Chapter 40: Danger

Gunshots thundered as we arrived on the surface. Helping to carry the cargo, I led the archaeologists and hid in a shelter inside the ruins. Located in the innermost portion of the keep, I was confident they would be safe there.

My men, Andrei, Leopold, Maxim, Ludwig, and the others, were engaging the enemy. Taking cover behind the limestone walls, they took turns returning fire to conserve ammunition. Seeing the situation, I barked my orders to Bruce and said,

"Bruce, assist them!"

Bruce sprinted under fire from the enemy and hid with others behind the walls. He phoned and took the most advantageous position to provide fire support for his team. He provided a perfect cover for my troops.

The strong wind did not help. I can taste the sand in the air and irritates my eyes. I grabbed my goggles and wore them to prevent them from being irritated. The blistering heat made my damp clothes sweat dry almost in an instant.