Chapter 53: The Seven Prophesies

"This is nothing but a conspiracy theory!" I scoffed, tossing the newspaper aside.

"It may be an urban myth, Sir Shayne. Other claims suggest otherwise," Alexa countered as she rose from her seat.

"Are you suggesting the Gernaian myth was true?" I asked skeptically.

"Not really, but most worldwide catastrophes in the past were connected to that religion. Many believe their oracles predicted events, even the great war before the League of Nations," Alexa explained. "Ever since, people have been wary of the Chronicles of Seven Predictions that could happen in the future."

"Really?" I replied, my tone tinged with pessimism.

"Yes, sir," Alexa affirmed.

"Then, we'll need to investigate this matter further," I concluded.

As I pondered the implications, Alexa broke the silence, "By the way, sir, messages were sent from the Order of the Fallen Star. They want to see you in ten days."