Chapter 39: Work

Disembarking from the quadcopter in full tactical gear, escorted by Ludwig, Bruce, and Chico on our back. Desert heat and the hot winds met us, landing our feet on the ground. In front of us was the archaeological site where the famed archaeologists were digging. The place looked like a small ancient fort surrounded by limestone walls eroded by time.

I suddenly thought of my former associate, Steven Andrews. I thought of dealing with him after ending our partnership. Whatever might happen to him might blame me. It was something that I could not afford as the damage was bad enough recently. If I were to Eliminate him, it might create more problems.

I decided to let him be for now and move on, for as long as there were connections, many would do business with me. I had a billion net worth that would attract enough investments, and I could replace him anytime as a partner. Thought of him as a thing of the past, a spilled milk that had served its worth.