elios,

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to inform you of an upcoming meeting scheduled for one month from now in Everson City, Adelande. There are several matters that require our attention and discussion.

I have observed your progress and growth with great interest and am pleased to see the improvements you have made. Your dedication and commitment have not gone unnoticed.

During our meeting, I intend to discuss various topics and potentially explore your newfound abilities. It is important for us to continuously challenge ourselves and strive for excellence in service to our cause and the greater good.

Let us remember our purpose and remain steadfast in our devotion to All-Father's name.

Looking forward to our meeting.

Warm regards,



"That persistent messenger!" I grumbled inwardly, "Very well, I'll see what he wants."

I drafted a response in the system, which reads...


Subject: Confirmation of Meeting Date

Dear Mr. Messenger,

Greetings! I am writing to confirm our meeting on the agreed-upon date. I will ensure my availability at the scheduled time. Please be gentle with me—I am still recovering, heheh! :')

Best regards,



As I sensed someone approaching, I opened my eyes and disengaged from the system. It turned out to be one of my associates, Emma Solovyova. Her unexpected presence caught me off guard—perhaps she's still upset about me using her creation in my last stunt.

"Shayne, dear, could I have a moment of your time?" Emma asked in her distinctive Baltic accent.

I nodded in agreement and rose from my seat, trailing behind her as she led the way. Upon entering an empty room, she gestured for me to follow. Once inside, she pushed me against the wall, her voice low as she whispered, "You've truly pushed the limits with my creation. It's going to cost you dearly." With a subtle motion, she revealed her remote credit collector, leaving me with no choice but to settle the debt.

"Why should I? Dory Michelson's identity has been paid and accounted for!" I protested.

"It doesn't matter, pay me now!" she demanded.

I made the payment of 20,000 credits, swiping my card to complete the transaction. Once the payment was accepted, she kissed me before stepping back, a seductive gleam in her eyes as she licked her lips.

"You see, Shayne, if you expect my assistance in your vendetta against Triton PMC and ATMOS Corporation, you should have been prepared to pay the appropriate price," she remarked.

Upon hearing this, I was incredulous. "What!?" was the only word that escaped my lips.

"ATMOS Corporation is but a shadow of its former self. Given your knowledge and the stunt you pulled at the Telmnac Logistics Rail Hub, you've likely uncovered some of their illicit activities. However, I can assure you, there's far more to it than meets the eye."

"Is that so? You seemed hesitant to assist me before," I replied, noting the sudden change in her demeanor.

"That's because you were reckless," Emma retorted, her tone firm. Then, she added, "If you're willing to pay me more, I can offer you additional information."

Despite her seductive demeanor, I maintained a professional demeanor and resisted her charms. "I understand. What information do you have, and what is your price?"

"For you, Shayne, consider this information a gift," she said, then added, "That is, if you prove yourself to be reliable and do me a favor. Once you've succeeded, I'll be more than willing to reward you generously. Can I trust you to come through?"

"Absolutely," I replied confidently.