Chapter 54: Somoga

I have arrived at the remote base in Somogan Island. It is one of the island chains in the country of Asturias. The Order told me to assist Abdul's cell in the region. 

The humidity was not something I had expected. The heat was scorching, I sweated like a pig and drank bottle after bottle to cool myself down. The jungle was also thick, and the terrain was difficult.

The sound of crickets and frogs was in concert. It rained the other day, evident with the mud on the ground. I had difficulty navigating through because of the wet ground.

I saw birds flying and heard the sound of their wings, and the branches of the trees rustling as the monkeys climbed and leaped from one tree to the other. 

Other than the smell of smoke from the men around the base cooking their breakfast. I can still tell that the air around the place is fresher than in the city. There were no other putrid smells I noticed.