Chapter 170

Madeline glared at Zane while Diana wasn't looking, but Zane wasn't affected. He shrugged it off and said, "I just did what Maddy told me to do. She told me she's too busy at work, so I must accompany you while she isn't around, Mrs. Rose."

"As a good boyfriend, that's the least I can do, right?" Zane added while staring at Madeline with a provocative smile. 

Madeline clenched her fists. She could tolerate Zane being angry at her because she knew she was at fault for using him.

But she wouldn't tolerate him trying to implicate her sickly mother in their problem.

Madeline didn't want Diana to think that they were dating. So she turned towards her mother and wanted to clarify immediately, "Mom, I want to tell you something about Zane and me."

"Oh, don't worry about it, Maddy. Zane already told me everything," Diana said. "I should've been there to support you. I'm sorry, Maddy. I'll recover soon, so you don't need to worry about me."