Chapter 8

Madeline was satisfied, as she had successfully made another headline all across social media platforms. 

She already imagined how people would try to link her with other stars, especially A-list celebrities. 

Truthfully, she was never the one who'd mingle with the opposite gender. She was naturally an introverted woman who preferred to spend her time alone at home or in the park. 

She also spent her entire childhood singing and practicing acting, so she was never close to any boys as well.

And for the so-called 'A-list celebrity boyfriend' she mentioned on the talk show just now, that was just a lie! 

She was single and not ready to mingle. She was traumatized after the career-destroying relationship she had with Jonathan Hale and preferred to stay single for the rest of her life, knowing that a relationship with any man would only result in her misfortune.

'Besides, no good man will ever want to be with me, anyway. I've basically killed any potential love interest I can get after going to the TV as a skank,' Madeline lamented for a moment.

She halted her step in the corridor as she felt something deep in her heart was aching. She was heartbroken to know that no good man would ever wed her.

But she was well prepared for the consequences of doing this in public. So she tried to bury her sadness and shrugged it off. "Oh well, good grief, who needs a man anyway?"

She headed to her backstage room and realized the door was already slightly open. She frowned. 'Weird, did I forget to lock it before? '

Madeline pushed the door slowly and stuck her head out to check on the situation.

She saw a young man, roughly in his mid-20s, lounging on the sofa, texting someone on his phone, while drinking a bottle of expensive whiskey that he put carelessly on the table.

The man had blonde hair that he combed neatly to the back, a clean-shaven face, and was wearing an expensive dark green suit that matched his eye color. 

Madeline was stunned. Not only had she never seen a man so handsome before, but she also didn't know who this man was!

As Madeline was still trying to process everything, the man suddenly lifted his head, and his snake-like green eyes peered back at her. 

As their eyes met, he smirked and said, "Come in, Madeline Rose. I have an offer for you—"


Madeline slammed the door as she got scared. She stepped back, but she felt like she hit a wall.

So she turned around and saw the same two burly men in black from yesterday suddenly appear behind her and block her only escape route.

One of the men said, "Please don't be scared, Miss. The one inside is none other than our Boss."

"I—I don't want to meet with your Boss. Didn't I tell you that I'm not interested?!" 

"You told us you'd consider the offer once he comes to you personally. So he's here to talk with you, Miss Rose."

"That—"Madeline was speechless. She said that because she expected their Boss to give up. She didn't expect him to come and stay in her backstage room. 

The door opened from the inside, and the tall man annoyedly clicked his tongue. "That's fucking rude. You can do that to others, but not to your own sponsor," the man complained.

Madeline looked up, and their eyes met again.

Again, she had to admit this man was very good-looking, much more than any male celebrities she met. He had a classic facial feature that screamed old money, and his deep, snake-like green eyes were particularly enticing.

Madeline was dazed for a few moments, but she soon recovered, as she knew that her life might be in danger right now.

"Please let me go, Sir. Whatever offer you have in mind, I am NOT interested," Madeline said as she stood her ground.

The man smirked and said, "You will regret rejecting this offer, Madeline. I bear no ill intention towards you."

"I know what you have in mind. Please get out of my room before I call the security," Madeline rejected.

"This studio is partly owned by my Dad's company. There's no point in calling the security," the man said lightly. 

Madeline gasped.

She didn't expect this man to be far more powerful than expected. She only had two choices now: reject him and cut her only source of income, or go along with him, subsequently destroying her body and dignity. 

"Don't worry, I have no interest in sleeping with you," the man said curtly. He seized her from head to toe and scoffed. "Don't think too highly of yourself. I'm here for a business that will change your life."

Madeline hesitated initially, but finally gave in when he said the last sentence.

He was here for business.

She would be willing to at least listen to a rich man's rambling if that would save her from having her life or career ruined.

The man saw that Madeline had started loosening up. He turned around and returned to the sofa, ready for a talk.

Madeline looked over her shoulder, realizing she had no way out. She decided to walk in to have a conversation with this mysterious man.

The two men in black closed the door, and it seemed they were guarding the door outside until Madeline finished her discussion with this mysterious young master.

She stood before the man, feeling uncomfortable because the man was sizing her up with great interest.

She knew she had to keep up with her persona in front of everyone, but this man's snake-like eyes were too much, even for her.

His gaze was enough to crack down any kind of pretense she was putting on until she couldn't handle it anymore and asked, "What do you want to talk about, Sir?'

"First of all—"the man leaned on the sofa, crossing his legs, and said with a commanding tone, "Break up with your boyfriend. I want to make you mine."