Chapter 9

[Song Recommendation: Rosenfeld - I Want To.]

Madeline was too stunned to speak.

She couldn't process what this man said just now.

Not only did he not introduce himself, he simply wanted her to break up with her (imaginary) boyfriend, he also wanted her?!

"A boyfriend is not good. I can't have you completely with a man disturbing us," the man continued, which triggered her even more.

"Sir, I don't know who you are, but I know you are a man of your word. You told me that you have no interest in sleeping with me," Madeline said. 

"Oh?" The man raised one brow playfully. "It's quite shocking that you're not as promiscuous as you portrayed yourself. Is it just a persona to get online attention?' 

Madeline's body stiffened. She shook her head to deny it. "Just because I don't want to sleep with you doesn't mean I'm a phony. You know that I have a boyfriend already, right?"

She was so glad that she mentioned an imaginary boyfriend she had on the talk show just now so she could use that as a reason to avoid this guy. "I don't want to cheat on him. I love him."

"That's why I said you need to break up with him. We can't sign a contract with a man that will limit your activity," the man said. 

"A contract?" Madeline suspiciously peered at him.

"Yes, I want to sponsor your career as a celebrity, so I want to give you a contract to work under my company, Empress Entertainment," the man said. 

Madeline gasped, "So, you are—"

The man smirked proudly. "Yes, I am the new CEO of Empress Entertainment, Lancelot Grant."

Madeline was trying to process what was happening right now.

She knew this man when she read an article about Empress Entertainment, one of the biggest entertainment companies in the United States, having a management reshuffle.

It was still owned by one of the richest families in the state, the Grant Family, so this guy must be one of the heirs. 

But she never saw his face because they didn't put it in the article, and she never even bothered to Google about him.

After all, she had no time to care about a random hot guy on the internet when she was busy dealing with crippling debt and depression. 

Besides, she never thought a disgraced actress like her would ever cross paths with a scion like him until now.

"With my company's connection, I can revitalize your career as an actress. You can also branch out to singing or modeling once the time calls for it," Lance said.

"… and?"

"And what?" 

"And what is the requirement for me to do?" Madeline asked. She wasn't a child, nor was she naïve enough to believe the words of a CEO posing as a salesman. "Surely, you won't give all those privileges without any requirement, right? Do you want to cut half of my earnings for the agency?"

It wasn't new for an entertainment company to contract an actor, singer, or even model so the company could manage them and give them gigs and other opportunities.

The company would keep at least thirty percent of the earnings in exchange. 

"Do you think I lack money?" Lance asked back. "Empress Entertainment already has enough projects to sustain itself for the next ten years. We're not short of money."

"Then what do you need me to do?" Madeline froze as she had a realization. "Or do you want me to perform… other things…?"

After she knew that Lance Grant seemed to have no interest in her, the only other explanation was his wanting to pimp her out to other big shots, probably those who could help him in his business. 

Madeline shivered, thinking she had to sell her body to earn money. Though she was playing as a skank on TV, she had a boundary that she refused to cross. 

She only wanted to have sex with a man that she loved. She was quite a hopeless romantic as well, who wanted to be loved, spoiled, and cared for during sex. 

So, if this man wanted to pimp her out, then she would probably spit on him and get the hell out!

 Lance's grin vanished instantly. "No, I'm not a pimp. Don't think so lowly of me. I bear no ill intention toward you."

"Then what do you want me to do in exchange for all those? Sir, I truly have no time for a guessing game," Madeline urged.


Lance didn't answer immediately. He stared at her from head to toe, wondering if this was the right choice.

But once he realized he needed this woman for his plan. 

"I need you to be my girlfriend," Lance said solemnly.