Chapter 27: Intrusion

Finally, the moment had arrived for me to claim my retribution. As the clock relentlessly counted down and the flames flickered in the wind, the stage was set for justice to be served. It was high time to mete out punishment to the odious CEO whose presence reeked of corruption and deceit, consigning him to the depths where he rightfully belongs.

A dozen individuals had been handpicked to partake in this crucial mission, each chosen for their unique abilities and skill sets. As the architect of this plan, my sole aspiration is for its successful execution with minimal loss of life. However, given the formidable connections of Triton PMC, I am acutely aware of the daunting challenges we face in its realization.

I meticulously groomed myself to ensure a polished appearance. Clad in a sleek black suit and tie, my hair meticulously styled to perfection, and sporting brown contact lenses crafted exclusively by Emma. As the guards scrutinized me for any signs of deception, my briefcase underwent thorough examination under the penetrating gaze of the X-ray machine. Fortunately, no red flags were raised, granting me passage without incident.

I monitored my team's progress through a discreet radio concealed within my ear. With precision, they had assumed their designated positions: two snipers poised for action, explosives strategically planted at their targets, and my extraction team standing by, prepared for swift action when needed.

While I possess the capability to execute this revenge scheme single-handedly, I'm hesitant to shoulder all suspicion alone. Introducing the notion of the supernatural could complicate matters prematurely. Instead, I aim to showcase my prowess gradually. Establishing my abilities is paramount before setting sights on global domination.

"Sniper team, ready! Waiting for orders," came the report from my sniper team positioned on the building six hundred meters away.

"This is the demolition team. We've planted the package on the electric generators and the backup generators as instructed," they responded in kind.

I made my way to the restroom, scanning for an available stall. With stealth, I sent a quick message to my team, updating them on my progress within the ATMOS Corporation's Main Tower. "Advancing to the second phase of the operation. Stay alert!"

"Roger!" echoed the unified response from all teams.

I retrieved the package from an inconspicuous briefcase purposely left by my associate in the restroom. Carefully opening it, I discovered a letter inscribed in elegant cursive. Its fragrance instantly reminded me of Emma's perfume.

"Dear Shayne,

I hope this message finds you well. Enclosed is a gift I've carefully chosen for you—a pressure-powered gun with remarkable precision, capable of delivering a single lethal shot. Remember, each opportunity is precious, so ensure your aim is true.

With love,


Emma's allure is undeniable, I'll concede. Yet, dwelling on thoughts of her won't aid my mission. Securing the package, I pressed on, relying on Ludwig's guidance to lead me through the labyrinthine corridors toward the CEO's quarters. Stepping into the elevator, I ascended directly to the fifty-fifth floor.

The elevator whisked me upward at a rapid pace, the floors blurring by almost unnoticed until it slowed upon reaching the fortieth floor. As it approached the forty-eighth floor, it came to a halt and the doors slid open, revealing a familiar figure whose hearty laughter filled the confined space. Unfortunately, with his entry came an overpowering scent, his body odor intensifying as the doors sealed shut.

Enduring the all-too-familiar scent, I discreetly turned my face away from the boisterous man beside me. His booming laughter echoed in the confined space as he mercilessly berated his diminutive subordinate. I couldn't help but notice the unkempt tangle of dreadlocks atop his head, emitting a pungent odor of neglect and perhaps worse.

"Hey, boss!" greeted the familiar voice.

Glancing over, I recognized Troy by his unmistakably brash and overbearing presence. His loud and confident tone set him apart from the others. He carried on speaking with volume and assurance, "No sweat, boss! We've got everything handled. And if that troublemaker Dory dares show up, I'll put him in his place!" His boastful words filled the elevator.

"The sheer audacity!" I exclaimed silently to myself.

As the elevator finally reached the fifty-fifth floor, I allowed Troy and his subordinate to exit ahead of me. They assumed I was just another company employee, paying me no mind. I silently appreciated Troy's ignorance; his arrogance would ultimately be his undoing, and I was determined to ensure it led to his downfall.

As I made my way through the bustling office, I observed numerous employees diligently focused on their tasks. A supervisor, mistaking me for one of his subordinates, called out to me. Momentarily apprehensive about being identified, I hesitated before approaching. To my surprise, he handed me a sealed letter with strict instructions: "This is for the CEO's eyes only. No one else is to read it."

I nodded in acknowledgment, concealing my malevolent satisfaction behind a facade of compliance. Following the directions provided, I made my way towards the CEO's office, inwardly relishing the unwitting role my guide was playing in leading me to my target. "If you were an asset, I'd commend you. Unfortunately, after this debacle, you'll find yourself jobless," I taunted lightly as I continued on my path.

I could feel the palpable stress emanating from the workers as they poured their time and energy into their tasks. Glancing around, I noticed the meticulous attention to detail, with each individual absorbed in their computer screens, scarcely blinking. Some appeared to be dozing off at their desks, while others seemed idle, contributing nothing to the bustling atmosphere.

The secretary swiftly verified the package I was tasked with delivering to the CEO before granting me entry without further inquiry. Her reluctance to probe deeper suggested she feared potential repercussions for asking too many questions. With a knowing smirk, I proceeded on my way, confident in my ability to navigate the situation smoothly.

Stepping into the CEO's office, I found the elderly man reclined in his chair, appearing to doze off. As I moved closer, intending to retrieve the gun crafted by Emma, a familiar voice pierced the silence— the CEO's daughter, a spoiled presence. She raised her voice, demanding her father's attention. Swiftly, I withdrew the weapon into its case and instead retrieved the letter, adjusting my plan in response to the unexpected interruption.

Glimpsing the old man only fueled my simmering rage, longing for his downfall to be both agonizing and protracted. Yet, I swiftly refocused, knowing any delay could jeopardize my mission. As the CEO stirred from his slumber and greeted his daughter, I steeled myself to execute my plan with precision.

Suddenly, Troy materialized alongside Trevor, and their presence spelled trouble. With the situation rapidly deteriorating, I knew I had to act swiftly to neutralize my target before security intervened. As luck would have it, the lights flickered momentarily, presenting the perfect opportunity to deploy the weapon crafted by Emma.

As Trevor moved to shield the CEO from the weapon I brandished, my reflexes outpaced his reaction time. With precision, the bullet from my gun found its mark, striking the CEO in the abdomen. The CEO's daughter's horrified cry pierced the air, while Troy and Trevor's frantic shouts filled the room as they scrambled to alert their comrades.

As the ground trembled for a second time, darkness descended upon the once well-lit room as the lights flickered off. Seizing the opportunity, I slipped away into the cover of the shadows. Exiting through the same door I had entered moments before, I encountered the surprised secretary. Her eyes widened at the sight of the weapon in my hand, prompting her to summon security, and the blare of alarms filled the air.

Unexpectedly, I discovered additional backup generators concealed beneath the building, powering the emergency lighting. As the employees scattered, seeking refuge in their cubicles, I paid them no heed, focused solely on my objective. Like a shark in pursuit of its prey, I pursued my target without distraction.

"We're sorry, sir, the signals were jammed! We couldn't communicate with you inside the CEO's office," Ludwig explained as the radio connection resumed.

I quickly responded via text message on my phone, "It's alright. Please arrange my escape. I need exfil!"

After receiving my text, Ludwig replied through the radio, "Roger! It will be arranged."

Pressing on with increased urgency, I hastened my pace. Upon reaching the elevator, frustration set in as I discovered it had been deactivated as a security precaution. With no alternative routes available, descending the stairs would leave me vulnerable to any adversaries ascending, placing me at a significant disadvantage. Left with no choice, I resolved to ascend to the helicopter pad on the top floor.

"I texted Ludwig again on the phone, 'Ludwig, arrange the exfil on the rooftop!'

'That's insane, sir. The enemy will expect you there!' Ludwig protested.

I replied via text message, 'Climbing down the stairs is not an option. Make it happen!'

'I'll try, sir!' Ludwig replied before ending the transmission."

With ten floors left to ascend from my current position, the physical challenge of climbing wasn't my primary concern—it was what awaited me at the top. Steeling myself, I closed my eyes, accessing the system...


Welcome Lord Elios!

New skills are available. Do you like to view them? [Y/N]


With an exultant yell, I observed as the system unveiled a set of new skills, leaving me stunned in awe. The unexpected utility of these abilities took me by surprise, prompting a grin to spread across my face as I meticulously arranged them within the system. Fully aware of the formidable adversaries I was about to confront, I steeled myself for the ultimate battle ahead.